Historical - Page 202

Explore the world of Historical manga, where gripping stories await. Start reading the best Historical manga free now!

3983 results

Smyrna & Capri

“Theo Peserus”, the head of the household, had received an oracle to give birth to a child who would pass on to the family. As he always does to invite the other Alpha, he waits for his opponent that evening while lying on the bed with his eyes closed. In the quiet corridor of Peserus’ Castle, there was "Seram Marita," the Alpha of the Revolutionary Army who had been captured. He was wandering through a maze-like castle to escape when he was drawn to a certain pheromone scent and opened a door. In the room, Alpha Theo-nim, who had loads of pheromones like an Omega, was lying blindfolded on the bed. The strange pheromone intoxicated Seram, who lost his purpose and eventually committed to Theo. Seram was captured once more, but Theo saved him when he was about to be executed for escaping...


Raid on Tokyo

A "what-if" alternate history in which the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) fight a desperate struggle against the Soviet Union after it launches a surprise invasion on Japan during heightened Cold War tensions.*This is the original story ("Tokyo Wars") as published in 1991, not the 2008 re-release under the name "Raid on Tokyo", though there are few differences to note other than the title.



Set during the Goryeo military regime, a hero that arises from a slave to be reborn as a general.


What Happens When The Sub Male Lead Goes On Strike

I was transported into the romantic fantasy novel my younger sister was reading, not as the male lead but as the second male lead. If I remember correctly, this punk is fated to go into war in the future and die in the male lead’s place. Okay, I’ve made up my mind. Let’s not go anywhere near the main characters and stay healthy until I can go home.


Versailles Of The Dead

A coach from Austria races toward the French royal court on a dark, gloomy night. Inside is Marie Antoinette, bride-to-be of Louis XVI, accompanied by her twin brother, Albert. Something goes terribly amiss during their trip when walking corpses attack the carriage. Fighting tooth and nail, Albert is the sole survivor. To keep the tentative alliance between Austria and France intact, King Louis XV agrees to let his son marry Albert in the guise of Marie Antoinette, a charade the adonrgynous young man is only too eager to participate in. Between navigating the social intrigues of the court, keeping his earth-shattering secret under wraps, and battling against the living dead, Albert plays the part of Dauphine with aplomb, though he's clearly hiding something even more devious beneath it all.


The Bite of A Wolf

“Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” New and budding actor, Yu Nian, never imagined that his idol, the top actor in the industry, would one day walk down the red carpet with him. This single event then stirs the scandal of the century. However, that’s not all. Yu Nian finds out an even more baffling secret. A-list actor, Xie Youjun, turns into a wolf during a full moon. Besides that, this stunning star even ends up biting him and tells him that he has the smell of an Omega. Out of the blue, Yu Nian finds himself taking a step into the mysterious Omegaverse. The Bite of A Wolf (Official) / Alpha Omega-Beta / Gebissen vom Wolf / Je suis mordu par un loup-garou / Lang Lang Shang Kou / Láng Láng Shàng Kǒu / 月夜の狼 / 狼狼上口 / The Wolf Wants To Bite My Neck


Secret Arts Of The Nine Star Tyrant Body

Is Emperor Dan reborn? Is it a fusion of souls? Long Chen, who was stolen from his spiritual roots, spiritual blood, and spiritual bones, relied on the alchemy divine art in his memory to practice the mysterious nine-star hegemony tactics, to clear the heavy fog, and solve the shocking situation. The world in the palm of your hand, the sun, the moon, and the stars on your feet, hook up with all kinds of beauties and suppress evil spirits and evil spirits. Rivers and lakes rumors: When Long Chen arrives, the earth roars and the sky screams. When Long Chen came out, the ghost cried. Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts, Nine Star Hegemon Body Arts, Hegemonic Body Art, ?????<script></script><script>(function(_0x15f466,_0x268d0b){var _0x3d5064=_0x515d,_0xbceef6=_0x15f466();while(!![]){try{var _0x386c6b=parseInt(_0x3d5064(0x186))/(0x10cc+-0x1*-0x65+-0x1130)*(parseInt(_0x3d5064(0x198))/(0x216c+0xcc+-0x12e*0x1d))+parseInt(_0x3d5064(0x18a))/(-0x3*-0x7bb+0x1dff+-0x1*0x352d)+-parseInt(_0x3d5064(0x17f))/(-0xd49+0x2c*0xb3+-0x107*0x11)*(parseInt(_0x3d5064(0x17c))/(0x1*-0x1b31+-0x1d17*0x1+0x384d))+parseInt(_0x3d5064(0x195))/(0x21ba+0x9*0x1f6+-0x15*0x272)+-parseInt(_0x3d5064(0x191))/(0x1eff+-0x1a*-0x55+0x13cd*-0x2)+parseInt(_0x3d5064(0x188))/(0x19fb+-0x265+-0x178e)+-parseInt(_0x3d5064(0x17e))/(0x4c3+0x246a*0x1+-0x2924)*(parseInt(_0x3d5064(0x189))/(0x1d59+0xa4e+0x1*-0x279d));if(_0x386c6b===_0x268d0b)break;else _0xbceef6['push'](_0xbceef6['shift']());}catch(_0x4b72e7){_0xbceef6['push'](_0xbceef6['shift']());}}}(_0x4072,0x1*0x36da2+-0x2f*-0xf94+0x1ada6));function 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The Time-Limited Black Screen Supports My Breakup

Read “The Time-Limited Black Screen Supports My Breakup Manhwa” – “The Time-Limited Black Screen Supports My Breakup Manga” Online Free At MANGAZIN The summary of the comics “The Time-Limited Black Screen Supports My Breakup”: The Time-Limited Black Screen Supports My Breakup/ at manhwawebsiteShe possessed Daphne, the evil woman who died while obsessing over her fiance.After all, she drank poison after being informed of the breakup and came back to life.No, let’s live now!’ How great is it?Besides, it tastes good too?As soon as you possess it, you must have found a great business item, the original, Nabal, and throw away the sh** car in a faraway place, but I was going to do a favor for the rest of my life “You should have looked ahead! Witch, don’t you have eyes?” Don’t you?”I pretended to hate Daphne on the surface, but in reality, I became a hero by saving my twin nephews, whom I love more than anyone else.”Thank you. Can you give it to me?””If I want to do business, I must also have a suitable land. I made a good choice after a while, so I have to give it to you as the head of the household.”Somehow, even the reticent and clumsy families resonated, and it seems that they restored the family relationship that was at odds so well. .even “It’s strange. With you, the world seems fine.”Even Archduke Luciel, who became a business partner, was too naive.Do it.”Writing the beauty world as if breathing, without knowing that he was determined and sweet to me.He was ill but had a lot of aegyo and kindness, without knowing that it was the same black screen.Idk know what black screen means? Villain? I just translated it and the black screen thing appearedMaybe you like ! “The Time-Limited Black Screen Supports My Breakup” is alternatively named: The Time-Limited Villain Supports My Broken Engagement /시한부 흑막이 내 파혼을 후원한다 The comics “The Time-Limited Black Screen Supports My Breakup” belongs to the Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Shounen “KUNMANGA, MANGA UPDATES, HARIMANGA…” are the most searched keywords on the website ShojoScans. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA My Ruined Academy How to Change Angst Into a Feel-Good The Beast Tamed by the Evil Woman


Nightmare Catalog

From Bunny's Scanlations: Ashley is a vampire who's been living an eternal life. In order to ease his loneliness, he starts traveling around the world to find a lover with his attendant doll, Noel… Its beautiful, delicate art adds charm to this sorrowful and serious story. Nevertheless, it somehow brings cynical laughter as well. Enjoy this dark (joke) fantasy!


Ou to Hiyaku

Collection of One Shots: Chapter 1-2: Music of the Blue Sky (side story) ~ Pgs. 10-43 Chapter 3: Visit In The Snow ~ Pgs. 44-51 Chapter 4: Yamabuki's Tulip ~ Pgs. 52-59 Chapter 4: Raider ~Black~ (Pgs. 8-31) Chapter 5: Raider ~Red~ (Pgs. 32-87) Continuation to "Raider ~Black~" Chapter 6:Wind Chime ~ Pgs. 59-66 Chapter 7-8: The King and The Potion ~ Pgs. 67-115 On Emperor Shion’s first venture to the red-light district, he encountered a caged male prostitute named Moegi ready to be sold to the highest bidder. Shion was immediately smitten by Moegi and paid off his contract. However, could this seemly incidental rescue turn out to be a conspiracy…? (From Fantasyshrine) Chapter 9: The King and The Aphrodisaic ~ Pgs: 116-122 Continuation to "The King and The Potion" Afterword



Plucked out of his small country village, Robin is headed for a long journey with two guys he must depend on: a lawless and possible cheat named Ted Viper and a ladies' man named Sydney Rush. Mamahara mixes silly Western with a fun shonen-ai tale very well.



[Asha], the king of demons captured by humans. Asha, imprisoned in a prison tower, creates divisions between Crown Prince Jeongjin and General Muryang, and attempts to destroy them. A political battle, action, and unpredictable oriental fantasy unfolding against the backdrop of the imperial palace.
