Hanna, a Chef of a famous restaurant in London was one of the bomb terror victims. When she woke up, she became Choi Songyi, the daughter of a minister war affairs of the Joseon Kingdom. The Crown Prince of the Joseon kingdom, Lee Pyo has a extraordinary talent. His sense of smell and taste are very sensitive, he never forgets the taste and aroma of the food he only eats once. 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Gao Jing, you\'re a maniac. Almost exactly like Gao Sheng was. In your eyes, is the world truly so horrid, horrid enough that you\'ll go to such extremes to save it? Gao Jing, are these the rules you\'ve laid down for every sect under the sun? You\'re so delusional your plans are something not even your great grandfather would\'ve dreamed off. So be it then, go and execute your plan, I want to see, if all the sects in the world will be brought to their knees in front of you, or if the Jin dynasty will be destroyed by your very hands!
From Aerandria Scans: Young master Hewlett is a famous work-a-holic watch-maker whose one dream is to make watches only for people who appreciate and love them. And exactly when he thought he’d never meet such a person, his faithful butler Jill made him attend a tea-party where he met the new maid Mulara. And her first words were that her greatest treasure ever is one of master Hewlett’s old watches…
There is a rumor about a mysterious organisation in the martial world, the Success Agency. In reality, it's only run by a boss with the features of a child, and a reticent warrior, yet it dominates the leaderboards of bounty hunts in the martial world, and is well known all over. What is the secret behind their success? When their competitors come looking for trouble, where would their paths lie?
Leerang has had a lot of bad luck, but getting tricked into being buried alive as the bride of a ghost might really take the cake. Leerang is tied to the ghost by a red string of fate, and somewhere between the world of the living and the dead, she’s slowly dying. Just then a blue snake appears and tells her that she can return to the living if she ties herself to him instead. But there’s a reason Tajin has been sealed beneath the earth for the past three hundred years, and now she has no choice but to find out why. Blue Snake's Red Moon / Puleunbaemui Bulgeundal / Ular Biru Bulan Merah / Красная луна синей змеи / 푸른뱀의 붉은달
tory Line: I the sensational genius came to the school to find a job! I was proficient in eight languages since I was a child, I passed the judicial examination in high school, and was omnipotent in all I do. I was invincible, you could say I was a genius of the ages that comes once every century. However, the only thing this genius does not possess is EQ- Emotional Quotation. One day, this genius was caught up with some delinquents. terrible kids..terrible!.During the fight, I couldn’t avoid the bat swinging at my head and fainted. When I woken up again a cat appears before me. the symbol of Bastet, I found that I had crossed to Ancient Egypt, what is going on here? ” please, is this cat yours?” a young handsome man came towards me, asking about the cat. “sir, you dress funny..are you one of them Romans?” who knew I would fall in love with this guy. what a mess.
Read manhwa The Saintess Became the Northern Grand Duke’s Daughter Born Again to Escape, and to Heal a Broken Heart Liriette, blessed with divine power that could heal others through her blood, had spent her short life as nothing more than a tool for a cruel High Priest. Her end came quietly, used and discarded. But one day, she opened her eyes… and she was 10 years old again. “This time, I will never let the horrors of my past repeat themselves.” Determined to escape the clutches of the High Priest, Liriette sought refuge in the farthest corner of the empire, with none other than Duke Windsorice, the ruler of the cold and mysterious North. “I can heal your eyes. Please, let me stay by your side.” At first, it was simply a desperate attempt to escape her dreadful fate. Yet, as time passed, her hopes and dreams began to grow beyond mere survival. “Would you… become my daughter?” With trembling hands and a soft voice, Liriette asked, “What would you gain from me as your daughter?” The Duke’s lips curled into the faintest smile. “A kind and beautiful daughter.” Follow the heartwarming journey of a lonely girl who finds her home and happiness as the beloved daughter of the empire’s coldest Duke. Watch as the once-unfeeling ruler becomes the ultimate doting father, melting the icy North with his newfound love.
All the bosses are annoying! The reincarnated strongest magician\'s trampling and subjugation begins! Hazen Heim, a newly appointed imperial general, is demoted to the front line because he is a commoner. There were a lot of incompetent people, such as \"a trash superior who takes advantage of his position to steal the achievements of his subordinates\", \"an evil subordinate who keeps bullying people below him\", and \"a top who is too opportunistic to do anything\'\'. However, Hazen has the experience and overwhelming ability as the strongest magician that he cultivated in his previous life. He slaughters his malevolent subordinates in accordance with military law, and completely refutes his superiors who complain. He achieved extraordinary results, such as making peace with a hostile tribe by teaming up with a genius girl, and defeated all the annoying bosses! An exhilarating upstart fantasy about an unscrupulous superior!
Read manhwa Lady’s Court / 아씨의 법정 During the exciting days of preparing to become the Crown Princess, my family faced ruin when my father was falsely accused of treason. Barely escaping with my life, I assumed the identity of a distant male relative and began living as an oejibu (lawyer). But… my disguise as a man suited me perfectly, and my skills and resourcefulness as an oejibu were unmatched! With a perfect track record, I, Kang Eunsan, became a renowned oejibu. One night, I crossed paths with a scholar named Lee Chosi, who had the audacity to criticize oejibus as “a dirty group driven by greed.” To make matters worse, he challenged me to prove that oejibus are essential to the people—by winning three cases in a row! A Joseon-era courtroom romance, The Lady’s Courtroom.
“It seems I must kill you, Your Grace.“ Inas has always been Duke Nigel Montestein’s most faithful knight. But when Nigel is betrayed and killed by Inas, he wakes up a year before his supposed death. Nigel’s quick to realize this isn’t a mere case of time travel however, and the only one who has answers is the man who betrayed him!
As a child, Thorfinn sat at the feet of the great Leif Ericson and thrilled to wild tales of a land far to the west. But his youthful fantasies were shattered by a mercenary raid. Raised by the Vikings who murdered his family, Thorfinn became a terrifying warrior, forever seeking to kill the band's leader, Askeladd, and avenge his father. Sustaining Throfinn through his ordeal are his pride in his family and his dreams of a fertile westward land, a land without war or slavery... the land Leif called Vinland. Note: Was nominated for the 2008 Manga Taisho award. Won the Grand Prize in the manga division of the Japan Media Arts awards in 2009. Won the 36th Kodansha Manga Award for Best General Manga in 2012.
An impoverished countryman side-by-side with the members of the Estates General. The aristocrat, Georges, who will use any means to achieve his purpose. A man who wants to change the country, and a man who wants to destroy it: both begin their journey. Will their joint efforts of love and hatred, justice and evil, lead them into a hell of bloodshed, or an ideal future?