Read manhwa I Tried To Eat With The Male Lead and Ran Away I was starving and went to the temple to beg. Suddenly, the temple began to collapse. As I was about to go out in a hurry, but a candy that seemed to smell sweet rolled around. When I picked it up and opened my eyes again, There was a man called a demon without blood or tears in front of me. “If you ate it, you should take responsibility, right?”” I have to give it back somehow before this crazy guy cuts my belly. “The most effective way of exchanging strong power between humans is through physical contact. The representative and most effective way is to sleep… … to-?” The end her voice automatically slipped. With a slow smile, he stretches out his hand, and becomes confused. “This is true. I can’t help it.” “What? What?”” “You read it yourself. A Solution.” “…Yes?” “Step by step, shall we try?”” Enchanted by his beautiful face and deep eyes I couldn’t even ask how to try step by step. Are you… are you a villain who destroys the world with your beauty?
One day the world perished, and a group of monsters emerged to control the whole world. In this eschatology, a group of people awakened and each acquired different special abilities. They are constantly escalating in the struggle, trying to save the world. 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<span class="mx-1">The Double Agent </span> <div class="row m-0 py-1 px-0 border-top"> <div class="col-lg-9 col-xl-10">Sasha becomes a spy after losing everything in the war. She was found by John, the leader of the war and a demon officer with the face of an angel, but...! The spy is caught by the enemy country and becomes a double agent!</div> </div> <div class="row m-0 py-1 px-0 border-top"></div>
This Time I’ll Live as I Wish / Eu vou viver minha vida como eu quiser / I Will Live My Life as I Wish / I Will Live This Life According to My Will / I Will Live This Life as I Wish / This Time I Will Live as I Wish / 今度は悪女だなんて呼ばせません! / 魔女今生要随心所欲 / 이번 생은 내 뜻대로 살겠다 When Erina gets adopted by Marquess Sinor because of her magic abilities, she didn’t realize her life was only about to get much worse. After years of abuse and torment from the Marquess, Erina is on the verge of breaking down. Just when she decides to end it all, Erina is visited by her past self: Marystella, the powerful witch who once ruled the entire kingdom. Marystella asks Erina if she could help her reveal the truth behind her death. In return, she promises Erina to make her the greatest sorcerer that the world has ever seen. No more suffering, no more pain; Erina is about to do whatever she pleases with her newfound power!
The man surrounded by rumors that he’s the ugliest man of the century, he’s half-killed people because of his violent personality, he’s a psychopath, yes, was quite a dangerous man.
One day, I became the heroine of a love simulation game, Deborah. After seeing that I would be sent back to my world after achieving a Happy Ending, I finally managed to receive the confession of the male leads through many struggles. [ Normal Ending achieved! ] ‘What? Normal ending? Didn’t the happy ending with the female lead and male lead end well?!’ The second round started again after failing to achieve a happy ending. ‘Oh, I don’t know, tell them to stop this!’ It’s none of their business to decide my life. I have to be happy! Unlike the first round, I’m going to do what I want to do… But aren’t the male leads acting a bit weird?! First Round in the Dating Simulator is Enough!
Return of the Female Knight Elena, who spent her entire life as a cold-blooded female knight to avenge her family, ended up dying without claiming her revenge. When she opened her eyes she found that she went back into the past. By day she was a lady in a dress, and at night she carried a sword to change history and prevent her family’s destruction. “I want to marry you, Your Highness,” she said to the crown prince. She would do this to save her family. Return of the Female Knight ROTFK 돌아온 여기사
<span class="mx-1">Please Save My Husband </span> The ideal husband; a romantic wedding day; a perfect honeymoon... Everything looks as if it's going in the right direction, but instead I'm suddenly living a fantasy?!! Hahahaha, what the hell's going on?! Every time I fail a quest, I'm thrown right back to the beginning of the mission! Where exactly is this heading!? To protect my husband, Yeoyun, and stop travelling back in time, I must control this marriage and the in-laws!
Surviving as Twin Sisters / 쌍둥이 왕녀로 살아남기 I brutally betrayed by my twin sister, who I considered as my other half. The night of my framing and subsequent death, I wished from the bottom of my heart… ” May I never again be born as a royal twin.” But out of nowhere, I travelled back to the past?! I was just a meek girl who never dreamed of overthrowing my older sister for the throne. So why did I…?
The Grand Duke of the North Wants to be Loved , 북부 대공님은 사랑 받고 싶어 Allen Pratt, the cold-blooded northern Duke. He’s the unlucky prince who was exiled to the north because he could not inherit the throne. Thus he turns dark, turning into the villain of this world. He said that he’ll wreck havoc in the future, but… I was the only one who knew. No matter how evil he is, I am certain. He’s the person who can both save me and the story. My only .
Read manhwa I See Your Death / 잔자 작가님 After an accident, Eshana Ash has started seeing person’s lifespan. The date and sign of the person’s death would appear above their head. If the letters were black, she could help, and sometimes save the villagers from danger. “It’s better not to go to the lake today. It’s too cold for going boating,” she said. That man was to die today by drowning in the lake. She saved many of her people this way, so whenever she did, the people in her village would gather around and praise her and would tell her. “You really must be a child from heaven!” Well, I’m not particularly blessed to see death. However, if there is something that cannot be changed, it’s the lifespan shown in red. “Save me.” 422 years of the imperial calendar, a peaceful evening. A bloody man lying in the front yard of the house. And clearer than that blood, is her lifespan. [427/Sign: Eshana] Why is my name there?
<span class="mx-1">Our Team Is Last Place Anyway </span> After much disappointment in supporting a baseball team that earns last place season after season, Shin Seung Ah is determined to quit being a fan. However, after kissing Choi Jon during the kiss cam in a spur of the moment decision, the team suddenly sees a miraculous come-from-behind victory. Realizing that a stronger physical connection between herself and Choi Jon leads to positive effects on the team, she decides to initiate the "Team Winning Project"!