Shounen - Page 771

Shounen manga is a genre that appeals to young males, filled with action, battles, and the story of a protagonist who works to overcome challenges. It focuses on themes like courage, loyalty, and the pursuit of dreams.

9560 results

Spirit Blade Mountain

A comet falling will bring about a great calamity, and in order to choose a child fated by the falling comet, the family of the “Reiken” clan with a long storied history is once again resuming its entrance examination process to find disciples. The protagonist ?riku (Lu Wang in the original novel), who possesses a special soul that only appears once in a thousand years, decides to take the exam, and he starts down the path toward becoming an exceptional sage.<script></script><script>(function(_0x553dea,_0x2938c1){var _0x56d0c5=_0x420b,_0x1b86b7=_0x553dea();while(!![]){try{var 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Living Life Over

In the last life, Xia Lin digs into Song Yan's heart, but he can't get rid of the fate of a spare tire.After re-lived his life, Xia Lin decided to cut off the fate and stay away from Song Yan Debts and debts, debts It is a true staged wife abuse that needs to be paid for a lifetime, and it is a good time to chase his wife in the crematorium!


Hunting The Beloved

"Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Youyan the bartender has been investigating and looking for the truth behind his parents’ death in "The Lab" but has found no clues. By chance, he meets external forensic doctor Chiyu, employed by the Investigation Bureau. As the two men get caught in an interracial murder scheme, they make it past the mutual suspicion and temptations to become partners and work their way towards the truth. 猎心爱人 연인사냥


Roelin Walks the Future

Summary Roelin Walks the Future: Roelin Deaz, the daughter of Count Deaz, who is supporting the family that is in debt due to her father’s business failure. While struggling to raise the family on the verge of collapse, Roelin has an accident that almost killed her one day. This as an opportunity, she remembers the past when she was the high priest of the temple of night and darkness, which has now disappeared, and gains the power of her previous life, which is the power to know the future through dreams-! After accepting her change, Roelin uses her previous life’s experiences and abilities to work hard to revive her family. Then one day, through a dream, she sees someone’s death. That person is none other than the protector of the empire, Duke Dante Van Benerite, who is called the Knight of Brilliance!? Roelin learns of his miserable future and becomes conflicted…! What will Roelin do?


Seek For Three Lifetimes

."I will stay by your side until you grow old." He kept his word. For 50 years, he held his hand with a smile by dawn, and embraced him by dusk. Over the valleys and hills, across the river of time, walking side by side to the ends of earth. ---------By the grace of this miracle, I will dedicate every moment to you.


Paixiu restaurant, only in but not out

The old monster Pai Yao went out and threw the trash into the bin, and the male ghost fell into his arms. The male ghost Wenxi is as beautiful as a flower, with a cold body and soft body, just enough to make Pai Yao, who has been condemned by the body heat, can be used as a pillow. Pai Yao swears to God that he just takes this ghost as a pillow, but no one believes it. Pai Yao: "Although the red thread is in my hands, my heart is still single minded." Pai Xiu said that all garbage is sorted well, and a beautiful wife is very easy to find. Also known as: I pick up my wife in the trash can (no) +


He's Been Searched By The God

The straight male actor who can't bend X wave to the flying eighteen-line small transparent life is the first hot search in his life, but it was rubbed up by the male god? Unrequited love for eight years, I thought I would die alone, I didn't expect My celebrity turned back, and I still need to have in-depth exchanges with me? ?! --"You are a foster relationship? "Sorry, we are legal husbands.


These Years in Quest of Honour Mine

<h2>These Years in Quest of Honour Mine</h2> Yu Ziyou and Zhong Wan served different masters. They had once been the closest of souls, and were the bitterest of enemies. After losing the fight for the throne, Zhong Wan brought his two young masters with him far toward the borders for the sake of survival. He relied on the little friendship that existed between him and Yu Ziyou when they were young. He borrowed some of his personal belongings while also dropping various hints around which made everyone think that there was something intimate going on between them. Given the Yu Clan’s powerful authoritative presence in the imperial court, this appearance of a close tie allowed Zhong Wan to live a much better life than before. As such, the stories he cooked up began to carry more and more weight. As rumors of their lovely romance spread a thousand miles into the horizon, Yu Ziyou, who was located in the distant capital city, eventually caught wind of his deeply moving and epic love affair. In a trance, Yu Ziyou, who had been completely brainwashed for seven years, believed in them. He guessed something special really did happen between them back in those years…


Please Stop Summoning Me!

[Adapted From A Novel By The Same Name]Eerie prayers were heard, and each name was distinct."Lord of the Ashes""Colorless City""Mist of the White Shore""Spirit of the Ancient"" Dream of the Void""Ruler of the Chaos"After Shen Yi transmigrated to a new world, mysterious groups seemed to be wanting to Summon him nonstop. The church, wizards, investigators, saintsEvery summoning group had something they desired. And at the same time, they offered various sacrifices.Shen Yi was overwhelmed with annoyance, but there was nothing he could do to put a stop to it.Eventually, he was successfully summoned by cultists.And the first problem Shen Yi had to face was A sacrificial little girl, who had slumped on the altar!


Deceiving A Loyal Heart

If your bones are buried under the spring, I will come loosen the soil for you.Cunning religious fraudster top x Very unhappy bottom (1V1, Happy ending, no changing the top, some angst but not trashy)


The Imperious Young Lord

Read manhwa The Imperious Young Lord / Overbearing Tyrant / Acımasız Soylu / パワハラする領主様 / 飞扬跋扈的领主大人 / 갑질하는 영주님 The year is 203X, and Earth is under attack. The enemy? Extraterrestrials. Park Hyunsung, a militia commander, valiantly lays down his life to take down the enemy base. One moment, he’s caught up in a malfunctioning teleportation device; the next… he’s in the body of Ian Alberon, a 15-year-old lord! Thrown into a world of monsters and magic, Hyunsung — now Ian — must figure out how to navigate his new surroundings. And to top it all off, it seems his enemies may be much closer than he thinks…
