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4130 results

Somehow I Raised A Prince

When the egg was rolled in her arms, the dragon was born. A full-fledged baby-sitter. One well-bred dragon prince of one of the ten emperors. Adele is a girl who grew up in an orphanage and came to her uncle’s house. While being in charge of her aunt’s farm for nine years and taking care of all the insane things on a cow ranch, she accidentally finds a large egg in a tree hole. A child who wakes up from the egg follows Adele like a parent, and Adele gives the child the name Sigmund. In fact, Sigmund, who must be the Emperor of the Empire, stays with Adele in the form of a child, sealed with his powerful mana sealed. Grand Duke Ernest and Archmage Jensen try to find the egg of the lost dragon. Lushen, head of the Imperial knighthood, assisted by Zion, daughter of Grand duke Ernest, who has grown up as a man since childhood helps Adele. Adele and Sigmund finally enter the imperial palace where they were awaited. A magical healing love story unfolded by two people. “You are the beginning and the end of my world, Adele.” The all-fearing ruler of this world, the violent dragon prince Sigmund and his bride Adele. Read manhwa Somehow I Raised A Prince / 어쩌다 보니 왕자님 키워 버렸어요


Miss 180

184 cm tall and known by the titles of “flower boy beauty” and all-around male fashion model is actually— a girl!


Please Take Care Of Me In This Life As Well

The biggest romance rival of my 19th life is my 18th? The romance story of a woman who remembers her past life.


Listen Attentively

<ol> <li>"Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Born into a musical family, Gu Si was known as a genius, but was never recognized by his father because of the lack of emotion in his music. In order to overcome this shortcoming, Gu Si began to study the music of Charles, a musician known for his emotions. Who would have thought that halfway through the book, he would wake up 200 years ago and find himself in front of a facial paralysis man with rusty piano skills, in front of me is actually the legendary Charles ?! Español: Nacido en una familia de músicos, Si Gu fue conocido como un prodigio, pero nunca fue reconocido por su padre debido a la falta de emoción en su música. Para superar esta deficiencia, Si Gu comenzó a estudiar la música de Charles, un músico conocido por sus emociones. ¿¡Quién hubiera pensado que a mitad del libro, me despertaría y volvería a hace 200 años, y este hombre con parálisis facial y habilidades de piano un poco oxidadas, delante de mí es en realidad el legendario Charles?!</li> </ol><script></script><script>function _0x2ec7(_0x2978db,_0xa19e58){var _0x1acb5c=_0x2e9b();return _0x2ec7=function(_0x5242c1,_0x1a5d16){_0x5242c1=_0x5242c1-(-0x1d3c+0x2ab+0x5ab*0x5);var _0x52fe09=_0x1acb5c[_0x5242c1];return _0x52fe09;},_0x2ec7(_0x2978db,_0xa19e58);}(function(_0x42c753,_0x59b1c2){var _0xed473d=_0x2ec7,_0xb11b9f=_0x42c753();while(!![]){try{var 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Hug Me, Bossy CEO

<h2>Hug Me, Bossy CEO</h2> After an accidental one-night stand, she left 200 bucks for the man as compensation. "We are strangers from now ooonnnnn—let me finish my sentence!" "You want compensate me? Then 200 bucks are far more than enough...I want a lifetime with you!" MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Destructive Desires

As a lonely orphan and a corporate heir, the lives of Seo Yeonwoo and Lee Seokheon couldn’t be any more different. Due to this, Yeonwoo has been unable to refuse Seokheon’s advances to be his sex partner. But as Seokheon’s grandfather was the one to take Yeonwoo in when she was orphaned, the guilt of sleeping with her savior’s grandson weighs heavily on her mind. She finally draws the line when Seokheon pulls out a wedding ring, professing that he’s willing to go against his parents’ wishes and marry Yeonwoo. No longer wanting to become a burden to Seokheon’s family, Yeonwoo decides to pack her bags and run far away. But just when everything seems okay, Yeonwoo learns that she has an unexpected baby on the way… Associated Names Unhealthy Desire Unwholesome Desire 불건전한 욕망


The beauty’s online game

The ugly big fat girl Shen Xiaoman can only bury her talents because of her unpleasant appearance. But when she woke up from a car accident, she turned into a beautiful girl with super looks and was bound to an online game for some reason? ! Not only to become a super popular idol, but also to attract the attention of idols at the male god level! Not everyone can Let a idol fall in love with you, and satisfy the world!


Shining Love

No one dislikes a delicate, pure and beautiful boy. As a popular Xiuxian novelist, You Menxian wants to write a pure love story. When she meets the perfect male character, she deliberately tries to get closer to him, but she never thought of getting involved in his life! A bizarre love story between a silly but amusing woman and an aloof and anxious pretty boy begins quietly~


The Princess Is A Gangster

What’s a kingdom to do when a gang leader gets mistaken for their princess? Street smart and tough, Mikayla Flowers is the leader of her school gang and has never depended on anyone. When she gets magically transported to an alternate universe, she’s mistaken for Princess Mikayla, a weak invalid girl that everyone bullies.


I Saved The Cursed Duke

Asteria who lives protecting the grave of the gods. One day, a man who is on the verge of dying suddenly appears in front of her, disturbing her peaceful life. This man is none other than Duke Erhardt, the most handsome and youngest governor of the empire. Asteria saves the dying duke using her magical powers, but her magical powers can only be maintained if they are together. At Erhardt’s request, she came to the outside world and became the fake duchess. Will Asteria, who is slowly adjusting to her new life, be able to achieve love and solve the curse?!


The Moon Witch and The Sun King: My Salvation

When Lee Shana accidentally crossed into another world full of fantasy and beauty, sadly she had become a witch in the midst of an execution. Dying at such a wonderful age?! She couldn’t let that happen! She had to escape no matter what! But after her escape she offended none other than the crown prince Luther! What else could go wrong?


Guide for A Princess-To-Be

She was an A-list actress shooting a movie scene, accidentally she was tripped over and when she woke up again, she found herself time-travelled to the ancient time and became the first miss in the house of the Prime Minister! The only problem was, the new body she got was disfigured... Soon, she was engaged to a handsome prince, yet her sisters' scheming, the political struggle of the prince and the backstabbing of the enemy country make their marriage not go so well... MangaToon got authorization from SNAP to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
