This is a story about a skilled healer who had transmigrated into a single mother. She overcame obstacles with her son, slapped b*tches in the face, and tormented scums. And eventually, she found the "stray dad" of her son."How dare you fled after what happened? You deserve to be castrated today!"
She is the well-known young lady of the Prime Minister’s mansion. However, because of a single promise, she ran into a statue and died. 21st century’s Mu QingGe transmigrates into her dead body. Relying on her mastery of medicines and poisons, she causes a disturbance in the Imperial Court. "I will let you know what it means to be called a fool! Let you know what is true incomparable beauty is!" She stood in the limelight amidst the waves, overlooking the whole world. Many beautiful men swarmed around her but only one of them stood tall. Standing, with his long sleeves, in an imposing manner, "Woman, Jiang Shan is yours, and you are mine." Adapted from a novel written by Qiao Xiao Xi.
??? ?? ??? I cannot forgive you for using me, the God of Astrology to deceive people] If fraud is a skill, Yoo Seolyeon who has a fraud skill score of 99, uses 100% of her talent to run a fortune telling shop. "Please save us, Goddess Diana!" Who am I? Where am I? Before I could even think, lots of people came in and the room falls into chaos... Soo Seolyeon, a fraudulent fortune teller possessed the body of the Goddess Diana. 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From: Easy Going Scans In the eleventh year of the Meiji era carrying swords was forbidden by the government and those known as samurai were slowly fading away. However there were plenty that didn’t like those changes taking place in Japan and inevitably the crime rates increased. Japan’s only resolve was an inescapable lake prison. While the prison had no other way to access it but only through water, the 3 boys of the Kumo family were assigned to transport the criminals to their new “home”. Although... is that the only thing they were doing...?
A tale left untold in the main story starts.
At the age of 19, I, Zabotte Winchester, inherited the legacy of my stepfather and became the owner of the Winchester family. I thought my mother would run the family, so I could live a comfortable life. When I found out I might die from a car accident, I rewrote my life plan. “From now on, I will be the real owner of Winchester.” I will protect Winchester’s wealth and honor, the future of my old and new sisters, and win the loyalty of a man who was the start the night at a ball, all by himself. “Miss Winchester, I will only tell you. Actually, my real identity…” “Shh. Keep your secret, Merrick. The only thing I care about is a man’s kind heart.” “…But why have you been touching my thigh since a while ago?” “Don’t get me wrong. I was exploring where the man’s heart comes from.” She has a little temper, but it turns out she’s a caring older sister. DCMS 자보트를 새 언니라고 부르지 마세요
At the age of 19, I, Zabotte Winchester, inherited the legacy of my stepfather and became the owner of the Winchester family. I thought my mother would run the family, so I could live a comfortable life. When I found out I might die from a car accident, I rewrote my life plan. “From now on, I will be the real owner of Winchester.” I will protect Winchester's wealth and honor, the future of my old and new sisters, and win the loyalty of a man who was the start the night at a ball, all by himself. “Miss Winchester, I will only tell you. Actually, my real identity…” “Shh. Keep your secret, Merrick. The only thing I care about is a man's kind heart.” “…But why have you been touching my thigh since a while ago?” “Don't get me wrong. I was exploring where the man's heart comes from.” She has a little temper, but it turns out she's a caring older sister. DCMS 자보트를 새 언니라고 부르지 마세요
Living for the sole aim of escaping! ‘Light of Rusbella’ was a depressing romance novel. Wishing for a new life, Asili Rosé was reborn as the 8th wife of the Estrian Emperor. She thought she was born with a golden spoon, but it was actually just a gilded spoon? Once she realized that nothing but ruin awaited, she found a diary foreshadowing the future… It foretold Asili’s death by the hands of the Crown Prince, Castor! [“What does the empire mean to you?” After asking this, the Crown Prince smiled so very beautifully. And then he killed me.] Unfortunately, Asili kept coming back to life, and continued to be killed over and over again. As she continued to relive her deaths, she slowly lost her smile and changed. …Let’s try to survive first. ________________________________________________________________________________________ “What can I do for my elder brother?” “Well.” Pale sky blue hair fluttered finely in the wind. He smiled weakly, before parting his dry lips. “Call my name.” “…” My head quickly snapped up. “Call me… Amoru.” His fingertips skimmed along my inner wrist. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Note: This is a oneshot promotional manhwa for the novel of the same name.
“Your Highness! The papers have piled up like this!”I reincarnated as Irene Weber, the younger sister of an aide who is suffering from overtime because of the prince who is in love and neglects his work.Irene, who was buried in work before the reincarnation and died of overwork, intends to protect her beloved brother from such a terrible thing.No overtime! No call after work! Evil boss, go away! Work less and earn more, brother!To the end, Irene tries to separate the prince from her brother.A method to win by knowing your enemy and knowing yourself. Irene scraps a little record without leaving any details, of the Prince whose face she doesn’t even know about, for the future.Somehow, her brother’s face, looking at such Irene, is dark “Brother, if you’re meeting the Crown Prince today, I’ll go with..””Absolutely not.”‘Do you want to meet him alone so much?’***”Before that, Benjamin Weber, when can I meet your sister?” “Not for the rest of your life.”The most affectionate brother and sister of the continent.Will the day come when these two siblings can resolve their growing misunderstanding?
Read manhwa Don’t Look Back, Seisia! / 떠난 악녀를 찾지 마세요 Seisia Lidyne is on the run. After her stepmother berated her once more, it was the last straw for Seisia. With just enough money to take a carriage to a nearby village, she makes her escape from Lidyne Estate. The villagers remain wary at first at the sight of a stranger. Seisia also fumbles as she enters the world of commoners for the first time in her life. Due to a fortunate turn of events, she manages to hide her identity and settle in the village as its healer. She starts her new life as Sha, the village healer. Although some of the villagers remain abrasive towards her, she’s still glad that Lidyne Estate is now behind her. Unbeknownst to the villagers and her own family, Seisia possesses healing powers. She comes from a lineage of dark magicians and as a result, she was the black sheep of Lidyne Estate. Her powers remain hidden until she discovers a wounded man one day. She has no choice but to use her powers to heal him. After he’s healed he introduces himself as Dian and Seisia speculates that he comes from nobility based on his uniform and knowledge of medicinal herbs. He decides to extend his stay in the village while Seisia’s curiosity about him continues to grow. When a villager shares a story about a promiscuous young noblewoman who strongly resembles Sha in description, she decides that it’s time to move on to the next village.
Read manhwa Don’t Look Back, Seisia! / 떠난 악녀를 찾지 마세요 Seisia Lidyne is on the run. After her stepmother berated her once more, it was the last straw for Seisia. With just enough money to take a carriage to a nearby village, she makes her escape from Lidyne Estate. The villagers remain wary at first at the sight of a stranger. Seisia also fumbles as she enters the world of commoners for the first time in her life. Due to a fortunate turn of events, she manages to hide her identity and settle in the village as its healer. She starts her new life as Sha, the village healer. Although some of the villagers remain abrasive towards her, she’s still glad that Lidyne Estate is now behind her. Unbeknownst to the villagers and her own family, Seisia possesses healing powers. She comes from a lineage of dark magicians and as a result, she was the black sheep of Lidyne Estate. Her powers remain hidden until she discovers a wounded man one day. She has no choice but to use her powers to heal him. After he’s healed he introduces himself as Dian and Seisia speculates that he comes from nobility based on his uniform and knowledge of medicinal herbs. He decides to extend his stay in the village while Seisia’s curiosity about him continues to grow. When a villager shares a story about a promiscuous young noblewoman who strongly resembles Sha in description, she decides that it’s time to move on to the next village.