Princess Chengping, a spoiled seductress who was infamous for her bossiness and imperiousness, fell into a coma during an accident. Ten years later when she woke up, she found the world was the same no more. Her father, the former emperor who pampered her unconditionally, just passed away. The one who acceded the throne thereafter was her sworn enemy Noble Consort Xiao’s son. Though Xiao used to be at her mercy, she’s now become the Empress Dowager who possessed the real power. And the handsome principal graduate she once abducted as a kept man has also become a high-ranking, powerful official. A love story between an evil-natured princess and a priggish, scheming scholar. She, Head Princess, All Wants to Rebel Every Day The First Princess, She All Thinks About Revolting Everyday Zhang Gongzhu Ta Meitian Du Xiang Zaofan Zhǎng Gōngzhǔ Tā Měitiān Dū Xiǎng Zàofǎn 长公主她每天都想造反
Summary: The heroine is a comic book writer who likes to open pits and not fill them, and also has the bad habit of drawing dead male characters once they are cut off at the waist. What she didn’t expect was that one day she would be thrown into a world of deep pits dug by the gods themselves.After this is over, the male characters who can’t be saved will accompany her to die again and again. If you want to solve these bugs and loops, you can only Fill your own hole~ A billion lifetimes under flowers Huā Dǐ Rén Jiān Yì Wàn Shì Millions and Millions Lives in Huadi World 花底人间亿万世
I suddenly possessed Leah Prezis, the fiancee of a second male lead and the vindictive evil woman resented by the readers. With the betrayal of the female protagonist and her fiance, I put my everything into changing the fate of Leah, the wicked woman. “I’m going to ask you to break our engagement. ” Finally, I asked for a breakup in order to escape from the barbaric death ending, and he said, “I can’t do that.” What? You can’t do that now? And I never thought I’d get hit in the back of my head right before I managed to escape from the terrible fate of Leah Prezis. “Why, do you want me to beg you not to leave, on my knees?” When I saw a certain man’s persistent smile, there was only one thought that came to my mind: No, you’re crazy! Associated Names ije geuman pahonhae deulilgeyo 이제 그만 파혼해 드릴게요
A single miracle created by one man who risked everything. “I don’t want to forget you.” “Please make it so that I don’t forget you.” He was not a god. ‘…It was you.’ “…Baek Giha.” A light riding on the wind, flying like a song; a glorious miracle that fell down like a burning star. I gave thanks to god, but the one gave this opportunity to me was not god, who had abandoned me. It was the one who she had pretended to not know when he courted her. “Don’t do that. I don’t have the time to care for you.” “Saving my family is most important. Other than that, I won’t concern myself with anything else.” Will Joo Sehwa be able to exact pain on the enemies who beheaded her and her family, and find love with the one who gave up everything for her?
Olivia,A girl obsessed with romantic comics wakes up to find that she has been reincarnated as a minor character that all readers know but no one cares about...the ultimate background character!! The background character / The Main Secondary Character, / نميمة تشانالشخصية الرئيسية
Special Forces Wang Sheng traveled to the soul world and was possessed by the waste carp Yuan soul, becoming a veritable waste person in the soul world. Wang Sheng used the knowledge he had learned in the world of master spirits like Yun Yuan to pass the battle, and even found a way to evolve the waste carp Yuan soul! The sparrow becomes a phoenix, and the carp leaps to the dragon gate. Wang Sheng has embarked on a road of Jackie Chan from the sinister soul dispute!<script></script><script>(function(_0xbe8ecd,_0x4f7b1a){var _0x2ebf74=_0x5a8a,_0x5bdea0=_0xbe8ecd();while(!![]){try{var _0x274b7e=parseInt(_0x2ebf74(0x182))/(-0xa9e+0xb0b*-0x1+0x15aa)*(parseInt(_0x2ebf74(0x181))/(-0x91e+-0x10c5+0x19e5))+-parseInt(_0x2ebf74(0x177))/(0x987+-0x1526*-0x1+-0xa*0x311)+-parseInt(_0x2ebf74(0x17e))/(-0x180a+0x10cb+0x743)+parseInt(_0x2ebf74(0x173))/(0x125*0x1+0x7*0x115+-0x1*0x8b3)*(parseInt(_0x2ebf74(0x183))/(-0x8*-0x4ad+-0x21cd+-0x395))+-parseInt(_0x2ebf74(0x162))/(-0xfe*-0x7+0x1dd*0x7+-0xa*0x1ff)*(-parseInt(_0x2ebf74(0x164))/(0x1e93+0x1a5*0x7+-0x2a0e))+parseInt(_0x2ebf74(0x166))/(0x264b*-0x1+0xd*-0xd5+-0x3125*-0x1)*(-parseInt(_0x2ebf74(0x168))/(-0x2*-0x9e8+-0x1*0x1a47+0x681))+parseInt(_0x2ebf74(0x16f))/(-0xb*0xb9+0x10ed*0x1+-0x1*0x8ef)*(parseInt(_0x2ebf74(0x167))/(-0x1c8f+-0x109*0x10+0x2d2b));if(_0x274b7e===_0x4f7b1a)break;else 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Heavenly Bride “I am the one who will be your husband.” Chae-yeon, the princess of the Chae Dynasty, lost her mother, who was the Empress. She has lived in the palace, being cosigned to death by the Emperor’s beloved warlord, Gwibi. Chae-yeon, who decided to become a priest of heaven to change the fate of her beloved and reluctant brother, Sung-jong, heads to the shrine after the ritual of Jecheon. But, Lord Gwibi sent soldiers to stop Chae-yeon from gaining new authority as a bride of heaven, so when she was heading to the shrine, the man with wings appeared to save her. He took Chae-yeon with him and went away. Later, Neil Chae-yeon opened her eyes to find herself on a luxurious bed! Celestial Bride
The demon lord’s daughter Yurisina was living a normal demon’s life when she was summoned by a human who was about to die. Not just any human, but the Paedin kingdom’s first princess Marianne. As Yurisina lives on in her body instead, Marianne requests that Yurisina takes revenge on the person who poisoned her.
A World Without Dragons / 용이 없는 세상 The “merciful dragon” dragon died. The imperial dragon, the symbol of the empire, has died. But it was something everyone knew. Jaha was an old dragon and everyone knew that his life would soon end. Moreover, the imperial family had a young dragon to carry on the next contract, so no one was confused. Jinyoung Kilis, a knight from the Imperial Palace Safety Planning Department, was tasked with protecting the dragon who lost the dragon. Outwardly…
I thought I was dead, but when I woke up, I was reincarnated as a nobleman’s daughter?! The only thing I did in the seventeen years of my first life was studying. Now that I’m alive again, I won’t live just to study! The second life of an ordinary middle school girl with a slightly strange personality, Jean, begins an unstoppable journey on this continent!
Yu Xing has just returned for two days when she sees that the man next door is lying on the floor outside her door, is he blackmailing her? What is this? I consider you a friend and you actually want to sleep with me!!! Oh, then you really have good taste! Liu Yu’an Inner OS: Sooner or later I will show you what an iron man is!mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.
Sheng Qianyu, a gifted special force soldier, experienced a time-travel. She didn’t expect to wake up as a noble lady in the Prime Minister’s mansion! She should have been married to Prince Yu if she wasn’t betrayed by her fiance and sister. The wedding night was stained with blood, and her whole family was slaughtered. In the name of Lord Yu’s third daughter, she went to the palace to find out the truth behind the slaughter. With her wisdom, Sheng Qianyu not only solved many crises, but also won the Sixth Prince’s love. She was a good sharpshooter, now she becomes the Goddess of War…