In the shadows of the world-renowned heroic story, Sesame, an adorable and derpy fox spirit, who hoped to serve under a powerful and benevolent lord, instead encounters a chatterbox monk. On his journey to hunt for a job, Sesame meets an Auntie with a Dongbei accent, Old-man Huang who has had a moving love story, and a lumberjack-magically-turned-bear who fell for Auntie at first sight...
Aramiya Seiichi is an ordinary high school… eroge otaku who’s given up all hope on girls in the 3D world due to a certain incident. One day, after he’s bought a bunch of new material in consequence of experiencing the frustration of a perfect eroge character turning out to be “used goods,” he encounters a delinquent-like-looking girl being about to get raped by a bunch of guys. By mere chance, he rescues her. Days later, when school starts again, it turns out to have been his classmate, Ayame, a feared delinquent girl who’s got all kind of rumors about her – especially that she’s “used goods.” And it appears that she’s set on becoming his ideal girl to make him fall for her.
The story centers around Laxus Dreyar and the Thunder God Tribe
A 4-koma about the lives of the youkai at Youkai-Academy
Among the class transported to another world, Nagumo Hajime is an ordinary male student who didn’t have ambition nor aspiration in life, and thus called “Incompetent” by his classmates. The class was summoned to become heroes and save a country from destruction. Students of the class were blessed with cheat specifications and cool job class, however, it was not the case with Hajime, with his profession as a “Synergist”, and his very mediocre stats. “Synergist”, to put it in another word was just artisan class. Being the weakest, he then falls to the depth of the abyss when he and his classmates were exploring a dungeon. What did he find in the depth of the abyss, and can he survive?
The series starring one of illegitimate children of Kiryu Miyazawa, Ryuusei Nakamura. Years after Kiibo founded the new dojo, both him and Kiryu mysteriously disappeared. Ryuusei, after losing his mother to cancer, is set to find out about his birth father and his destiny as the evil dragon’s heir, but he is not the only one.
The series starring one of illegitimate children of Kiryu Miyazawa, Ryuusei Nakamura. Years after Kiibo founded the new dojo, both him and Kiryu mysteriously disappeared. Ryuusei, after losing his mother to cancer, is set to find out about his birth father and his destiny as the evil dragon’s heir, but he is not the only one.
In our current society, most porn consumers are males, we are the ones who think with our d***** many times, we worship the female body and our society, products, advertisements and many other things are centered around that. But, what if it wasn\'t that way? What if, instead of men being the ones controlled by their sexual urges, women were the ones who bought porn magazines and had the most interest in sex? What if the moral standards between men and women were reversed? A non-H adaptation of a doujinshi series with the same name.
With the laboratory, where individual researches come together, as a stage, an experimental sciences love comedy with laughs and kyun kyun, drawn by Yamamoto Alfred.