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4042 results

Heavenly Match

From: Easy Going Scans A young girl accidentally awakens a guardian spirit sealed within a sword. Together they will face many challenges in order to complete a mysterious mission given by the gods. They meet other summoners and spirits, face demons, and details about their past lives are revealed.


Guest Gun

No.1 Killer Kim Gun falls into the world of Murim due to a mysterious accident In order to return to the Earth from which he came from, he learns that he must complete the mission of “conquering Murim“. With two guns, Kim Gun’s adventure to settle the unfamiliar world of Murim begins.


Picking Up A Shool Beauty To Be Wife

one of the China’s first secret soldier, Luo Feng returns to the city, becoming the most successful student in Zijing middle school! there are so many school beauties, which one of them can get into his eyes?


The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud

Read manhwa The Archduke’s Gorgeous Wedding Was a Fraud / 그 대공의 화려한 결혼은 사기 When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a crate about to be sold as a slave in an auction. It was going well when the novel’s male lead burst in and saved me, but all of a sudden, this man asked me to marry him. “” Please be my wife and show this empire your worst behaviour, so wicked that no one would dare to approach me when they see you.”” “” What’s in it for me?”” “” I’ll give you 10 billion.”” What the F..X..? Welcome, dear customer! I would gladly uphold the ‘crazy bitch’ reputation to drive away those stalker fans just to live a comfortable life. However- “” I can’t imagine my life without you now.”” Seems like I somehow failed to protect the male lead, and instead acquired him for myself! Will acting as a villainess with all my might bring me money, power, fame, and even love?

3 days ago

Falling to Where I Belong

Heart warningly honest Cheng Fei Chi X A proud and an innocent Zhen Ye Ming, a youngster who doesn't think that relations are important. their love will never change! 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Come Over Tonight: Melting Down My Ice Cold Boss

All I need in life is a decent job and some money.Or that's what I thought. Sayako Tono, who works as a chief at a company, has been living a frugal life unrelated to romance. Sayako comforts her subordinates disciplined by Director Yukisada, who is rumored to be good-looking but very strict, but she also realizes his kindness. One day, Sayako comes home to find her apartment in trouble and finds out that the new landlord is Yukisada. "Would you like to stay at my place until you find the next room?" A cohabit love comedy between a handsome cool boss and a caring girl!Published by Comicle Original


The Saintess And The Curse

Read manhwa The Saintess And The Curse at Manga Zin The description of the comics “The Saintess And The Curse Manhwa”: Velota Rosebet, the admired saint of the Lunhardt Empire, is marked by a terrible curse: she must receive the essence of a man once a month. Her secret is revealed during a full moon night by Saiden Blackwood, the leader of the order of holy knights, who has harbored a deep love for her. Overcome by anger towards the curse, Saiden decides to take on the task of freeing her. Will he be able to fulfill his oath and restore Velota’s freedom? “The Saintess And The Curse Manhwa” is sames name: The Holy Lady, the Curse Saint, Curse 성녀, 저주

3 days ago

I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life

I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life Florentia was reincarnated as the illegitimate child of the richest family in the empire. She had thought that everything would go well in the future. But her father had passed away, her relatives left her at the doorsteps, and the honourable family she was so proud of was completely ruined…. But is this real? She drank a little (a lot) and was hit by a carriage, When she opened her eyes again, she was seven years old? Moreover, the Second Prince, who was the enemy of her family in her previous life is following her around like a dog! I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life, En cette vie, je deviendrai la cheffe de famille, I Will Become the Mistress of This Life, Ibeonsaeng-eun Gajuga Doegessseubnida, In This Life, I Will Be Lord, In This Life, I Will Be the Lord, In This Life, I’ll Become the Head of the Family, Nesta vida, eu serei a matriarca, В этой жизни я – глава семьи, На сей раз я – хозяйка этой жизни, Я стану хозяйкой этой жизни, 이번 생은 가주가 되겠습니다 Search for series of same genre(s) Welcome to MangaGG site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhwa trending  such as Drama, Manhua, Manga, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhwa new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhwa Hot ), MangaGG is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !


Kakao 79%

Ayano, Tsubasa and Ichinose, Yuu are childhood friends. Since they were kids, they were inseparable. But one day they have to part each other’s way because both of them are transferring homes. Clueless of where they will transfer, they were shocked when they see each other going to the same school from the place they transferred in.


Spring River Flowers and Moonlight

A thousand years ago, a little boy lost his life to save a fox. A thousand years later, a scholar met a beautiful young man whose beauty amazed the country. Spring rivers and the alluring sceneries, is it just an illusory and a greedy dream in the mirror? And What exactly are love and eternity? Instead of being overwhelmed by thousands of thoughts, it is better to forget and to enjoy the time right now.


The One I Yearn For

Poor girl x cold-hearted beauty.


Dimensional Mercenary ( Other World Warrior )

Would you like to find a job? Even at the cost of your soul? If so, then you’ve found the right place. Our job hunting advice website, Soul Sellers, is a site geared towards those willing to even sell their souls for employment; that’s right, people like you. Are you dealing with angels or demons?30-year old freeloader Chul Ho Kang made a deal through this shady site, even selling his soul for the chance at what else? Money! An invitation to the other world for the weak and downtrodden of society for a chance to change their lot in life! That is the mission given to Chul Ho Kang!
